Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

As a techie, I've said I was ready for a fast forward.

I don't know if, before that, I should actually get around to looking at Blas' WALL OF TEXT and getting Rin to the briefing, since she is rather busy doing those important things down in engineering.
Okay we've hit that speed bump again. If there are no more questions then I'm wrapping this briefing up. If there really isn't anything going on then maybe I'll even transition to a 'dinner call' and those interested can go eat dinner before we call this day done.
Sorry I haven't been on during the weekend, I've been getting over a severe allergic reaction that looked like it was moving into sinus infection. I've been able to maintain my health though, so I'm going to try and post when I get home today.

I will also try to get on IRC to finish that joint post, Plaid.
Alright, I figure we covered most of what we needed to in Mission 4. I'll be narrating a timeskip through the point of mission 4 - delivering Wazu back to Nepleslia.

Mission 5 will start in the morning hours, roughly four days later, with Miharu at the periphery of the estimated location of Amaya's Gate.

I'll leave the Mission 4 thread open for now while I prep up Mission 5. You can still post in it if you want... but this has been dragging for awhile so I hope you'll understand our need to move on to keep things more entertaining.
Don't worry about me, guys.

I'm in the process of moving to a new home in the city so it's taking up almost all of my time.

Gonna sign the contract and get the keys on Thursday though! Wooha!
I have a JP pending posting. I'm currently in the editing process with the other concerned parties.

Once that's done, Mission 5 will get going.

Expect some railroading in order to get our characters into an appropriate position so to have stuff start happening and us be able to go and do 'cool things'. ~_^
Masako probably needs some railroading a bit if my semester continues the way it is. Got another Essay coming up I need to do, plus a paper for my Economics class (worthless in my opinion).
We're moving into another house this coming week so lots of packing and stuff has to be done. I've got writings and replyings to do so I'll try and squeeze that in when I can. Not meaning to put anything off here.
Sorry for the recent lack of show. My game design team has been working for the past week and will be this week trying to finish up our fighting game. We're a little behind schedule. After that, next week is finals week so my free time is shot right now. If we timeskip, I'll try to post for Takuma if I can, if not feel free to shuffle him around as needed. Thanks!
-pulls himself back up onto dry land, spitting out seaweed, starfish, etc.-

Port Sasebo! Intarwebz! Praise be to God!

I'll try to post here soon. Hope I didn't miss a fuckton.
Probably not Gally. I think.

Almost done moving! The heavy lifting is done. Now its just the smaller stuff which is also almost done. Then my wife gets to start nesting and making the house all homey like.
I'll read back over the thread, and then probably wait for the timeskip. Writing about maintenance might be cool but, eh, maybe not for some people. Did like that whole JP thing, though. Might use that on the wiki.

Sorry for babbling. It's shutting up time nao!
Bit of a double-post, sure, but here's an update;

I read over the last few pages since I left, and it seems kind of like Kyoki and I should kick out another JP to round things off a little bit before the new chapter's started.


Oh shi-

Uh, my schedule is really chaotic at this point. I really don't know when I can show up. Give me some of your times and I'll see when I can fit myself into that?
During port visits, my hours run from 1600-2100, GMT +9. Currently I believe we are 13 hours ahead of central time, or something like that. I can push later, all the way to 2400 or so, but after that I like to sleep.

Also, yes, I do fully intend to sprite drama.
Sorry I took so long to post this Matt. Been busy. We should finish this up sometime. Or if JP'ing it is unlikely we can just SP it to an end.
Hey, nice JP tidbit there.

I have an announcement to make.

We're on the verge of starting Mission 5... but frankly I don't think things are looking very auspicious right now, and it finds me lacking motivation to have things move forward.

Several of the players whom handle the 'big movers' in the Miharu plot - the senior staff - appear to be tied up... and them being active is rather important to this plot's story continuity.

Blas has moved recently (though he's usually available). Abwehran Commander has little free time due to studying, I think. Doshii Jun's efforts to join the police has him be busy as well. It's also been nearly a month since Tom last posted on the site.

It's kind of lame to move in the last stage of an ongoing story and find that those whom could make the most of this are simply not available. I also find myself rather weary of running after players to get them to post with the thought you'd think that if this plot was entertaining, they'd be eager to post in it all on their own.

So... I'm not GMing, until the majority of the playerbase involves shows up and asks me to GM. I convey my apologies to the players eager to participate in the plot but not having senior staff characters themselves - it's not my intention to belittle you, but the participation of the players mentioned is pretty essential in my eyes.

Until conditions are more 'auspicious', nothing stops you from roleplaying with the other characters present to depict the going ons with your character during the trip to Nepleslia or the ensuing trip to the Ether system.
I'm still here and check daily, if only for a few moments.

I'm almost finished with my move. Moving in Japan without a truck is a huge pain in the rear.

I read the engineering post Gallant made and really want to jump in on some action with him and the others, but it's just not possible until this move is finished.

I love Miharu. Always will. Just real life takes priority.