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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I'm right here. I am, in fact, always right here, waiting for an opportunity for my low-level ground-pounder to actually take part in something.
I'm here and still checking in daily (Well, daily-ish. There's a night or two a week that I'm away from my computer from the moment I wake up until I go to sleep). Just haven't posted recently since the search bit is slowing down and I kept expecting that fast-forward to hit any day.
Like Plaid, I'm waiting for something besides eating to pop up for Kai to do, Doshii and I off and on talk about having Kai and Yukari chat about guns for a bit, so I may have to track down our bald-editor/future police officer and get that done.
I'm going to continue writing even if I'm the only one writing. I refuse to stop. If you tell me to stop, I'll just write in secret. Sure I deploy every once in a while, but at least I give warnings, and I try to be active when I'm here - so it's like I'm in short bursts!

If Plaid wants, I garentee that I can find some excuse to bump into your character.
Okay well moving is done. Now it's just unpacking. JOY!

On to other news. I'm currently attending an NCO school here in Campbell till April. Yay!

The rest of it will take place in Ft Eustis. For a month. Fuuuuu~!!! But that's not for a few more weeks. My connection will be spotty. Since I'll have to like use the library or something. I dunno. Maybe they have free wifi in the place they'll herd us. Anyways that's the update on that. Have a nice day.
Perhaps I misspoke (or miswrote?)

To anyone whom sent me word that they'd like me to participate in a JP showcasing sidestories with other NPCs I'm used to handling (Mara, Hinoto, Nimura, Sanri, Sigurd being amongst them) I'm free. A sidestory which may need Kotori? Can probably do as well, depending on the premise.

I'm not in disapproval of sidestories or tangents, as long as they did not slow down the ongoing plot significantly.

However, I'll not start on Mission 5 until we have all the 'marbles' needed to go forward and make it a good climatic story, if you see what I mean.
Actually, if you want a good reason for the ship to be moving slower than normal and concequently take a lot of time to get anywhere, I can give you that. =3
I'm here and wanting to RP, just trying to get my rhythm down for showing up on SARP. Also, trying to get a time when I can actually JP with Gallant. Best time I can think of would be next week? Though I need to actually convert Gallant's times available to actually figure out what works for me....

Looking at it, it appears Gallant's available from Midnight to whenever he has to go? .... Oh right, he's basically on the other side of the planet.... Great. I like sleep though D:
Finally I'm moved in. It's still messy around here, but I got the internet working, everything checks out and my bed's here.

Gonna ease myself back into things.
Congrats on the move Tom. Good luck with the unpack. Always FUUUUUN!

Nice JP guys. That was... too funny. I liked the read and yeah THIS is the stuff we need to sort of build up those interaction scenes and flesh out our characters even further. ^^
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