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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I just want to say that I am thoroughly impressed with the quality of Role Play that went on this last evening. You guys really went into some deep characterization and discussed some hard subject matter. But there were lots of lighter moments too, which really rounded out the feeling of the day.

One of the better RP days I've seen in Miharu's long and storied career. Good job, ya'll.
Sixteen pages and two or three full JP's.

I think we just accomplished an entire month's work.

Let's skate off for the next year.
Oh! I just got Tom Freeman's updated art. Take a look. The artist is Mark, the same guy who does the work in the Nepleslian art commission thread.

A pretty good day for the character overall, if you ask me. Wedding invitations to be sent out soon! :lol:

Tom Artz!

Like the art there? Lack art of your own? Feel like updating your art on the Miharu just for the purposes of stroking your own ego (Much like myself)? Well, guess what; I'm feeling generous.

I'll foot the bill, standard commission, for up to three people. Because I love you guys and the artist is pretty good at what he does, keeps in contact, and deserves a little patronage.
I do enjoy Mark's art.

and holy crap guys slow down, I can't keep up when I'm away at relatives and gatherings and stuff!

Gallant; PM me about your generosity, I have an Idea or two.
Goals we seem to need to achievebefore the mission gets underway:

  • Masako needs her ST backup so she can assemble with the rest of her armor team and start getting them ready...
    • Hinoto should make recommendations on what tools to use best against the projected enemy to help with that.
      • The armor team needs to finish getting organized and set up for the mission.
  • Miyoko needs to escape Sanjuro's clutches and get to the bridge.
  • Tom needs to perform his inspirational speech to the sprites in the Subdeck.

With all this done, we can jump ahead to the actual attack.

I'm just posting this to help people more organized with what they need to do to move the plot ahead.
So, we probably discussed this years and years ago (when dinosaurs ruled the Earth) when Miyoko first started handling backups, but I've forgotten it and lost my notes since then.

How much of the head does the backup helmet doohicky cover? And how aware of their surroundings are people through the process?

Ah, personally, I was picturing either a sort of bed where there was this semi-circular piece of equipment - maybe a forearm-long - that you'd slide down to cover the general area of the head and then you'd access the console to let-it-rip. Aside from looking to the top and the bottom (something the patient shouldn't do because they need to keep their head put) there wouldn't be much to see.

Alternatively, I imagined a robotic-arm with a semi-circular piece of equipment that you'd position much more closely to the person's head, to then access the console and activate. Similar field of vision for the subject except that the device would be much close to the eyes.

It could be Miharu's medlab has the former and Hoshi's the latter.
I'm sorry, Abwehran Commander. I honestly thought that you'd get more people to command around for the Gate power armored romp. Unfortunately, that does not seem to be the case.

You were supposed to also get Yoroko, Takuma and Kaida... but these people aren't active anymore (or when prodded into posting they only make token appearances that can't be relied on).

Unofficially, those three characters are out of this plot. Yoroko and Kaida were probably transferred out at Yamatai as new people came in. As for Takuma, he essentially 'knows too much' to be allowed to leave, so, I figure that he ends up being an NPC operating on some dark, noisy corner of Miharu.

Six is not a 'bad' number, though (4 players, 2 NPCs). It might help keep things moving at a faster pace.
Figured Yukari'd be a little more surprised about seeing Asher poof on the ship.

Proves how calm and collected she is.
Connected to Miharu as she is, she was given most of the details behind it that Mara already repeated. I didn't write that because I was searching for a kick in the nads. Clearly.
Well guys I'm in Virginia now. And looks like internet is good. The room I've gotten hooked up with is NICE. Only downside is I'm away from home. But hey at least I can call Annie on my cell instead of having to wait at a crappy phone overseas. Anyways I need to get some writing done.
A note of caution for those whom would like to use the Black Spiral Positron rifle (BSPR). anti-matter weapons such as this rifle tends to be very dangerous to use inside an atmospheric environment such as inside the gate.

Positrons will be projected out of the rifle, but will emit thier destructive effect at the first matter particle they encounter - and oxygen counts. The result is that the rifle is going to blow up in your hands and possibly cause a good deal of damage to the surrounding (including the user). So, make sure you'll use it in vacuum.
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