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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Just a note to Fred, Kai's Insert is no longer Hemosynthetic, though I don't doubt it's thick enough to have absorbed that thigh blast as well as the hemosynth one would.
Kokuten said:
Does Asher get a bonus with his mental bardsong?

Wait and see.

Kai said:
Just a note to Fred, Kai's Insert is no longer Hemosynthetic, though I don't doubt it's thick enough to have absorbed that thigh blast as well as the hemosynth one would.

I keep reminding myself of that, yet whenever I go and write something that'd apply to that, I conveniently forget about it. x_x
Apparently, when I said that most of the engineering armor had gone with Tom and Ichigo, I was in error. Apparently we've still got armored personnel, but I don't actually know how many!

So, uh, modify as appropriate!?
Lovely how Rin wasn't mentioned at all, whether her attack did anything at all.... =.= So much for that.....
Hey you weren't the only one forgotten.

How about a little status update? When will Nyton's armor be able to move at all? And where did Kotori blink off to? I was gonna check on that in game anyways but I'm curious myself anyways.
Soon as I get some input I'll put out marching guidance although Asher pretty much read my mind. Not to sound morbid though but check this out:

The thought of the spikes ran through the Yamataian's head, but he figured that at this speed Mani didn't quite have the time to properly aim them.

Followed by:

With the swiftness of a striking snake, Mani killed Kai: her zesuaium elbow blade cut into his helmet eye-level, slicing through half of his head.

Wow, talk about foreshadowing. Fred did you plan that? >_>
Nyton's situation is still unchanged.

Nothing new happened with Kotori since either.

I covered Rin 'in general' with the other sprites in the engineering whom were pretty much trying to also do the same. honestly, I thought Rin would be more concerned with obeying Yuzuki than fighting enemies she could barely do anything against.

As for Kai, the spikes are on the shoulder of the Black Mindy and she never had time to tackle him with them. However once she was on her back it seemed fairly straightforward to latch on him (seeing her weapon was destroyed anyways) and poke him in the head with an elbow-blade.

Foreshadowing? It felt a lot like what almost happened to Nyton on Bowhordia and that came to my mind... but I don't think I intentionally foreshadowed it. Kai threw caution to the winds, made a gamble and his enemy unfortunately got a good roll at a bad time for him.

Ironically, I'd point out that any hotshot whom went "rawr, I'll charge and take you on myself" had sort of met an unfortunate end thus far. Masako went berserk and got killed for it. Nyton charged in thinking he could dominate his opponent only to get crippled. Kai and Kyou, rubbing elbows as they did, were actually doing very well until Kai became impatient and tried to end the battle quickly.

I'm not criticizing. I'm just pointing out a trend so that the people remaining might take notice and keep it in mind. It's Asher, Kyou, Tom and Ichigo against Meni and Mani now.
I'm trying to wonder how this Happened when Kai was attacking fer from the front. It's really, really difficult to shove your elbow forward like that....
I thought my description was pretty clear.

Kai wanted to pounce into her and tackle her to the ground so he could keep firing at her point-blank to finish her off. Kai had obviously thrown caution to the winds in the hope of a quick win - he didn't mind losing bodyparts to achieve that.

Mani did two things once Kai tackled her down to the floor - which had her lying on her back, and Kai right over her. She used her left hand to grab Kai by the collar and pulled him closer; while she folded her right arm tight (chicken wing-shape?) and then rolled her shoulder to bring the elbow blade to bear on his helmet.
As far as Kai's death I felt it was pretty clear to me. The chicken wing I could see. I had to pantomime the action a bit to get an idea but for the most part it was clear. Yeah what a way to go. I thought the thing about the wording was clever is all. Very clever and funny and I wanted to point that out. I'm sorry Kai got killed, but he made a noble act of it.

Thing I'd like to point out though is that you had Nyton literally fighting with one hand tied behind his back before this battle even started. I rolled with it because what the hey it's a challenge and I decided to play. But dude, don't lump his action in with other ridiculous blind charges. Nyton specifically gave orders to the team to work together on several fronts, Tom/Ichigo help Masako which meant they occupy Meni, Kai and Kyou were to work to knock down the Akuma's barrier so Asher could cook it since he was already in place. That left Mani all to him and he knew it. His barrier was at full strength because someone thought about restoring it to full power while everyone was in paralysis land. He had the opening and once he got his hands on Mani it was just a matter of time before he got at least one of his four plasma streams into a kill zone. However because we lightning rounded everything Tom didn't have time to write ANY actions and Meni was free to do what she pleased. Several times. Why? Because he was busy, I was busy several times, lots of people were busy. But as soon as one team member wrote a post Meni/Mani/Amaya all got a turn immediately after that.

You had to give Nyton's Super Phalanx a handicap to make it fair? If he wasn't so hamstrung he could have just remained in mid-air, used three plasma emitters to attack Mani and saved the fourth as reserve for back attacks. But you know he kind of was counting on the TEAM to keep Meni busy so even if he couldn't fly and shoot at the same time that should have at least prevented such a crippling strike.

Masako blindly charged in and got pwned for it. Twice. THAT I can see. Kai risked his life and ended up sacrificing himself to save Kyou. THAT I can see. But for crying out loud dude you know how meticulous I am. Don't chump me because we suddenly decided to light speed everything. THAT was what crippled Nyton.

Plus I think you're forgetting something. The bad guys want to win but so do we. We're trying really hard but if our guys ever score a hit it's not until after several rounds where they feel they're losing. Lose long enough and you start to feel like your effort is useless. Kai was willing to lose limbs to win and hopefully that sacrifice would pay off to save Kyou and tip the scales. Kyou's action was running at the same time as Kai's. That wasn't 'team work' enough? I guess not since 'charge' automatically equals death. I know these guys are 'the final bosses' and I'm rolling with the cards we're being dealt. But don't go making Kai's writer feel like he just threw away his character's life for nothing.
I would have to agree, Meni and Mani were assailing us and almost killing Kotori by the time half the armor team had time respond to three enemies being knocked on their back.
Fred doesn't like anime enough to be into the "hotshot" motif, which is why it fails each time someone uses it.
Fred doesn't like anime enough to be into the "hotshot" motif, which is why it fails each time someone uses it.

Miharu has always had a gritty feel to it in the battles, a very strong 'real life' approach to them, with space technology. I wouldn't say it's Fred not liking anime so much as him subtly telling us to treat battle with a GREAT deal of respect.

There were many things Kai could have done, some of which could have saved Kyou without risking his own life, but he found an opening, made a gamble and, unfortunately, lost.

Meni and Mani are very rare, strong and unique foes, with incredible combat skills. Several times it has been blatantly shown that one-on-one tactics against them fails utterly, as they should.

To be on the receiving end of the brutality of their actions sucks a lot, but you'll notice that Fred hasn't killed people who have NOT tried going one-on-one either. Our PCs don't have plot shielding. Fred has explained this to us before. Hell, even Kotori doesn't have plot shielding, as we found out rather bluntly.

So I wouldn't label this as Fred hating anything, actually, but delivering on his promises.

I'm sorry that my posting schedule is up and down speedwise, but I try my best. Fred made it clear that he wanted things fast, but I can't always comply. It does feel a tad unfair to be doing nothing while the others are lightning rounding, but Fred's explanation of us recovering from the stress of the psionic control is a understandable, if bitter, pill to swallow.

Just... don't punish me for not being online at the right time, or anyone else for that matter. We all try our best, which is why we care so much.
Nah man I don't blame you for not being available. It's not your fault and to an extent I don't really blame Fred for the speed at which we went. I knew we were in a fast lane again, okay. So we took some hits because we couldn't all post fast enough. Sucks but we're still alive (most of us) and fighting.

I just didn't like being told that I was chumped because I 'rawr charged' an opponent. An opponent that was about to be overwhelmed if her partner hadn't helped. But technically it wasn't because the 'rawr charge' wouldn't work it was because their teamwork was more effective. And the reason it was more effective was because we were lightning rounding and our guys couldn't write fast enough. Now I didn't blame anyone for anything, least of all not being able to write fast enough. It happens and I accepted it even as I had to suck in a little frustration at being effectively made into nothing more than a 'guiding voice' and 'cheerleader' for the team. I could accept being thrown into the penalty box for the remainder of the game so long as it was understood that we lost turns because of the speed we were going at. Of course M, M, and A didn't lose any turns and got a few extra at each post but hey I still didn't complain. But when I'm being told 'hey you made a stupid move and paid the price for it which is why you're down like a punk' is when I have to say "Excuse me, but with all due respect boss that's BS."

And that's how I feel. I was perfectly fine until then.
You're reading too much into that. It wasn't my intent to apply derogatory qualificatives on anyone so much as helpfully point out certain patterns.

It's, after all, much easier for me to shut up and keep killing you guys with the both of them. I just don't happen to enjoy it, so I tried to provide you guys with contextual knowledge I felt trained professionals would gain a grasp of, especially considering how much a spectator Nyton presently is.

I apologize for any ruffled feelings.
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