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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Rin's available for armor stuffs seeing as she's not really needed in engineering, at least from an OOC view... Can't fix much at the moment. ^^; or at least I can't think of what to do.... Blarg I'm being bad at this.
Kiki, you're going to have to make your own roleplay. I can't help you there if you're just going to make false starts and excuse it on the 'I suck' reason.

It comes down to what you want to do with Rin and how you want to roleplay her. You're not obligated to post - I just expect you to want to post out of a desire to roleplay your character. If it's less pressure for you to have Rin treated as an NPC because you have no ideas, that's fine too.

Hint: Yuzuki asked for other sprite techs to report to her. That's one avenue you could choose if you felt inclined.

* * *

Blas, I edited out the second paragraph of your post, quoted below:

Here's why:
- Miharu's rollbar was ripped off by the Takumi's forward positron cannons. The torn off rollbar smashed against the top of the wardroom (blowing it open to space) before careening off.

- Miharu had a couple of Subspace Detonator Torpedoes left (4?) but those were lost at the same time as the rollbar was forcibly removed. So, there are really none yet... and as tactical officer with the matching station, Nyton is probably well aware of that already (it's really hard to miss the absent, splintered off rollbar).

- Using a subspace detonator torpedo would be suicidal. Its blast radius would disable Miharu's CFS system. The proximity of the attackers and the speed the ship is moving at would hardly allow any selective use of the SD warheads.

Your first paragraph ends with the mention that Nyton is looking for alternatives while obeying Yukari's request. I figure that you can elaborate on that in a latter post instead if it applied.
Oh I see. Sorry man I should've kept up on the damage done to the ship but I lost track of it long ago. I did write subtle inquiries when checking tactical about statuses but it would have been best to just ask direct in a PM or something. Too bad, I thought it would've been cool using torps as bullets instead of bombs.

What about using weapon pods as bullets instead?
As amusing as shooting freebie-like projectile sounds that's kind of unfeasible. The weapon pod launchers aren't really designed to toss them out as projectiles, they wouldn't be able to really aim since they're fixed, the weapon pods themselves would lack power to be homing, and the targets are flying around at 5 kps.
Hey, why not create a little "damage tracker" section on the Miharu wiki? It'd be good for all the players, especially the techies.
At this point, I think a 'what still works' tracker would be more appropriate.

It's a shorter list! ^_^;
No I knew the pod launchers wouldn't be able to hack it. What I meant to imply was if the graviton beams could be used to fling them in addition to debris. Are the graviton beams even an option? I didn't think they would work within this reduced CFS bubble.
I don't see what's stopping them, except that there's a lot fewer graviton projectors still functional then there were at first.

Yukari's pointing out to the two graviton projectors that are inside Hoshi's twin bays. Usually, those are to help guide/reel in vehicles and power armor in... so their operating arcs are pretty restrained, but anything within Miharu's CFS bubble (read: in normalized spacetime, as outside the graviton particles will get frozen in time like everything else) is fair game.

That includes any target, from tossed out weapon pods to ship wreckage to NMX Bombers... though again, keep in mind that the enemies are close and moving very quickly in relation to the swiveling capabilities of the projectors and turreted cannons.
Then it would be necessary to coordinate navigation, sensors, and weapons jointly in order to hit anything.
Unless, of course, you enjoy being in the firing line of a craft that packs ADR4/5 weapons that will mow down your Daisy power armors with little effort.

This is just a situation in which power armors like the Daisy greatly pale in effectiveness. The Mindy, whom normally would have the speed, range and firepower to confront mishhu battlepods, are themselves near useless as well due to the 'local weather'.
Yukari, to be honest, would not have let the armors out. The moment the armors somehow failed to keep up with Miharu is the moment that soul was lost forever to time. She's not about to let that happen.
May as well ask this while I'm thinking it: what about explosives, or shuttle craft armament? Can't we toss them out, guide them in close with a beam, and blow it near a pod? What about the shuttle craft's power sources? Do they have any battery power we could siphon off and use for the CFS?
We'd have to manipulate the bombs so they A) explode while still in the CFS and B) don't take us out with them.

It's possible, but Yukari's flying around like a madwoman trying to keep the bombers off Miharu's tail. It would have to be a very precise action. Turrets seem more likely to work.

Don't know about the shuttles.
Dude, what about using the fleet debris? Just fly into it and make like Han Solo in the asteroid field.
Can I ask for some more movement out of the medlab, for Kyou and Masako's sake?

Blas, if you can arrange that it'd be appreciated. Like, get them out of there.
Hey I was leaving it open so Matt could post out a little more on how Masa is dealing with her condition but given the time it's been, can do. Give me some time to follow through.
What's stopping Tom from shrinking the CFS bubble really tightly around the ship and freezing the battlepods?

All Yukari would have to do is stop to avoid slamming into debris, then we'd just widen the field little by little as we made our way out.
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