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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Really? Uh... herm...

I guess I'm a stickler for generic layouts. Any particular disadvantage I'm not seeing here?
Well, the Leader pack could just be replaced with the Daisy C's Compact Sensor Suit Pack.

The Daisy keeps its forearm weapon under the forearm shield. It doesn't have to replace it like the MCAS.

You'll lose out on the capacitor and NSD launchers.The Daisy doesn't support hardpoints for that gear (the absence of CFS bubble really hurts the recharging capabilities of the drones anyhow). The capacitor can still be replaced with another shoulder weapon, though (plasma rifle for all around performance, or a flame thrower for that close range mashmallow-roasting goodness).

Take note that the Daisy is less modular than the M10 MCAS, but most of its default gear is in-built and that makes the Daisy a rugged, streamlined design which might have slightly more combat endurance and less equipment breakoff in the face of attrition.

Also, taking a default Daisy will take less time for Tom to set up... and it's the armor that the Miharu has been using since it launched. Sentimental value FTW!
Re: [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

You know what, you make a lot of good points. I'm not too armor savvy (or tech savvy), and I think I'll stay with what works. I mean, the Daisy has never let Tom down before, right?

Sturdy, regenerative and awesome.

Let's take the standard Daisy with the sensor suit pack (for leadership backup)


Ke-M2-W2909 Accelerated Plasma Rifle (This can be shoulder-mounted?)

Left Leg: Ke-M2-W2907 Countermeasure Augmentation Pods

Right Leg: Ke-M2-W2908 Offensive Augmentation Pods (Missiles only)

Butt Pack: (Extra clips and a few grenades for the LASR)
Looks good.

One of the shoulder hardpoints for the Daisy supports a 'shoulder rack'. It's a stowage point for handheld weaponry and, really, the most common shoulder hardpoint the Daisy uses anyways. So, your plasma rifle with be available; all Tom needs to do is reach over his shoulder, grab it by the hilt, unhook it and then use to his heart's content. Pew pew.
You know, what we need? A dorsal ammo module. Just a large shielded, armored case backpack that contains ammo for everyone. Would be nice for extended and or risky operations like this.
Would the shoulder capacitors I shoved on Rin's armor help with the barrier shield module recharge? It's the main reason I took it.
In the battle against Eve, Asher was packing a few of those capacitors to help power his teleportation module. However, he took quite a beating and his AIES made the decision to use up the power in the capacitors to flash-restore to full the barrier shielding of Asher's Daisy.

After all, Asher would do no teleporting if he was taken out.

The AIES of Rin's power armor is likely going to do the same to help lengthen the lifespan of its pilot.

Also, I'm fairly certain the M8 Nadia can camouflage itself.
Blagh, hell. Sorry Kyoki! Will edit! I wanted to get a post out for Fred.

The answer will be a very, very kind and understanding "no."
Will get some posting done when I can.

Hey is this the same flagship of Melisson's from Lor? For real? Would that mean Nyton would also know some of the layout? He was on that same ship back then and while there's probably going to be some changes I guess, you know redecorating and such, it should be familiar since he made note to record everything in detail at that time.
Yes, it was.

The vessel Nyton escorted Hanako in was the Shlarvasseroth, though at the time it wore the guise of a Blrakkrashiverinth-type battleship through volumetric camouflage to have the new ship-class hidden for maximum shock effect for when it would use its transposition array to transfer a moon into a decaying orbit over Lor.

The ship's true appearance was seen sometime later by Hanako, Kage Yaichiro and others sometime later on a later Sakura mission.

Nyton did record his entry, but that was from one of the shuttlebays which then took an elevator platform. There's bound to be familiar points in the ship's interior, but it's not going to get very familiar until they get close to the observation deck where Melisson received them.
Here are the Lorath moon drop JPs, including the encounter with Melisson on the Shlarvasseroth.

Here's some selected parts about the ship interior and Nyton:
Doshii Jun said:
Blagh, hell. Sorry Kyoki! Will edit! I wanted to get a post out for Fred.

The answer will be a very, very kind and understanding "no."
R- really? No?... Why?
Re: [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Nyton's loadout:

Back: Ke-M2-W2909 Accelerated Plasma Rifle with a Ke-M2-W2909-RGL 50mm Rapid Grenade Launcher

Plasma Rifle: 50 rounds
Grenade Launcher: 3 High Explosive Incendiary rounds

Upper Right Arm: 3 Magazines; Grenade Launcher, HEI (9)

Hip: Ke-M6-W2901 ASP Mk.I Type 29 Armor Service Pistol; in holster

Pistol: 50 HESH rounds

Waist Belt: 3 ASP magazines 50 HESH rounds (150)/3 LASR magazines 100 HE rounds (300)

Lower Left Leg Bandoleer: 3 grenades (1 Concussion/1 Fragmentation/1 Incendiary)

Lower Right Leg Bandoleer: 3 grenades (1 Concussion/1 Fragmentation/ 1 Incendiary)

Left Forearm Nodal System: 2 LASR magazines 100 HE rounds (200)

On Hand: Ke-M4-W2901 Light Armor Service Rifle/Sniper Styled Variant

LASR: 200 HE rounds
Nothing against you, I promise that.

Yukari explains ICly.

Doshii Jun said:
"Hei-san. ... Rin-san." Yuzuki was much easier. "Support Mara-Shoi the others. Hoshi must be here for us when we return. The best justice we can deliver in Miharu's memory is surviving this battle. Survive for her. Understand?"
Meh. I say if she wants to come she can come. Fred laid the posting rules down, so it's all up to the player to keep up his/her side of the bargain.
Give me until later tonight to come up with a weapons load out. I have been lax checking the OOC thread.

Going to make a run at keeping up the posting pace. The ship is in a down period and will be for the next half a month.

Shake n' bake.
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