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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Could somebody with characters in the medbay please toss off a quick reply to Miyoko's question? No rush, just wanted to make sure it isn't missed in the posting flurry.
Tom said:
Judging by the cannibalism Mishhuvurthyar employed on themselves, playing dead wouldn't work here.
Awesome observation by Tom. This sent a little chill down my spine, yo.
Trying to post at you Kel, I just got off work and it was a late night. In fact start expecting a lot of those guys. just a heads up. Its why I kept asking for a list of confirmed names. little time to check myself.
Sanri (Dead shuttle pilot)
Junko (Dead - in imploding ship section)
Eiko (Dead - was in wingpod when Takumi shot at it)
Unnamed wounded sprite from NH-23 Kidnapper Mindy missile attack
Unnamed sprite killed by invading Mindy armor Suzume later killed
Unnamed sprite killed by invading Mindy Armor Junko later killed
Azumi (nurse killed in torpedo blast)
Miko (sprite/helper-nurse killed in torpedo blast)

2 sprites accompanying the Shibafumi sisters and got shot down by Mindy drones - survival undetermined. Can't recall if they were given names or not.

X number of sprites potentially dead or wounded from Mindy invaders or ship damage (i.e.: torpedo blast)

Mara (apparently the person in charge of the defense line, in power armor)
Hinoto (sitting in the bridge and being pretty)
Miyoko (on bridge, waiting on Nyton to post, wishing she was elsewhere)
Kotori (using the power of her mind to materialize salmon out of thin air)
Masako (wounded, about to get into power armor)
Ozuno (alive, recently used by Gallant)
Suzume (alive, in power armor)
Nimura (active, in power armor, godmoding)
Ichigo (was wounded, probably ready to fight again)
Tsuya (alive, in power armor, plotshielded)
Yoroko (alive, in power armor)
Takuma (alive, in power armor)
Kaida (probably in power armor)
Nao (wounded, setting up defenses?)
Ayumu (sole remaining nurse?)
Sanjuro (alive, somehow)
Shizuka (alive, Blas's pet caretaker)
Akiko (alive, Blas's other pet caretaker)

Spare sprite names not yet used up:
Cho, Haya, Kichi, Kuni, Maya, Kinu, Tori, Rei, Tama, Etsu, Hisa.
Fred said:
Miyoko (on bridge, waiting on Nyton to post, wishing she was elsewhere)
Kotori (using the power of her mind to materialize salmon out of thin air)
If Kotori does pull off the salmon thing, Miyoko might change her mind about whether she wants to be on the bridge.
Kotori is still on the bridge. She refused to go to the medlab.

1. Maybe because Sanjuro's there. =P
2. Or maybe because what the medlab can't do much for her anyways.
3. Being in the medlab means not being on the bridge, and so not know what's going on.
4. If Mishhu enter Hoshi's rear hatch, the medlab is -straight ahead-. Being in the bridge is safer by comparison.

I misread a post like half a week ago to mean that Mara was going on the away team too, so! If Miyoko's actions in my last few posts seem dumb, that's why.
Edited my post in the torpedo loading room. Yukari's not quite sure if there are munitions inside of the room or not.
WOO, Asher gets the first kill of the fight!


Well, more of a destruction if you count it's just equipment, but he might kill something in the process.
Mission 5, Part 2: Torpedoes blow up in the Black Knights faces

If it's worth anything, it was a rather well executed attack on Kyou's and Asher's part - I enjoyed reading that. However, hitting at a torpedo launcher which had anti-matter warheads that served to blow up the YSS Empire along with the foreshadowing of the sort of damage these can cause considering that bomber torpedo that hit Miharu sets this endeavor in the 'be wary of what you wish for' department.

Not to mention that the damage caused to the Mishhu ship isn't sufficient to stop it either.

You guys can have another try at it - I made a short rollback to Nyton's previous post before Yukari made the big decision. Your posts are still there so you can reuse their content if need be. Hint: whatever you do, don't go and try to hit on the anti-capital ship live ammo.
Lol... I just logged on and was wondering why there was a new thread.

Guess I know now! XD
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