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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Sorry if I'm slowing it down a bit these last couple of days, I'm not at home. Should be back tomorrow evening though, and then I can get on posting more then once a day or so.
Apparently I just need to read the entire thread about four times before responding, guh. Somebody just post, "And then Miyoko got eaten by a pterodactyl."* It won't matter because I won't actually notice the post until three weeks later.

*Note: Do not actually do this or I will cut you.
For every word you speak, for every moment you dawdle, Kotori dies a little more. I don't necessarily want you guys to rush through your action, but expediency is the word of the day.

This refers to Nyton's latest long winded suggestion, but really applies to everyone. If you want to keep things short, you'd be best to relay most of your non-spontaneous discussions or recommendations via telepathy or text messages.

Also another point: Yukari has in the past had her rank taken a bit lightly. I've noticed that non-GM characters in command tend to be taken more lightly than a GM character. There's a bit of hypocrisy in that, and I'd be grateful if you guys were vigilant about that double-standard.

If Yukari says "Jump!" and that you would listen without question if it had been Kotori saying "Jump!", then jump. This doesn't mean that specialists under her whom are more skilled at something should shut up, but rather than argue try to implement her orders for the results she desires. As it was, Nyton's proposal actually brought little to the table that was different than Yukari's actual battleplan but we got a long diatribe on the topic - I would've found far more credible to have Nyton implement it and then just announce: "I'm taking X, Y and Z with me early to get them in a crossfire."

Because in a way, I can understand Yukari's frustration, and it isn't fair. Try to be careful about that.
Yeah, Fred has a point. I play commanding characters in two plots, but they're never quite taken as seriously as the actual GM character itself.
I've had a conversation with Doshii about the differences between being the commanding officer and the one calling the shots, and the leader of an armor team (like Nyton is better suited for). Just as much as I'd like for Yukari to retain her credibility as a commander (when she gets her own ship, she's going to look deserving of it for more than just Doshii becoming a GM), characters like Nyton are entitled to not just become like grunts under her command too.

Blas, sorry if this came off as harsh and solely directed at you. fine tweaking this is tricky and I was annoyed by real-life stuff earlier this morning too so it might have bled out in my writing too.

Hopefully, future posts will have less conflicts like that. Yukari will get to act like the CO and make the big decisions and demands out of her subordinates, while others like Tom and Nyton will get to implement it. It works with Kotori, so, hopefully it'll work with Yukari.

What Aendri said. Everything's left. Once.

Grab what you want. Just don't expect resupplies after you do.
Just wondering if firing an incendiary grenade into the middle of them would actually even be a good idea. Worried about anything cooking off... heh heh... or if it'd fry the elevator controls or something.
*takes deep breath*

Okay I am so glad I had to run back to work. Fred, I understand you were upset over real life stuff and I have to admit at the time I felt a little stressed due to the time crunch I was under when I glanced here, so I have to admit that being forced to step back for several hours is a good thing.

I don't think I need to rehash the issue regarding officers since you and Doshii discussed but I do need to address one thing and it is that I have written Nyton not being as respectful towards Yukari in regards to her rank. You know there had been a time when they were on more friendly terms but it's been a while and since then I think they've lost a lot of the rapport that they used to have. It's not really either character's fault, they've both been focused on duties elsewhere. The times they spend on the bridge does not give them much of an interaction time either. Although they do work quite well together when it comes to blasting things apart.

Anyways, the lack of respect is the player's fault, me, and I realized that earlier so I had been trying to work on repairing that by having Nyton defer to her rank as he should/would be doing. Instead of just ignoring my bad writing I figured I'd roll with it and leave it up to Nyton to at least restore that professionalism and courtesy due Yukari's rank.

So that being said, that is why instead of just cutting her off, or being terse with his ideas, he has been 'suggestive' and addressing her by rank while leaving the final decision to her. Nyton knows they're on borrowed time and I the writer also know that. However two officers, one being the junior with a damaged professional relationship to the senior, means that the junior one, if he is going propose a counter plan to the one the senior made, is gonna need to give her a damn good reason and explanation as to why they should take his idea. Did it mean taking extra time? Yes but he really believed his idea would be more successful and if he seized control and usurped Yukari that would both waste more time and be horribly unproductive not to mention damaging to the team's cohesion.

Doshii, I'm not bashing anything I'm just laying out why I the writer wrote Nyton proposing a plan and the merits that I saw would be more effective and thus put it forth. According to what I read and maybe I didn't get the full effect but I know I read it several times:

1. The elevator according to how I envisioned the scene was in front of the gathered Mishhu. Close enough for them to see it. If a ship's elevator opens there's usually a reason. This ain't a hotel where kids go around pushing the up/down buttons for fun. That means that when the doors open the Mishhu will invariably look over and think 'whose coming out? why is there no one there? that's odd maybe we should look closer.'

2. The team is stealthed but Tom and I assume the other engineers could work on this too, have to remove a panel near the same elevator that is near the Mishhu. If he makes a sound while removing it that could alert the enemy. If he removes the panel and for no reason but bad luck they look over to him and see some panel floating in mid air being carried by a stealthed armor they're gonna know something is up.

3. Yukari's plan was reactive rather than proactive. Basically if the enemy caught wind of them then they attack. If the enemy detected them they would lose some surprise. Yes they would still get first shot but if any Mishhu got a chance to fire off a few rounds they may hit the panel that Tom needed to open and destroy the important port that was going to be used to take control of the elevator. Tom would also be stationary and unable to react as quickly in the case of a conflict thus leaving him more exposed to injury.

4. Taking into consideration the notion that the elevator is a critical objective, we needed to shift the Armor team over a bit. The plan was a simple but effective firing line. However it was positioned from one angle. Basic infantry tactics teach that shooting the enemy from two sides is better so long as the two sides shooting aren't in direct line of each other. Hence one team takes a flank and the other takes a different flank but moved away from the panel so as to reduce the risk of it being damaged.

These reasons led me the writer to propose the idea that Nyton did. Could he have done it via telepathy or faster texts, yes but that was my fault, as the writer, in not considering that. Being reminded this I can now remember to use this to help save time in future posts. Thanks for the heads up Fred.

Can we say it's all cool now? >_>
What? I'm confused.

Is Tom going to the panel like Yukari ordered or is he going with Nyton?

I thought Tom was going to the panel, stealthed while the others opened fire so that his elevator hijinks would not cause a distraction.
Oh. Guess things weren't clear. Is okay. Yukari said to go with Nyton's plan. Rather than leaving Tom exposed he helps with the shooting, that way he can help bring the enemy down faster. He's a good shot after all.
Well... we need to move quickly then.

Something in my gut tells me a preemptive strike isn't the best course of action. I liked the 'reactionary' plan because there is a chance of not having any detection whatsoever.

With this plan, we are detected and the enemy comes before Tom gets to the panel.

Would you be particularly pissed if Tom went with Yukari's idea instead?
Yukari went with Nyton's plan. He needs to follow the order.

It's cool, Blas. Like I said earlier, you're an actual soldier and you know this stuff. I don't. And it provides interesting RP seeing the two officers clash without clashing. After all, Yukari was going to be demoted below him, then she was promoted above him and kept her XO position. I'm surprised there's not more animosity between them, especially with Kotori in the middle.