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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Personally, having worked with the ship's VBSS team (The boarding team) as the boat engineer, I'm aware that they always maintain a 'bubble' - guns pointed in every direction. If we're moving there's a rear guard. It seems to me as if we're running a risk of being flanked right now, in an enemy ship where we don't know the exact lay of the land, or how many people are on board or where.

For instance, the fire could draw some enemies we -didn't- see. But I'm not complaining much.

I guess that's less important when most of us have 360 vision though.

I am just a sprite. I do what I'm told.

Yes sir!

(Also Kai is talking about the new character art)
Gallant said:
Personally, having worked with the ship's VBSS team (The boarding team) as the boat engineer, I'm aware that they always maintain a 'bubble' - guns pointed in every direction. If we're moving there's a rear guard. It seems to me as if we're running a risk of being flanked right now, in an enemy ship where we don't know the exact lay of the land, or how many people are on board or where.
It's the risk you run with someone like Yukari up front (and me as her player).

She stripped, fumbling with the suit as she chose an armor from the rack, attempting to do everything at once. It didn't quite work. A pause and a deep breath later, and she was stark naked, kicking the suit - uniform, boots and all - to the side with the helmet.

The armor opened. The armor closed.

With murder in her eyes, Yuzuki stepped away from the armor rack and grabbed a 50mm Gauss Bazooka from the weapon closet, along with one of the prepped magazine packs that were hanging around the area and began to fumble with the hard-points on her armor. In the end she succeeded with the Bazooka, but the pack just went over her shoulder.

She reached again, and found an APR.
Kiki, I deleted your post. You wrote:
Rin removed her mark for using her grenade, realizing that Nyton had been right. In her eagerness, she had neglected to think about collateral damage such as the elevator control. It was an enlisted mistake! She mentally smacked herself. She had to keep herself under control.

Upon command, Rin fired small, controlled bursts at the enemy she had designated.

I removed it for obvious reasons as my latest post should reveal. Nyton's concerns were valid, but I did not write out all the havoc your grenade caused just to have you not do it in the end. =P

* * *

Also, notice I'm not going to do this blow-by-blow unless you guys go in a more major confrontation. Planning, group intent and opening posts are going to be more important - most of the Miharu's crew are either seasoned fighters or level-headed supporters so by now the expertise and skill of most of you has been richly demonstrated already.

This will expedite fights, but also make them more brutal - and that's a double-edged sword. Tight teamwork, a modicum of caution and alacrity as you drive toward your goal should still serve you well.
   * Handheld:  Ke-M2-W2909 APR/SLAG
       - Ammo:  (N/A, Power-dependant)
       - Ammo:  Ke-M4-W2901 25×100 mm SLAG-HEI (5)
   * On Back:  Ke-M6-W3000 50mm Gauss Bazooka
       - Ammo:  50mm Steel-encased Thermite (6)

   * L Forearm:  Ke-M6-D2901 Handheld Elliptoid Shield
   * L Forearm:  Ke-M6-W2901 Pulse Energy Weapon 
       - Ammo:  (N/A, Power-Dependant)
   * R Forearm:  Ke-M6-W2901 Pulse Energy Weapon
       - Ammo:  (N/A, Power-Dependant)

   * R Leg:  Ke-M2-W2907 Countermeasure Augmentation Pods
       - Ammo:  Ke-M2-W2907-MFMA (10)
   * L Leg:  Ke-M2-W2907 Countermeasure Augmentation Pods
       - Ammo:  Ke-M2-W2907-MFMA (10)

Extra Clip/Magazines (Buttpack):
   * Ke-M4-W2901 25×100 mm SLAG-HEI (2 Magazines of 3)
   * 20mm Depleted Uranium/Nickel Alloy Rounds (6)
   * 50mm Fragmentable Rounds (12)

Note: Aside from the two guns she chose, and the extra ammo she grabbed, the rest is standard Daisy.
Oh yeah I meant to write out Nyton's intentions regarding the set up of traps. Granted he's only taking the time while the engineers work on opening the panel and hacking the elevator. In other words, not much. But this is Nyton, he's not only experienced in making all sorts of anti-personnel traps, he can do it with only the barest of materials. And right now he's got plenty to work with.

His focus was to line the entrances with explosives set to go off when tripped by the enemy's approach. Barring that or if given enough time he would also set up a bunch of the Mishhu railguns in various crossfire positions that were indirectly aimed towards the entrances. The triggers would be set up with trips that would pull on a weight that would then squeeze the trigger. If the enemy was found and cut the trip then a counterweight set in the opposite direction would fall and squeeze the trigger. If after all that the enemy still manages to disrupt and break through the traps then there would be one last trip rigged to blow up the weapons and ammunition in the room and deny the enemy access to them.

Oh if only he had the time, heh heh heh.

I figure it would take a few minutes to open the panel and hack in? I'd say Nyton could accomplish half that with Kai's help.
Drat, I still owe people Hoshi-side a post.

I'm at work, short on time and can't cover it at the moment. I'll make a new post about it later. Just know I haven't forgotten you - something is supposed to be happening to you guys too.
Melisson said two things.

The first was that the winner would be free. Arguably, the worth of being 'free' on Nyton is nebulous. Hinoto killing him while he was Melisson's thrall and then respawning him should have worked. They were pretty sure it did. Did it really, though? ~_^

If Nimura wins, she would also be 'free'. Would that make Melisson stop enforcing her to serve her? Would that return Nimura to normal, considering how she was turned into a stoic and mostly emotionless warrior genius?

Melisson seemed to desire high stakes worth fighting for. Whatever her reason - Yukari suspect amusement/entertainment - she wanted it to be worth something to the participants even if their moral compasses were offended by her meddling. Unfortunately, credibility is one of Melisson's redeeming points - when she says something, she means it and she will back it.

Melisson pit one against the other and claimed that the one whom killed first would win. If Nimura wins and isn't any longer under Melisson's control, that turns her into a potentially innocent victim whom was denied the right to be herself for years. Yukari's assurances that Nimura is a shell might not hold so true - but it's a convenient lie as believing it pretty much makes killing Nimura easier to swallow.

There's also a more pragmatic view of that. Nimura's winning, Nyton's ride is wrecked for the moment and he lost a lot of his firepower in that ammo explosion. If the goal is to win against Melisson, who's survival is the most valuable to the Black Knights to win the mission? Nimura's combat capabilities are not inconsiderable, she may be very motivated to get revenge on Melisson and Yukari/Nyton are having a bit of an authority tug-'o-war. =P

Things aren't conveniently black and white here, I'm afraid. ^_^;

The second thing Melisson said was that she'd make sure the odds became even on interference. So, if someone joins in, Melisson apparnetly has the means to make it 'sporting'. That means getting into another fight that would endanger more than just Nyton and Nimura, and thus be more of a hit on the success of the Black Knights' present mission. Joining in does not assure Nimura's death, does not assure Nyton's survival, and endangers anyone else getting involved.

Melisson may also have a potential mean streak to anyone not going along with her 'rules of engagement'. Yukari so far seemed pragmatic enough to acknowledge that as long as she went by them, they'd likely make it farther. Kind of "you go farther when swimming along with the current".
Theoretically, whatever happens, the Black Knights will carry a potential traitor with them. Barring a mutual kill. Such is life with Melisson.
I feel really bad for Blas here. He looks pretty much screwed and, judging by all logical approaches to the situation, it seems best for the group to let the battle reach its seemingly grisly conclusion for Nyton.

But we're all standing there watching this. It feels damn mean to me as a player to do nothing here. Argh. I don't want to bail on my fellow player here.