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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Hee hee you know I thought this may happen. Good job Jake you picked the wrong choice in the Choose Your Own Adventure. The End!

Just kidding ya man! Still, HEY, Nyton stepped back and let Yukari call the shots without being manly pushy. I think she may still be sore over his cutting her off earlier.
Heh. You still remember that? XD

Just a precision: the elevator Hinoto mentioned isn't in the immediate vicinity. She was asking if Yukari wanted to be lead to it instead of slowly creeping around. Accessing the elevator means risking contact with the enemy since these are high traffic areas, so she asked if Yukari was willing to risk a fight there.
Actually one thing I was wondering was whether or not it would be possible to roll one of those anti-matter torpedoes down the hall and then cook it off with a drone once it got closer to the massed horde.
Just remember that Hoshi is still rather close. The Mishhu horde you saw is just in the next room. and that horde is probably one of three considering that the chamber where Hoshi was had three passages out.

Do you really want to take these kinds of risks, possibly draw attention to yourselves and meddle with the task of defending the ship when you're the only ones whom have a chance to kill Melisson? Is it going to be worth it?
Meh it was just a thought. I had a cool picture in my mind of an anti-matter torpedo rolling down into the middle of the crowd, Mishhu looking at each other with that 'What's that? Oh shi-' look before the torpedo gets set off and consumes them. XD
Guys, if I can clarify my opinion on this matter:

We need to be exceedingly careful here. We are 8 people, EIGHT. Versus over 2000 enemies. We're on their turf, we have no fortifications. Nothing.

The only strength we have is our stealth. That's it. No amount of firepower or 'blowing things up' will be beneficial to our goal, which is getting to the infection queen.

We are like scared mice in a pit of snakes, except all the snakes are sleeping. One of us, ONE just has to make a wrong step here and the whole group becomes dinner.

Imagine the implications of blowing up ammunition here. The best result is that it kills a bunch of Mishu and draws attention there. That is also the WORST result, because when hundreds, if not thousands, of mishu are pouring into that area we wrecked, some are bound to find us.

When that happens, it's game over. A team of 8 power armors has no chance against 100 mishu, let alone the sheer numbers we have to deal with.
The mishap is ultimately an issue of situational awareness. Just like you guys don't take a metal knife and stick it into an electrical outlet, had you all kept in mind the the concerns about live ammo it's more than likely that Yukari wouldn't have taken the same decision.

Tom posted his opinion and cautions, something Yukari did not have previously. Perhaps it will ICly motivate why she's going to take a different decision.
Hey I think we've already gotten a good idea of what our options and the risks are. Let's just go with the stealthy option. I mean we can still eliminate small numbers quietly and while the elevator is a risk it's doable. The chances of being seen are greater but that's the trade off. In my opinion, if we took the longer routes we could possibly move faster because we won't have to worry about enemy forces. With the enemy converging towards Hoshi then we have even less enemy to worry about avoiding. In this case, the longer route is the faster route due to this.
I'm not even going to read that. Making the mistake is punishment enough.

Now I remember why I got out of management.

However, to make sure the punishment sticks: I was reading the details of the munitions room and, like an RPG player, figured "every detail could mean something." Then Hinoto talking about the fight and I was like, "Yeah, we can create a diversion!" So I figured that what I was supposed to do was set off the munitions. Not reminding myself they're all anti-matter. Or reminding myself of anything other than, "Yeah, the players might be bored and probably want to get to shooting, and this could go off really well!"

Again, why I got out of management. And leadership in general.
I'm sore about this. I realize how dumb it was and I'm sorry Yukari/me wasn't smart enough to put people in their place. I've explained my reasoning. I learned a lesson.

No one needs it rubbed in their face.
I think that's just because Rin is prejudice against enlisted, fighting soldiers, she'd probably think that even if we didn't suggest blowing up any munitions. So don't worry about it, that's just the character being judgmental.
Uh, I agree with Kokuten, Doshii.

Rin's got a running disdain for enlisted so some unfathomable but long running reason (despite her being enlisted too =P ). As far as Rin is ICly concerned, Asher and Kyou were the ones whom suggested they do something with the munitions aloud and thus her scorn as accompaniment to Tom's chiding about how live torpedoes tend to blow up when shot at.

Seriously, no one is thinking bad about you. I think few just took the incident in stride with a 'whoops, yeah, there was that' and then move on. Situationally, just as no one sticks their finger in a working toaster or shove a knife in an electric outlet, your characters probably wouldn't have ICly done that if I had taken the pain to describe through scans that there were indeed volatile live ammo loaded in the launcher and that blowing them up would have catastrophic consequences for the armor team.

If this is anybody's bad, it's mostly mine. I didn't have the torpedo launcher there to be interacted with so much of as scenery. Because I knew details and that it seemed obvious to me, I failed on properly sharing them. That's not your fault at all.

So, I assure you, you don't have to be so self-conscious not to mention there's really no harm done (everyone else but Doshii seems to have taken it rather painlessly) and I kind of sped things up to make up for the 'time wasted' so we really haven't suffered from it.

Can we now just move on in writing the final leg of our plot? I'm sure you'd rather get on to the good story stuff rather than feel bad about a speedbump too. Take it easy man. Go snuggle with K. Have babies. Then come back and RP with us. ^_^;

Seriously, I apologize. I'm sorry this wasn't very fair to you since you had the responsability of calling the decision. I'd like to think I was fair in handling this mishaps. I don't want you to feel bad, but you still seem to. I'm not sure of what else I can do to make you feel better about this either - I just hope you will.
Actually, reading back on it. No ones mentioned blowing up any munitions. Yukari only thought about it, Asher mentioned strapping a grenade to a drone, and Kyou surmised that the area may be important.
Whatever. Fudge it. I'm kind of weary of the specifics at the moment, as long as we move on to better things.
It's fine. Sorry, Kyoki. That was unfair of me. Thanks, Kokuten. Also, Fred: It's OK. I should know better anyway. Situational awareness is one area in which I need to improve.
That was an IC thing targeted at Asher and Kyou. Sorry. I guess I misread.... I thought it was something like Asher wanting to make things go boom and then Kyou thought it was in a munitions storage so... yeah. Those two combined together, sorta, and along with Tom's comment was just bad.
Geez. How big are these bugs and worms and stuff? I figured it was just random animals living on a Misshu ship or something since it's kinda organic and stuff.
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