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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Thought bubbles would suffice, Aendri. After all, the point is roleplaying your character. Having a lack of actions you'd consider more fruitful doesn't stop you from putting life into Kyou.
AHHHH! I remember writing that! *squee*

But give credit to Gallant too, who created the general principle for me to word. His character at the time would have worded it herself if her language skills had been strong enough.
*gives Tom internets cookie* And a nicely written bit that too. I remember reading that too. Was I still overseas when that was going on? *needs to check time stamp again* Yes, yes I was. Wow. The memories.

Sorry for the delay. Had to eat dinner.
There are multiple conversations going on with Melisson, branching out into different areas.

Is it best to have Tom and Nyton (and maybe Asher and Yukari and everyone else) keep doing this multi-threaded conversation and assume Melisson can speak to us simultaneously or slow things down for a more easy to read narrative?

I'm willing to sit back and let Nyton finish his conversation if that is the case.
Is Yukari displaying any kind of body language that would show how dejected and defeated she's feeling?
Not that she notices. Melisson might be making her look dejected or stand tall. Yukari thinks she's standing in a normal, if stiffened, way.
Hey Jake,

I've been wondering: why is Yukari becoming so unstable? I thought she was doing a good job during the mission, all things considered.

Edit: to clarify, are there any outward signs that would have led to her sudden disappearance from the group during the Kotori-C battle and then here? Tom would be more vocally supportive of her if she was this bad off, so any insight you could provide would help me RP Tom better in this aspect.
We might, but that doesn't mean she does. Yukari keeps comparing herself to the others, most of whom are 'human' as she calls them- people who've lived longer lives, had more experiences, have a much more established sense of self and history. She's just an organic construct made for war, and, after attempting to emulate 'humanity' as she sees it, she has found she's no longer capable of either.

This breakdown is coming because, I believe, she hasn't fully realized her own self, and hasn't discovered that she's had plenty of history and that is affecting her sense of self.

She's visualizing herself failing, and that's making her actually fail.
What Kai said. (Very sharp!)

I don't want to go on about it; there's RPing to be done. For Tom's benefit, though: She's visualized herself as a failure, thus she's not trying to succeed. After all, if she can't adequately reason with Melisson as a human, and can't fight her as Nekovalkyrja, she's nothing.

The disappearing in battle was a failed tactic, nothing more. She didn't panic.
Sorry didn't meant to take so long on that one. Hang in there guys, I'm almost done chatting with the evil galactic super being. In case anyone hasn't noticed...... I has a plan.
I have something to ask of Melisson as well, but if your plan works, then that's awesome. XD
I'm pretty sure Melisson can multi-task more than one question. I'm sure Tom can get around to asking it after decking Asher for smacking Yukari on her butt.

......when did this become a cosmic day time talk show?

Actually it feels like the long dialogue had between the heroes of FF6 and Kefka.
If Melisson can control our brain wave synapses, then it's likely she could obliterate our entire team in one fell swoop of her hand.

This conversation is keeping us alive.
Okay this was not even plan B but its there. If this don't work and throws the story into some crazy tailspin then there's still plan A. >_>
Meanwhile, every time I almost work myself up to a post based on the last thing he posted, you guys go on another posting spree, and he responds again.

Doshii Jun said:
This likely has gone Fred's way the entire time. He's just that good. *grins*

Melisson was a little too good, actually. I knew she'd chitchat, but I had not anticipated how effective her chitchatting was. Even though in her alien-ess her social graces may prove inconsistent, she's still very clever and charismatic, I guess.

As for you, Aendri, well - take note that Hinoto apparently tired of the mindgames.
Well Plan B was a guaranteed fail, I knew that. It really was more of a lead up to Plan A. But A is no longer in effect so it all worked out anyways.

This is like plan C now.

Plan C FYI is where I regulate "Fred then does something to move things along" events, ha ha.
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