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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I've overtime tonight and tomorrow so my ability to reply will be limited... but by this point I think I need to make sure that everyone is pitching in and that means giving things some time.

Some players stopped posting in the first conversational part of the Melisson encounter and I want to make sure everyone is included.
Still in D.C., very hard to keep up here.

Note: Could my last post be deleted? It played like it didn't happen, so I don't want it to read weird.
That last post still included opinions from Asher on what Melisson told him, though. I noticed Doshii's lapse in forgetting to interact with Asher as well... but just removing a paragraph would be enough rather than the whole thing.

Doshii, you're allowed to apologize. You're not allowed to mope and express how you suck.
Naw, just blank it off. If there's no interaction in it, then it's just monologue. While I can have that there, I'd think I'd prefer it to have it some time later, especially since I can't respond until much later tonight, or catch up.
Doshii Jun said:
Fuck, I missed a post?! Goddammit! I'm sorry, Koku. I didn't even see it. Shit.

No worries man, Melisson's speech probably had a little more impact that what I did, anyway. So, Asher's question would've mattered little, and there wouldn't have been a chance to respond to Yukari's answer with our current pace.
Don't go life imitating art so much Jake. I think everyone will be fine without the extra helping of guilt. ^^
Okay, so, I posted the resolution of your attacks against Melisson, as well as her counter-attack.

...and a devastating one it is. You all toppled over. She snapped your minds as easily as dried twigs - there was no competition there. Of course, this isn't the fault of anything you did... so the situation should improve eventually.

Until then, though, she's in your head, having your psyche sag under its own weight by burying you in memories - comforting memories, traumatic memories, marking memories, sundry memories. Real enough to believably mire you all in them, but enough a play on imagination so that if you want them to be less real and more fantasy, they can be as long as suspension of disbelief for your characters ICly is maintained (i.e.: Kid-Nyton can totally turn out being an action hero and saving his childhood idol Thomas from being crushed to bits by an ID-SOL ambusher).

So what I ask is for you guys to go along, grab the cue and flesh out some stories about your characters. View this as an opportunity for character development - a way to show a facet of your characters you never fleshed out much, and such.
Oooh, nifty. Flash back nightmares. ^^

Hey what about Rin and Hinoto? I mean, Rin can still have nightmares even in her comatose state, right?
Hinoto is not affected. Rin is in stasis and her brain activity is already pretty limited - which is my excuse for not having her go through the same.

Read: I have enough on my plate and if I can get away with doing less, I will.
I'm assuming that Kyou, who has no real backstory to draw on, is having more or less random imagination nightmare things?
You wrote stuff in your background. I took note of it and used it. You can use that as an hook to further flesh out Kyou's time in Basic Training, talk about her culinary confections, perhaps point out any of her girl buddies (girlfriends, even?) that she might have had during that time.

Miharu being what it is, opportunities to dwell on character development, or explore background elements of characters are few and few between. I'm hoping you guys can use this as an opportunity to make the most of it.
Kokuten did a terrific take on what I'm hoping to get from you guys in this.

By the way, Koku, I'm likely going to have you guys experience something else by the next posting round... so... if you don't want to leave the pirate raid half-told feel free to edit more story in.
Oh, only one turn. I was gonna ask that. Looks like I got some writing to do in one shot then.

Okie dokie!
I've got school and work and no free time until late tomorrow evening, so I may not be able to respond if you do something before then. I'd really like to, but my schedule is being a problem.
Yeah work has been making my time less open this week. I've been writing and saving my post so it's in work.

Kai, did I miss kick off for the Genesis? I haven't seen anything yet.
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