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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Whoa my prayers go to you Tom regarding whomever is having health issues. I think we've both had some rough weeks.

BTW, please read story post first before this one, heh.

This post I just made was a hard write. It was fun. But damn I had a hard time with it. Not that I didn't know what I was doing but I had to go over each scene several times before I was satisfied. Even then it didn't help that I had lots of work this week which made it impossible for me to write a few days.

Like I said, this post was fun to write. You may want to read through it before you read this little blurb. The reason I wrote this with a surreal slant in it was because I wanted to portray several aspects of Nyton's life. But since I have already written several 'Nyton kills people on Nepleslia' posts so I wanted to do something a little different. The surreal transitions made me feel like I was writing the script to an episode of the old show The Prisoner. It was surreal but fun in that I had this recurring event and then the transition. I don't know if anyone else will find this interesting or enjoy reading this but hey I tried. I really did try hard to write this how I wanted and to write it well.

I also had a reason for the surreality too. In case you haven't figured it out yet from reading (or if you're STILL reading this first you might spoil a fun little tidbit) the recurring man IS Nyton. Or rather its his cybernetic memory computer system. When Nyton first came under Melisson's control the memory system continued to resist even though it was unable to do anything. The same is essentially happening here. Nyton is trapped in the mindscape Melisson has him in but the computer is still resisting. Its not being successful or anything but its still trying. Its a machine so its functioning semi-autonomously, like the preset protocols Nyton had initiated in case of psionic attack. So having detected that Nyton is now incapacitated the memory system is working furiously to get him back up. And it knows what's going on outside as well because it too is linked to Nyton's sensory organs. This is what enables it to record memory perfectly which is how it records even after he was dead. Think of it as Nyton's backup brain trying to revive the main but isn't succeeding.

Anyways, with this done I must bid goodnight.
I'm glad to finally hear from you, Tom. The absence felt a little uncharacteristic given how you were consistently around before.

* * *

It was a very nice read, Blas. Thanks. The content was cool with me, so, no problem. :)

Note: The site has an age limit of 16. Considering that, the PG-13 note wasn't all that necessary. =P

I know you put a lot of effort into Nyton's recollections. It was nice to read it, but I'm personally even more pleased that it was an opportunity for you to put in texts things you had only vaguely alluded to. Now, thanks to this, I get the impression that this fantasy allowed you to know your own character Nyton better.

Next time around, though, I recommend you not go so far out of perfection. You could have posted the very first part and then did like Doshii Jun and Kokuten, editing in more content afterwards to flesh things out further - especially if you were on a busy schedule.

I know it would have had spared me some worry. I don't enjoy the thought of having to enforce deadlines when I'm just trying to do my job as GM and just keep everyone at a good pace. ^_^;
It's cool. Angle or not it did the job. I hope you enjoyed writing that facet of Tom's past. I thought it'd paint Ralt in a more idyllic fashion, but I guess to young Tom, that situation was not as appreciated as older Tom finds it now - it looks like a "the grass always look greener elsewhere" lesson.

Only Aendri is left to post. Probably didn't manage to yesterday evening before turning in.
I guess Asher's past made him realize that... hrm. That... losing his father sucks.

But I really digged the way Tom's past was conveyed! Seemed more childlike than how Asher seemed to be back in his hayday.
I liked the perspective very much Tom. Honestly, if there's two more rounds of this coming up, I might explore something similar to it myself.

This is really interesting, seeing what everyone does with these prompts. It does tend to put the characters into perspective with their current selves, some more starkly than others.

I'm having a field day with this. >_> Characterization nut, me.
There, posted. Sorry I didn't get it up last night. I was sitting at the vet with my dog, because they can't give me anything more specific on why she can't move then "Her neck is in pain." Should be good to go from here though.

Still wish I could remember my original post though. :(
Posted next round.

This time, it's not based in the past, and more 'what ifs' in the future. Some of the representations and perspectives might not be completely faithful to the characters - in that light, just keep in mind those are 'what if' scenarios that you'll be trying to write and make credible.

In Yukari's part, I fully expect Doshii to write Kotori's interactions with Yukari. Same goes with Tom telling the story about the wedding - Ralt-style. Blas gets to decide just who the mystery girlfriend Nyton will have chosen to live with (Kotori? Hinoto? Someone else?) and have a youngling child with is. Kai goes off on his first date with Yuzuki. Kokuten gets to ROLFstomp in the face some Lorath, Aendri gets to enjoy the aftermath of a hard drinking night, and Gallant gets to play Yuzuki before a board of engineers trying to sell a tech idea to revive Miharu's ship class in a new and improved way.

Oh, remember. Even though some events might look similar (Kai going out with Yuzuki, Yukari meeting with Kotori before the wedding, Tom at the wedding proper) they're all distinct takes from distinct perspectives.
You know what, I'm reminded of Star Trek: Generations when Picard was in the paradise zone. When his children spoke to him and the way he just accepted that this is the way the world always was is what this scene reminds me of.
Hey all. Computer is being fixed. Might take a couple days to get fully back on our feet. I'll try to post from work; I'm on my phone. i haven't read anything yet, but I can't wait to do so!

Playing Kotori, however scares the hell out of me. Gonna be a challenge!
I think I didn't fully understand the break down. So I post who Nyton married in this scenario and what the name of their daughter is and his reaction then wait for reaction post, am I right? Or do I write the whole thing? I just wanted to be sure I had that straight before I go and write more than intended. >_>
I gave you a story hook. You write a story around the proposed situation and setting - and with it cover as much as you want.

Melisson left Nyton's chosen nekovalkyrja mate for his mind to conjure up. Given precedent, Kotori and Hinoto appear the most likely - but it could be pretty much any female neko Nyton has been with in the past like Yukari, Masako, Nimura, Mara and so on. Whatever person of female persuasion Nyton could picture as his mate - or if he considered no one suitable he could make one up with the constraint of her being pale skinned and nekovalkyrja (meaning it's implied he accepted a nekovalkyrja mate).

His dwelling is left unspecified - all that's clear is that he has a couch and some television equivalent. It could be a humble apartment (unlikely given the context of wealth), a penthouse at the top of an apartment building, an house somewhere in the Empire (since Nyton's nekovalkyrja mother would doubtfully be accepted in Nepleslia) or Nyton could very well be married to Empress Kotori and himself stand as Emperor Claymere.

The youngling's traits were focused on being Nyton-like with only the pale skin being determinant of the nekovalkyrja mother's appearance so you had the freedom to chose out of many nekos Nyton knows - or one you'd conjure up from nowhere for the occasion.

I thought of naming the youngling "Sharon" (her namesake being that other cyborg sharing Thomas' company), but I refrained from adding that in the post to leave you the liberty to choose.
Yay clarification.

Alright cool. For some reason I was thinking that this scenario would have more of a back and forth replying thing. I understood the bit about expanding the where they live and such but I was tripping on what I mentioned previous. I finally settled on a name for the daughter because believe me, choosing names has always been a hard thing for me.
Good for you, Doshii. I look forward to see what you'll concoct for us.

Also, keep in mind that Kotori's portrayal needs not be accurate. Just have her act the way you think she ought to act in the story you'll write. you've known her for a long time now - surely she can have a life of her own even under your keystrokes.