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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Everyone is doing a fantastic job. All of these posts are a joy to read.

I will try to post soon, but I am finding it hard to get into the mindset at the moment. I'm awaiting some lab results, but it may come to pass that I have a tumor in my neck. Let's hope that's not the case.
Best of luck, Tom. I'm hoping for the best for you.

I'm working on something right now, but it might take a while. Me and Koku have plans, so I don't want to put something crappy out. I MUST DO JUSTICE TO THE PAIRING.
Tom, I hope you'll be able to pull through okay.

I see a silver lining: if the worse you have to fear is a tumor (even malignant) at least modern medecine can handily get rid of that via surgery (though the skin scarring would suck big-time - the neck is a pretty open and obvious bit of skin). I make no claim that it'd be a cakewalk to go through, but it's a lot more survivable than getting something like Hogkin's lymphoma and needing several years of chemotherapy to get through it (my father recently got through that).

Sorry, not helping. I'm worried about you, but I'm glad the worst-case scenario you're expecting is a tumor and not cancer.

Aendri, there's no need to be a perfectionist. As long as you make it reasonably believable, I'll be content. To be honest, I'd personally rather you imagine Asher in your head and write how he'd act rather than get Kokuten to help you.

Doing a JP (as I suspect you're likely planning to do with Kokuten) if you prefer it that way is fine if that's what you want to do... but I was prepared to read something that was totally Kyou-point-of-view biased rather than a completely accurate portrayal of Asher.
I think Aendri can handle it. I could imagine Kyou's view of Asher not being entirely straight, considering they've only known each other for a few hours.
Sorry about that, Fred. I was sober and kind of bitched out on that post!

Thought for a little while about who the engineers would be, what their names would be, what Yuzu would talk about and so on, but in the end I opted for vagueness instead of a long and drawn out explination of how she would change the Miharu and Asamoya design. I like it better that way. She's talking about technologies that are theoretically possible, but not approved; I think I shot them past you a few months back. Or was it a year ago? I don't really remember. Oh well, whatever, it's fiction in fiction so whatever - at least it *sounds* cool.
And I actually meant that in light of where me and Koku have been planning things (and in some cases, JPing stuff for the future), I wanted to do justice to our plans. And no need to worry, I'm not going perfectionist on you, I just want to put something up that's solid.
I went a bit off the deep end.

This wasn't hard to write ... but it was hard to think about. I thought about doing the obvious thing, but I didn't want to get into the sex because, well, I just don't know how that would have worked.

But the koto-playing line I didn't forget, and I went with that instead. I wanted to show how much Yukari really had betrayed and failed Kotori once too often. ... And take that to a Melisson extreme.
*blinks* Whoopee. o_o

Thanks for that post, Doshii. Looks like Melisson pulled out and twisted some fears Yukari had in her subconscious. Let's hope little of that is prophetic. =P

Friendly reminder: tomorrow is the last day I'm accepting replies for this posting round.
I should be able to make a post tonight. I find myself busier than expected with Work, School, and other projects.
This one was a fun and fairly easy write actually. Well, after I got past the initial difficulties. I then kind of imagined a sort of Family Man scenario in which Nicholas Cage had to wake up from his family life and return to the actual life he had made for himself.

I don't know how anyone who has kids, and who loves them, can watch that movie and not get a little teary. I mean, putting myself in that situation it would mean that waking up resulted in me no longer having my two children. Worse yet, they wouldn't have even existed. I couldn't imagine a more painful scenario and I hope I was able to portray that here.

And well, seeing as that pesky memory recorder is still trying to wake him up, I had fun using it to bring forth the really cruel truth.
ARGH. How do you guys write SO MUCH? This one's probably three times as long as my last one, took me five times as long to write, and is still puny. Ah well. I'm fairly satisfied with the results, I'm just not one who can think up anywhere near that much in one sitting. If I had a month, and someone with a hot poker making me post every day, maybe. But, this is the best I can do, so here it is.
I'm in the same boat as Kai. I can spend forever on a post... and then it's tiny compared to those giant full-length novels you guys write. At least I don't have to put in the effort~.... :<
My last one was fluff, and it still didn't measure up, so don't beat yourselves up. I'm still trying to get something decent together for this round anyway.
Kai, I thought your post was okay. Don't compare yourself to others; just write something you yourself will be satisfied with. This is not a competition.

Nyton, I had a great read with your post. A few precisions for you, though:
- Hinoto is not a MEGAMI avatar. She's a CIES one. Maybe just saying "ship avatar" would be enough.

- You mispelled the name "Shinichiro Nobumoto".

- Hinoto (the non-dream one) isn't trapped in a half-melted Mindy armor. She's still in Hoshi's bridge. She went and set up that armor's AIES to make the teleport jump, but didn't board it - Hinoto would've died otherwise.
I'll have my post up in the next hour or two. I think it's coming together nicely, if a bit short and not exactly on the 'wedding' angle of things.


Finished! It's very dark. :shock: But I figured Melisson would have a field day with Tom.