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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Tom's take on a neko being that wounded is possible, but Kotori has been in the past severed in half on the level of the abdomen - which is more or less the same as what happened to Rin. Beware of blast shutters.

That really took the fight out of her (she was fighting a Mishhu-Neko hybrid at the time) and she shortly lost consciousness. When she came to, she was healed and emprisoned, with only her ripped uniform telling the story of what had happened to her.

Out of her time on the Black Swan where she and Hanako were interrogated, being captured via being severed in half might've been one of the more trivial details. ^_^;

That said, my point is that I'm not entirely in agreement with a neko suffering grievous wounds being an excuse to turn them mentally ill/catatonic. Sure, it's not a pleasant experience, but nekos - especially the NH-29 - are made to survive a lot of abuse if given the chance.

Unless, of course, that's what you actually want. But I don't go as a GM inflicting major hurt in the goals of scarring you mentally for life.
It's not necessarily all Neko who I think would experience this, but I would think there are exceptions.

To me, Rin has always been hesitant to partake in the more gruesome duties of warfare. And Miharu has a lot of it, both physically and mentally taxing.

In this 'dreamscape scenario,' the Rin of this world watched not only Ichigo, a close friend, die and not come back, but also Mara, Hinoto and several of her other friends.

Combine this with the supposed 'mind wipe scenario' lurking in the background, and there was potential for some of those afflicted to not come out whole. Perhaps the ST damage was too severe. Maybe Kotori made her that way. Maybe the whole process messed up some wires here and there.

The interpretation is up to the reader, I suppose.


That being said, I wanted to state a few things regarding the nightmare scenario that unfolded over my last two posts. (And thank you to those who gave me thumbs up. It always makes the posts worth it.)

This scenario is, as was proposed by Fred, a 'what if,' and not necessarily how Tom feels about any of the characters in the 'real' continuity.

I felt bad taking control of other characters and writing them in certain ways, but I wanted there to be as thorough as my sleep-deprived mind would allow it.

It's extremely dark not because I wanted to have an angsty time, but because I imagined how a post-mission 'worst case scenario' would come to be. Melisson's influence would only make it easier for Kotori to come out the enemy.

The mental and moral collapse of Tom and Miharu's officers, brought about by circumstances thrust upon them by SAINT. A tainted bargain that would eventually destroy any lasting semblance of unity and togetherness. Even the happiness of the sprites seemed intensely uncomfortable to write, knowing that it was all written for them already.

Nobody occupies the moral high ground in this scenario. By signing a deal with the devil, those in the know sealed their fates. Some made it out better than others.

Unfortunately for Tom and Yukari, they didn't.
An excellent read, Tom. The effort and time you put into it is evident.

BTW, how are things holding up on your end of the world? Aside from the constant news blurbs I'm just praying you and Gallant are still safe.
So... just to clarify. Does this latest post mean that Kyou and the other two are now wide awake, ready to go, or are they getting to deal with the elites while they're in a groggy, sleepy state?
It means that you're ready to defend yourselves, except you start the battle facedown on the floor and multi-tentacled body-armored golfcart-sized Mishhuvurthyar are bearing down on you and will practically be breathing down your neck by the time you do something.
You're looking at nasty recoil and splash damage. From past experience, you'll probably deplete the barrier, but the barrier will probably do its job and entirely protect you from the blast.
I am once again reminded how detrimental it is to my cause to be posting without checking the OOC thread beforehand. The post I made assumed that the three armors that detached from fighting Nimura were still in the process of coming towards the sleeping group as opposed to already split off for seperate targets. In light of that, I hope that it makes a decent amount of sense, isn't wrong, and doesn't make me look like I'm smoking crack.

Also hi. I suppose it doesn't help my lamenting being underway if I keep getting to go on the intarwebz, hu?
Now this one I really had to think through on.

First off, can the memory chip take control of Nyton's real left arm, even for a few seconds? I don't know. Maybe. Will the adrenaline be enough? Or would it not matter how much adrenaline was being generated. I don't know again. I did a little reading into dreams and nightmares and learned that the condition that forces our bodies to remain mostly still so as not to act out our dreams can be overridden by adrenaline. Hence the jump when we wake up from a particularly bad dream. So again, will it work? I don't know.

That's up to Fred as to whether it worked or not.

Second, this is getting psychologically head trippy. You have two Nyton's working together in one mind. In order to generate the adrenaline they had to create a nightmare for Nyton to endure. What does Nyton fear? He's felt fear before but a little gung ho attitude and he pulls through such things. No I had to really take a look and wonder what makes a man like Nyton tremble and I had to find his psychosis to answer that.

Besides, what about regrets? Maybe there really were times when Nyton wished he had been just a regular kid? What if he didn't always enjoy his lessons? He was just a kid raised to be a soldier but was there ever a time when he resented the training even though he loved and idolized his grandfather?

All the things he said to his family and friends were things that he had felt at some time. Everyone feels resentment towards others, even the ones they love. This is something that Nyton doesn't want to confront. He projects the unemotional tactician to be a better soldier. But deep down inside what if there IS something he feels ashamed of. Oh there's losing and failing but he gets over those. Nyton carries a lot of ghosts, be they events or emotions that he doesn't like to confront and the shape they took magnified some of the biggest ones. Some had quicker 'resolutions' so to speak. The older ones especially since he has long since felt and buried them they needed the least amount of rationalizing. The fresher ones, ie Kotori and Hinoto, required a little more. Kotori especially. Hinoto has not had enough time to bounce around his head, despite the family dream he had earlier. Kotori though has brought out some of his more primal thoughts. Thoughts that he really didn't like to consider because they were so petty. Its that whole trying to be a mature adult even while you're still feeling bad stuff. Despite the rationale that you know it's momentary pettiness he still feels them and buries them.

Alright enough rambling. This was a fun write. Back to work for me. XD
Blas, that easily was your best one yet. THAT was just flat fucking awesome.

Learned a lot more about Nyton now, more than in those previous posts! He seems a lot more like a rounded character, rather than a soldier.
*nods in agreement* A great read, Blas.

Now, only Tom and Kyou are left to be posted for, and we'll be good to go.
Every once in a while, when I am taking tests or contemplating something difficult, I get a sort of disjointed headache and have to go grab a cigarette or take a break.

Less cryptically; HOLY SHIT, Nyton. That curdled my brain to read and imagine.
Excellent job Blas. I liked the ending especially, with the confessions. Very emotional and revealing of the character's inner mind we rarely see.

I've been swamped these last few days. I'll definitely have a post up soon.
Well I have to admit I was surprised by the amount of positive reviews on that last post. I am just thankful that God helped me to be a good enough writer. It definitely helps me out at work lately. >_>
I had a whole speech with the wolf but figured that it'd be dumb to write it out in one go.
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