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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Maybe switch over to PMs to clarify your meaning? Do the broad strokes in text and send PMs to the players clarifying what it is you're getting at?

I think what Fred means is that the 'higher ups' do the general orders like "Take this position/defeat the enemy group/hold the fort until reinforcements arrive" etc.

The broad strokes.

Then the 'mid ranks' execute the orders along the lines of "3 man team, umbrella formation/Kai execute cover fire, Yuzuki take point/Form a line here"

Then the 'underlings' (to use the term in jest) do the specifics like "I'll take left point and fire here/Kai unloads his LASR, Yuzuki uses her shields to cover her advance as she fires her LASR/etc"

Basically a reverse pyramid with detail in mind. Broad strokes at the top, very specific actions at the bottom.

If the people at the top start doing the specifics, it runs the potential of either A: making a lower ranked character look incapable of doing his/her job ("Ok, I need you to shoot HERE, not HERE") or B: makes a lower ranked character become almost like an NPC extension of the higher ranking character because every little thing is mapped out for him to do, leaving little space to improvise or fill in the gaps with said player's input.
Yeah I've been made mention of this before so the context has already been made well clear to me. I just have a bad habit to do such things especially in 'heat of the moment' situations where there is no time to be precise. It's not like they're in the planning phase of the operation where you can give specific instructions to each member on who does what. Just like Fred says I get made aware and keep it in check for a while until I end up doing it again.

I think at this point it's almost become a bad running gag on my part as to when the next time I make a wall post of orders will occur.
You do have a tendency to carry dialogue into the realm of absurdity when it comes to time management.

Consider the amount of time it takes to postulate complex philosophical theories, and weigh it against the urgency of a situation like a firefight, and you come up with something silly.

I know I've at least touched on it briefly in my posts, somewhere during this mission, that Yuzuki resented the long-windedness.

It is done.

You guys have succeeded at what you set out to do. You've brought to a victorious conclusion more than four years of roleplayed effort in that direction. Terrible forces were arrayed against you. You waged grueling battles that pushed your characters past endurance and then beyond...

...and emerged victorious. The effort, toil, sweat, tears and sacrifices were rewarded - though that victory carried a hefty price. So, accolades are in order.

Congratulations, crew of the Miharu. She is gone, but you made it worth it.
I'm a little bit at a loss to answer Yuzuki's question. I'm no longer sure who is alive and who isn't. Part of the reason why is because most of these sprites were named by Gallant, and I wanted to leave him the decision of whom to preserve.

Just before the Shlarvasseroth run, I did a death tally. It was like this:

Since then, ah...
I killed two more sprites.
Implied some others sprites were wounded and took breaks to recover if they were still mobile.
Killed Takuma.
Wounded Tsuya, not dead due to plotshields.
Wounded Suzume.
Ichigo and Mara are definitely dead.

I've half-a-mind about killing Kaida, Yoroko and Nao, since they haven't been roleplayed in forever.

Sanjuro is okay - he's plotshielded for Moonman, though Moonman won't roleplay him anymore.

...and then, there are the Black Knights with their own wounded; rin being the worst case. Kai, Kyou, Nyton, Asher, Tom and Yukari could all use medical attention. Yuzuki's neckpain will likely go away if she can get some rest.

* * *

...so, in summary:

We did. though I am slightly sad that Kai did not get to participate in many 'boss battles'

Apparently, attempting to be helpful gets you killed or nearly so.
Well, I know I've been silent, but truth be told, I've been following along, making sure to only read five pages at any one sitting instead of constantly keeping up. Its more like reading a book that way. This time though, for the end, I rewound a bit and read the final 10 pages of the last chapter in a single sitting...Wow. I know I'm a rather recent addition, and a very minor one at that, but I want to say that I'm glad to have gotten to be here, and to have followed this story. Its one of the best that I've ever read. And in all honesty? With a little cleaning up, I'm pretty sure I'd end up seeing it on the front shelves of many bookstores.

Now, to pick up the pieces. If its alright, I'd like to redo my character; she was made in a hurry, and is a bit sloppy. After that, I hope to make a post, if that's ok.
I do not mind preserving Nao and you redoing the character - though honestly I think it's unnecessary. Nao was a young sprite with a starting personality that the events that went on, and the months of downtime that will surely follow have her mature in a slightly different individual than what was written in the bio.
We did. though I am slightly sad that Kai did not get to participate in many 'boss battles'

Apparently, attempting to be helpful gets you killed or nearly so.

I just want to point that, as contrast to Kai's character being pwned and not being able to participate in boss battles;

Yuzuki was impulsive to the point of being near-suicidal, broke chain of command several times out of naivity, and it was her first time in powered armor. Or carrying a gun. Ever. No, really. Ever. She blew at least 50% of her ammunition taking down a door. Granted, she got it done really quickly, but if she hadn't lobbed the thermite at the end boss, it would be "Most Valuable Kill: Door".

She gets out of this with minor neck pain.

I suppose that's just how the Miharu makes them. "A Miharu Sprite is a Quality Sprite"?
Kai's misfortune was not on purpose. It just happened that way.

* * *

I wasn't happy with calling the top ranking commander of the Second Draconian Fleet's survivors "Kawanami". It was kind of a mouthful to refer to her in the future as "Kawanami-Chujo this, Kawanami-Chujo that".

So, with Doshii's agreement (and helpful suggestions), the "Kawanami" surname was shortened to "Kasami".

Also, when I was imagining "Kasami Erika", I was picturing this... with less flowers, more uniform, more neko-like.
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