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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I will respond soon. I've just been busy with a little 'homecoming' of my own is all. Good thing I set things up in the med lab away from the main action.
Not soon enough, Blas. Sorry. =P

* * *

I posted continuity, which involves a timeskip. This is in order to get the people wounded and taken out of commission to be active again.

Note that I used Yukari's point of view, but all of you are free to wander about Hoshi or Battleship Mokuren, mingle together, visit the wounded (or if you are wounded amble up and visit other wounded), make JPs and pursue your own opportunities for roleplay.

I myself will be focusing more on plot advancement, but this is your chance during this downtime/recovery period to mingle and interact.
Its fine dude. I just haven't seen my family for four months so time with them took priority. Keep on swinging.
I thought it was cute too!

Doshii, you haven't left me much room to post any interaction for you. I'm leaving Yukari unattended so to keep her open to interaction with other rplayer characters, or until you post her doing something else.

"Chujo, give me a back massage."
"Hai, Shosa."

Enjoy being acting-Taisho while it lasts. =P
Sorry boss. I'm a little lost as to what to post. Can Yukari get up and move around? Or is she having to call people to her?
Yukari can do both.

Most are convalescing, but they can move around a bit in their hospital gowns and visit other patients.
I'll have something up for you Jake. It's turning into one of those long posts for me though. :|

Kai is doing something. or something.

I don't think Yuzuki realizes how much Dying Affected Kai, though that's probably because he hides it rather well.
So far, as I understand it, all the people who died are dead for good because the Soul Savior pod has not/cannot be/been recovered, except for officers, as their unit is housed in the Hoshi, right? I want to make sure my character reacts/is affected appropriately, especially since this is going to be the first post in a long time.
No sweat, Tom. Take yoyr time!

Also, really great posts by Kai and Gally! Seriously well done. Envyyyyyyy.
Nah, not really.

And yes, Fred may correct me if I am wrong, but I am fairly sure that they're dead-dead.

Looking forward to a Nao post. Kai's being wishy-washy and I can't justify another post right now unless someone bothers her.

Silly, wishy-washy Kai.
Went back and edited my post. I forgot Miyoko's data recorder would have been lost in the Miharu. ... along with a lot of other stuff, now that I think of it.
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