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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Contact Gallant and get a TitanPad JP going for him. Nyton, doshii and Gallant had one going on that they added to every odd day or so and finally got it posted. You could perhaps do the same.
Fred has a point guys. We've really slacked off a lot from our usual posting form. Let's get things back up and rolling again so we can bring this mission to it's conclusion.

Fred, right now Nyton is pretty much set with walking back to his room to review Melisson's activities. If anyone wants to interrupt him and talk or something that's fine. The only things I would like to plan out with him would be a conversation with Kotori and a separate one with Melisson. The one with Kotori possibly later in the evening that day or the next. Same with Melisson but most likely the next day before any staff review occurs and they depart to go home.
There we go. Sorry, I've just been really out of it, but Rin post for the cafeteria conversation is up.
Sorry. I should have said something a lot sooner, and its my fault for not saying so. I've fallen behind (again) and I can't catch up anytime soon due to the number of projects I have in progress for SARP, on top of the other plots I'm in. For now, I'll be staying silent as I try to finish everything up on my end.

I also looked at the Miharu Clan page as well, and I'll be frank; don't get any artwork for my character, Nao, anytime soon. I've only been here a short time, and I haven't been able to dedicate myself to this great plot either. Though I have enjoyed the time I have spent here, I'm just not comfortable with the idea of receiving such a gift for so little contribution of my own.

I'll still be looking in here and there, but I don't think I'll be able to post anytime soon. Again, sorry guys.
It's unfortunate that we've been unable to integrate you better in the Miharu plot, Cadetnewb. I'm certain you had your own circumstances, but I don't exactly feel blameless here too. Mission 5 wasn't exactly the best introduction point ever for a new character, making it - pardon the pun - not very newbie friendly.

I appreciate your frankness about this matter. Thanks for being here and roleplaying with us.
I think it worked fine for someone like Kyou, who is a combat specialist anyway, but engineering was going to get hit hard regardless of how everything turned out, so yeah.
Oh, Kel, just pointing out that you're the one that's leading the conversation between Miyoko and Kotori. Kotori is answering, but she's not going to bring up any topic of her own now. I'm kind on the verge of Kotori asking the awkward: "Was there anything else you wanted to discuss with me?"

Miyoko had reasons that she wanted to speak to Kotori. You may want to get to them.
I've been thinking. Now it only seems like I have:

  • Miyoko talking to Kotori.
  • Tom talking to some sprites roleplayed by Doshii.
  • Sporadic activity in the Mess Hall.

If Nyton wants to go and meet Melisson, it looks like doing so in the 3rd day's afternoon could be best.

Sometime after Kotori-and-Miyoko's talk concludes, Tom might come and see her too - though I'd think that if the idea was to announce the decision to get married, it should be Tom and Yukari together. But then again, only Nyton would be missing to have that 'staff meeting'.

Also, Doshii, if you have an actual idea/mental picture of who the sprites you are roleplaying are, can you create draft wiki character pages for them, and just jot down details on them? Looks, persona and such? I was hoping the perhaps-better-informed Gallant could go and nail down those details... but he hasn't been able to do so.

Kai is kind of stuck with Yuzuki 'unplayed' (this is actually one reason why I try not to get my characters committed into player-player relationships, because then it feels like all the good roleplay you should do hinges heavily on your partner), one of my best means to cater to him is moving things along so that new events will give him cause to roleplay Kai on his own right (and lessen the Yuzuki dependency).
I can nail down Tori and Cho. I'll check for the others.

The Kai/Yuzuki pairing is actually discussed in part 3 of our Ayumu/Yuzu/Yuka TP. We're not far from its conclusion, I think.
Would have liked to do that on the 4th day but whatever is fine. Now to just find the time to do it.
Another excellent JP out of Doshii/Tom.

Which brings me to my next point; I am now back in port. My hours will roughly place me late in the American afternoon, or possibly very early in the morning (I can never remember), but whatever.

I'm open to JP and it can go a lot faster now.
Gallant, can you visit the Miharu clan's wiki page and create articles about the sprites there? I know you said you had notes and a mental picture of what they were like... so if you can add any details there, I'd be grateful.
Kel, while Miyoko's conversation with Kotori was winding down, it's not over yet.

Care to pick up the loose end and tie it up?
I plan to end my tenure as a SARP Game Master in August and discontinue my activities on the site after that.

This leaves from three to seven weeks to conclude the Miharu plot. Increased activity from key characters will improve the chances that we can achieve what I would view as a proper ending. Failing accomplishing that deadline, I will narrate this plot's conclusion, tidy up your order threads with shiny medals and openings to move on.
Gotcha. Quite the shock to read. Sorry I've been dragging my heels on replying to the 4th day. Family is keeping me busy and I have to prioritize.

Wow, quite the shock. Still not sure what to respond that one with other than the above.
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