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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread


Fred, you're a horrible person. God bless you.

I'm not criticizing or anything -- just relaying the emotion I felt from Kotori's words. I think it makes sense; she's trying to be the commander, after all.
Hmm... How does one fix something as mind-bogglingly advanced as a CFS system? I'd imagine that something containing its own pocket universe would be a bit more than just standard starship mechatronics you could fix with a tool kit. I wonder if I should just use the generic "Let's get to work!" *Fade to black* finish that everyone else seems to use.
The Combined Field System is pretty much the equivalent of the Star Trek Warp Coil (not to be confused with 'Warp Core'. The CFS isn't about power generation; it's about creating a subspace bubble that distorts the space-time continuum of the ship, allowing it to propel it at velocities beyond the speed of light).

Historically in the SARP, it seems the CFS is really a big gyroscope-like structure encased with a spherical cover. How it actually functions is beyond me. But the effects it produced are explained in the CFS descriptions, so that's pretty straightforward.

What technicians can do about it - that's what you really want to know, right? The Miharu's CFS units haven't actually sustained damage, so, most of the mechanical work isn't really needed. You don't need to disassemble the unit and replace something. The problem likely lie more within the adjustments of the way the fields are made (just like the way warp field geometry works in Star Trek).

The Miharu's four CFS units already work below specs at the ~190 000c speed, but the shock they sustained from the Mishhu anti-FTL field and the hot-restart decalibrated them. The MEGAMI re-tuned them as much as she could while remaining within safety parameters. Chigusa's and Leutre's job is more or less to work at the unit's console and try to tweak it to get performance up by making adjustments here and there - mostly software... but there should be some hardware work too (scan specific power relays for faults, adjust consequently to compensate/juryrig, swear to fix them properly in space dock, etc etc...)

However, the units must remain running, making the work on them even more painstaking because if they suddenly fail, it'll possibly hinder the Miharu while the ship is already outnumbered and outgunned.

You can dig around the stuff and terms behind Star Trek warp cores and use them - I don't think they'd be too far off (since apparently CFS technology is derived from what the SARP got from the 'Python Sector' roleplaying universe... which was Star Trek-based). If Wes wants to establish something more solid, we'll follow that... but Star Trek should really be your best reference for technical terms with anything regarding the CFS units.

Just remember power generation is obtained through a zero-point energy generator, not dillithium cristals Hyperspace Fold is something entirely different.
For reference, most KFY ships use two primary CFS field generators somewhere in the ship and/or also use the hull itself as a CFS field generator.
Today's gonna be a non-post day actually ... sorry to gum things up, if that's what I'm doing. But for K and I, it's our Christmas, since we work Christmas Day. Maybe tonight? I won't make any promises.
Hey it's cool man. It is to be expected besides. Annie and I are just chilling out and watching Angel season 3. ;p

I'm suddenly afraid for the safety of the ship when it comes to Leutre. Especially when he tries to remember something from a tech manual only to then technically think "screw it and let god sort it out".
Mo' like.

Leutre - Hey I nee-

Lady Luck - That's it, I've had it up to here with you!

Leutre - Wha-

Lady Luck - It's over.

Leutre - But I need to save the ship!!!

Lady Luck - Tough noogies.

Leutre - ;-;
Chigusa requested that she be allowed to discontinue her participation to the Miharu plotship. She feels more comfortable with her character on the Sakura and appreciates JP sessions more than single posted forum roleplay.

I don't have a problem with this. Since I plan on transfering James Dige out too (be as it may, the guy didn't give us any news for the last month) and Chigusa out eventually, I'm going to allow two new additions to the crew. We'll be picking them up later from one of the wrecked 5th XF ships as survivors whom will stick around.
Kokuten said:
Let's not forget that he relies on, Lady Luck to solve most of the problems.

Leutre: It's called divine favor, baby. You guys should really look into getting some. Silly heathens.
Asher Orkin Westwood said:
Look at it like algebra, luck is a variable, skill is the number. Meaning, no matter how much divine favor you've got, pure definate skills will just push through it.
The only problem is if the only way you can get a result high enough to succeed is if divine favor rolls VERY well in your favor compared to the skill you have.
Could we get that OoC discussion thread a bit back on the Miharu as a whole and not Lady Fortuna?

Miharu should be heading toward the belt and the fighting Yui 4 scouts soon seeing the battle with Aries and Taurus 1 is over.
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