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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Oh right. I knew I was forgetting to get something the last few weeks... YIM! Have to get that when I get back home from college. *Makes mental note*
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Fred wanted me to have mod powers before, and I had them on the old thread. I don't have them here though. Could I get them?
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Will fix you up in 5 min.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Should be all set.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Tom says he's around, but he's taking care of some things -- we can probably start the briefing without him.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Phwew, okay.

I'm going to bed now. Sometime after I wake up, I am going to start the briefing - and one thing I will do when starting it is autoing (automatically taking control of) the player characters on the bridge to be present. That way, everyone will be present, no one will be late, and everyone whom are having trouble showing up (read: Tom) should be able to manage to catch up seeing that ICly, their characters will know about the briefing.

Anyone whom wants to post can do so if I haven't, but once I get back on this keyboard, I'm starting the presentation (and maybe cutting off a conversation if you started one with another character).

That's about it. G'night.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

And the prize for playing the lover of your character because that lover's player is absent is ... KIM! Way to go, Kim.

You get: A NEW TYPE 28C NSP! Congratulations!
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


I need to bother J about getting his butt registered on this board again.

EDIT: Oh man, he totally went to the wrong forum when I poked him about posting as Ichi 2 days ago. >< No wonder I couldn't find the post.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I figured he'd get the message I left him about it. *shrugs* Ah well!
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I need a little bit more time for structuring the briefing so to avoid it becoming just a repeat of the older briefing in the Prologue. This is somewhat more difficult than I expected. Sorry.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


(It's cool, man. We're just rollin'. Quick, Sora! Look at Yukari's ribbon more! *gleam gleam gleam* Sanjuro! Say something so straight it's hilarious! YURIL! Get with smacking Naoko around!)
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I think doshii means you should strike up a conversation, Krisslanza.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Naw, Kai, it's cool. I was just screwing around.

Though I completely and 100 percent agree with what Matt says. Srsly.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Then again, who doesn't want to mack on Masako. I think I've unintentionally created a walking target of the other kind.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Doshii Jun said:
Sanjuro! Say something so straight it's hilarious!

Pfft, just you wait until Sanjuro gets to speak to Tom. All of your eyes will bleed. BLEEEEEED. You will BEG me to stop!
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