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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

You don't have to be sorry. I'm just mentioning that we aren't stalling, we're just waiting on continuity. *pat pat*
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Sorry everyone; gotta go get my girl right now. Post is half-done. I WILL post tonight/this morning!
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Yay Yuril is a Knight.
It means she can move in big L's or little L's and jump over other pieces in the process! :O

And the callsign on the fighter 'Red Two'... *Tries to remember who Red Two was in the first Death Star run*
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I believe Red Two was Biggs Darklighter, Luke's ill fated friend who was shot down by Darth Vader. Either him or Wedge. Can't really remember right now.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Don't forget -- Red One didn't survive.

Yukari: " ... Can we change it to Blue One? Or Gold One? How about Water One?"
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I liked Gold Leader. Dude went in there against TIE Fighters while flying a goddamn Y-Wing. I love the Y-Wing, but seriously, man was brave.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

We've gone there before. Stupid-ass Missile Boat that makes no sense ...

And I can't dogfight in a B-Wing! Laser cannons are placed all funky and wide.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I can rape with both.

In both X-wing and X-wing Alliance, I've taking out Tie Interceptors with the B-wing (some of the most difficult of Ties to target in a dogfight).

And the Missile Boat does make since. It was the Empire's answer to rogue Tie Defenders. Unfortunately, both Missile Boats and Tie Defenders were good at taking each other out.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Who couldn't rape with the Missile Boat? TIE Defenders were ... I hate to use the word, but they were gay. Just plain lame. "Oooooh, lookit'me, I'm PRACTICALLY INVINCIBLE!" Lame.

I would switch to ion cannons in a B-wing and just disable any fighters I was having trouble with. Kill'em later.

The Y-wing (Wing?) was more fun.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I loved the A-wing. Concussion missiles to win. Hard to dogfight with; too weak.

But the Y-wing was still more fun. Soak up the shots from those minefields with eeeease.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

... we seriously need a Miharu players game of X-Wing Alliance now. So I can school all y'all. Tie Interceptor brothahood 4 life.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

That would fucking rock. Especially after I shoved a concussion missile up your puckered backside, right between the engines.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'd get in a standard Tie Fighter and dog fight you all.

Unless I've gotten rusty since I've last played, I should do quite well.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

In a TIE fighter? I believe you underestimate us, as well as overestimating the fact your snubfighter totally sucks cock. You'll get aced on the first pass.
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