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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Doshii Jun said:
O_O Dude.

Also, now I am totally confused. Which medical lab are Sora, Miyoko, Sanjuro, Nimura, and Hinoto going to? Sora originally said the one on the main ship, but Jake's last post makes it sound like they're going for the Hoshi's now.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Since StarChan is a high-risk area for internet attackers (who might upload bad bad stuff), StarChan may occasionally be disabled for security reasons.

Last night the site had a minor attack on it, probably by one of the banned members. The wiki was closed to edits and starchan disabled as a protective measure.

Next time I think I'll just disable the uploader so the pics are still there.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

It was very confusing with the wording at first but after a couple of rereads it sounded like they were indeed originally going for the Hoshi lab.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Yukari is going for the bridge, which means she's going directly past the Hoshi's Med Lab to get to the bridge.

Sora and anyone following, are going in the opposite direction to the med lab on Miharu. Sorry for the confusion, this is what Sora meant by "main" lab. She doesn't want to be situated directly by the bridge since people like attacking the bridge.

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


Okay here's the map of the main level of the ship.
The blue dots are where we started in this simulation.
The red compartment is where Yukari is going.
The green compartment is where Sora is going.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

For real? I thought Sora was going to the med lab on the Hoshi. The one at point 7 of the Hoshi side. Maybe I didn't read it correctly earlier. If anything I would imagine we should secure the Hoshi while sweeping the Miharu.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

That map helps a lot. I was wondering why everyone was talking about Hoshi when I thought the ship was the Miharu... @_@;

On a off-topic note, this whole simulation is making me remember the Republic Commando level where your ship is being blasted at by the Trade Federation and you need to activate the ship's weapon systems before you get pummeled... /observation
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

So Sora is branching off from most of the rest of her allies?

*chuckles evilly*

(note: when I have a cute animated bouncy avatar, I am usually in player-killing mode)


Sorry, losing a bunch of pictures made more than one person raise his eyebrows in alarm/confusion/panic/etc. Thanks for looking into it.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Fred said:
So Sora is branching off from most of the rest of her allies?

*chuckles evilly*

(note: when I have a cute animated bouncy avatar, I am usually in player-killing mode)

*Miyoko starts planning to propose that upon reaching the medlab, the support team takes turns euthanizing each other to get it over with painlessly.*
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

So when can Nyton say something when he realizes that the support team is abandoning their leader while rushing off to a lab in a section that is dangerous and swarming with many possible enemies? They'll likely first crash into the two fire teams which were supposed to be on their way to seek and destroy any enemy forces on the Miharu side. I mean, that's essentially what is happening. Had I realized this sooner I would've said something. Hence my uber confusion and then the thinking of 'oh wait they mean the Hoshi bridge, of course, no way they meant to go to the one on the Miharu like I first thought. I must've misread it. Only an idiot would go THAT far away from their heavy fire support, especially when they're not supposed to be an attack team. Yeah, I must've just misread it. Carry on, carry on.'

There are two bridges on this ship, the main one on the Miharu and the secondary bridge on the Hoshi. The ship has two sections and can even divide into two ships ala Star Trek: TNG. Right now the main bridge is the one the enemy attempted to target whereas the secondary bridge is tucked fairly well in the bowels of the ship. Well, safer then the main one anyways.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Aah that visual image helped there Nyton... I think I remember randomly seeing an episode of Star Trek where something like that happened. Now I can finally make sense of what is going on here...
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Nyton can take corrective action. Yukari, unfortunately, is rather focused on her own goals, which are the same as what Nyton suggested to her.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Actually, in this instance, the 'battle bridge' is the Miharu's (the main hull) and the main bridge is the Hoshi's (the part of the ship which can be separated and survive the destruction of the rest of the ship).

Blas, like Jake said, you can act on it whenever you want. Go get 'em.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Sora has never had to defend a position on a ship, all of her combat experience has been things off ship, so the error is due to that inexperience. But the idea here is for her to learn from that- she thinking that the Bridge on the Hoshi is going to get attacked so that med lab right there in the middle of those armories is not a good place to be.

But, fixed accordingly. She's not gonna argue it, post simulation she'll discuss it with Nyton to understand his reasoning against it. =)
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I really need Masako to answer Tom or for us to get shot at or something for me to do anything.

Stuck in limbo mode right now.

*Looks at Fred to work his magic. BLAMMO!*

I feel a bit orphaned on my team right now, and the underarmored engineer in the assault team is feeling unlucky. :lol:
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'm sorry Tom, I got a case of writer's block at the moment. I try to post but nothing comes to me. I'll try to attempt posting something today.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

*nods* Just describe what Masako does, Matt. There's no need for it to be overly fancy. Usually, writer's block is there because nothing you write seems 'good enough'. To break writer's block, you have to write anyway and make to with what turns up, even if you don't like it.
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