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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I just want to note that Yukari's going to just keep jerking Miyoko around until I actually remember what the fuck I'm doing.

Kel, you've the patience of a saint. I have a feeling Miyoko will have the patience of a SAINT.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Okay I've tried a dozen times to resize that image bigger within the post. It's viewable on the Starchan images if you want to see the full size. For all that I pretty much hit a brick wall and its getting late. If someone could let me know how to make the image bigger I would much appreciate.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Oh, that's right. I have a 1400 x 900 screen now.

...I guess this is the one time having a widescreen for something else than work is cool. Though... Blas, as a tip, pictures need to be around 500 pixels wide to make sure that people with 1280x960 screen can view the site correctly.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Guys (and Kim), indulge me: I'm having trouble committing the time to make a post taking all your actions into account. I'm working on it, but my windows of opportunity for doing it are rather small right now.

I'm working on it - I was hoping to get it out right now... but my schedule is sort of messed up with me starting an internship. It's a place I go and that they actually ask me to work for 30CDN a week *rolls eyes* there's training and contacts to help jobhunting though.

Oh, and I started trying to do some exercise too. Paid at some place my friends went with. Coincidentally... afterwards, they want to chitchat and talk until very late instead of let me return to my basement.

I want my uneventful evenings back ~_~;
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Fred, do you want to split it up some? I know your post above suggests you don't, but I want to put it out there.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Some insight in how Fred works:

I go, read over most of the posts player make and then open up Notepad and start jotting down quick notes of what I feel are the important details I need to keep in mind.This said, I occasionally do miss things, so, don't be shy and point them out to me if I do. I screwed up occasionally before and with more players, that's liable to happen more.

Here's what I write up-

I have to do this about everytime I make a post in a combat situation... which makes me very glad that I'm not running these as JPs.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


No wonder it takes you awhile. Whew. Well, righto then.

Yukari: "I am not a slave-driv -- " *holds up the whip in her hand* " ... " *hides it behind her* "I do not know how that got there."
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I can't help but feel that first 'encounter' with the Black Mindy paragraph you wrote for Mizuno is heavily reminiscent of a scene from 'Aliens'. Plus the other Mindys clinging to the walls and ceiling helped further create that image in my mind.

Wow, Yukari really seems to be staking a lot on Nyton's tactical skill. Unfortunately that's only going to be able to go so far seeing as he can only control so much. Things really look bad for the home team right now. But talk about a challenge! Much fun now.This will take some thinking. Fire teams, you guys better start writing out some trump tight moves. Like Super Metroid Ball Z tight. Remember to utilize everything in your arsenal and don't just limit yourself to point and shoot. The environment, your surroundings, team mates, etc are all factors. You only have seconds to act and turns are literally only a few seconds long.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Well, Nyton IS the tactical officer. *grins* She's having a minor crisis and trying not to repeat what she did before with the Meng Po -- take charge and just issue orders without regard to what Nyton wants.

EDIT: Jesus. Go all out why don't you, Blas.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

No problem there. They're still all essentially in the same team, so, they can record their respective status.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread


Due to disagreement with the site's administration, I will be unable to continue fulfilling my duties as a Game Master at this time, which means I will not be able to attend to the Miharu. I apologize for the inconvenience this may cause to you, but I pretty much have run out of patience.

I will extend my apology to those new players whom have joined Mission 2, trusting me to weave an interesting plot for them. I will also extend my apology to those players of Mission 1 whom have been exposed to this kind of drama before. At least, I can assure you that I'm not being emo about it this time around.

My recommendations stand as follows: if the plot does proceed, the briefing was written... so you still have something concrete to go on. I feel certain that many people in the senior position can help further the plot, as all are strong roleplayers. I'd advice Jake to especially rely on Blas, as I've seen nothing from him but ardent interest in furthering this plot.

I will see myself out now. Thank you for the ride.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Attention: Miharu Players

Seems I picked a bad weekend to be on training.

Anyway, Wes and I are aware you are now without a GM. It is our goal to ensure that a solution is given as soon as possible to ensure as little disruption to you.

Please refer to Doshii for any questions. Doshii please bring any related conversation on this to the Staff Forum.

Wes has been notified. I am away for training this weekend and just peeked in to see this. So I really cant provide much more insight at this time. I am back tomarrow afternoon.

Sorry for any inconvience, try to keep the drama to a low boil.

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'll be writing up some more responses tonight for the Black Mindy armors. Be ready, players!
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

All I did was tell him not to vandalize the 1st XF wiki (he altered the numbers of ships in protest that the 1st XF was augmenting its forces with ships from the Fleet Depot).

Anyway, since Fred has unexpectedly flipped out, I will be helping with Miharu GMing (relying heavily on the much-respected Doshii).

My plan is that Kotori will be transferred into SAINT and (if Jake wants) Yukari will get command. If Jake doesn't want to be a C/O, then maybe old Rufus might come around.

My JP availability isn't great but I'm good for SPs right now (though thanksgiving holidays will cause a short outage in my posting).

Sorry about this situation. I hope Fred regains his senses and comes back.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

No offense, Wes, but Nyton (if he's willing) and I can handle this.

Kotori will be incapacitated by IC events, but she'll still be along for the ride. Yukari will have acting command, Nyton will be acting executive.

So the players know, I'm not going to ask Fred to come back like I did before. Fred's made his bed, and if he wants it this way, that's how it's going to be. I'm going to do the best job I can to live up to his level of play, but it might be bumpy at the start. Please bear with me.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

No offense, Wes, but Nyton (if he's willing) and I can handle this.
That's 100% okay with me. I trust you to do a fine job! I just wasn't sure if you wanted to GM or not when I posted.

Send me a note if you need anything from me.
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