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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Cheh! How typical. Everyone else on the ship is working and the commanding officer is doing paperwork (read: masturbating furiously while Miharu does the paperwork).
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

MoonMan said:
Real sorry for the absence people: some holiday things came up. I should be able to post real soon; just pretend Sanjuro is being Sanjuro until I do.

Sanjuro pretending to be Sanjuro is like... Like... Pretending to be a wall. That talks. Monotone.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Doshii Jun said:
Cheh! How typical. Everyone else on the ship is working and the commanding officer is doing paperwork (read: masturbating furiously while Miharu does the paperwork).

Kotori is not very partial to masturbating herself. Schooling herself to have a low libido also helps to a degree (no relationship, little sex drive).

Besides, she's obviously the workaholic of the crew. Nyton and Sanjuro seem to be the only runner ups she has. =P

Luckily, there have been no case of Karōshi so far on my plotship. ~_^
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Yukari could commit karoshi every day.

And you lie! I know she's masturbating. Being so close to Nyton and talking so intimately ... she's fantasizing about having babies now; I can practically smell it.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I made a double post yesterday, sorry about that. If someone wants to delete one of them, I would be okay with that. On another note, my internet is gonna be kinda flaky for the next few days so I will try to respond when I can, but no gaurantees.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

... Karoshi?

And can I say... That Rico avatar is so delightfully border-line NSFW that I almost keep thinking it is... XD
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'm starting to consider the dreaded fast-forward button to get on with the story (as in skip the rest of the examinations, engineering fixage the dinner, sleeptime and Tom&Yukari cuddles and hop to the next morning and continuation of the plot. I'm currently refraining as to answer the perceived player desire of having downtime.

Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

The downtime's nice, but when half of us are on break, we can't take advantage of it as much, unless we break character and just mingle for the madness of it.

We could fast-forward to the dinner, maybe? I can do a long intro post for what's being served, let the rest talk. Doctors should agree to it.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Well, I admit I feel some unease in regard to this given that right now, the medical staff is being of use.

At its peak, Miharu is an action plot. This means that the bridge crew get most of the spotlight in ship battles, with the engineering crew coming second. For ground/spacy power armor battles, the infantry crew obviously shines more, with a bit of support from the engineering crew and the bridge crew.

Realistically speaking, with the level of difficulty I apply to encounters, player characters are bound to get hurt... but I don't like the idea of deliberatingly hurting player characters so to give the medical crew something to do (in theory, if everyone acts really smart and up to their game, they might not get hurt at all).

It's something of a dilemma ^_^; Balancing plot advancement and giving players the satisfaction of being useful is not very easy.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

*nods* S'cool. I can fastforward through the dinner portion when it gets to that, and let all the kiddies break up to their happy places for the night, for whatever must be done.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Hey ah, when are we supposed to 'react' to the news of the upheaval on Yamatai? Timeframe wise we're way behind on that. Hell, we could probably even say our entire mission gets done while it happens and by the time we return from the Nebula everything has just started to turn upside down. That's just how it seems to be with all the fast moving being made and all.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Hopefully, when our dear Moonie returns from his RL stuff we'll get cracking on these a wee bit faster. If I can catch Ab for a JP it'd be so very very awesome.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

My own opinion would be that it would be easier to deal with the repercussions of what happened around Yamatai at the end of Mission 2. Mission 2 is mostly solo stuff for the Miharu, so, I don't expect happenings outside the frame of the mission to change much.

No, Kotori possibly becoming an admiral should not - for the moment - change this plotship. I can't promise anything beyond the end of mission 2, though.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Honestly, if y'all wanna time skip to dinner or something, I'm not gonna complain. My posts are getting repetitive.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

I'm thinking we might actually entirely skip dinner and just hop on to the next day. We'll likely roleplay breakfast anyways.

Does that sound good?
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

After that dinner post I put up?! NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

Seriously though, skip away. *grins* We gotta get rollin'.
Re: [OoC] Discussion thread

Sorry to be slowing things down but I'll be leaving for training on wednesday. I won't be back till the 20th.