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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Unfortunately, Kokuten confirmed with me today that he had no plan to come back and play Asher Orkin Westwood.

He asked me to give him a dignified death, but after chatting a bit with him, I managed to make it just 'being retired'. I don't want to kill off a character whom he might want to play again if he comes back 6 months later or something.

Sooo... well, I'll have to attend to that. I likely will do this soon instead of at mission's end. Naoko might tag along with him (Zakalwe barely made any effort to play her, even when he was around to play the Elysians).

Matt, how are you doing? You sort of show up seldom too, so, checking things out with you.
That blows. I miss Kokuten.
Pet peeve of mine: no player on my plotship - despite it being an experimental platform - have ever gone and tried to create test equipment onboard even though the ship's commander actually promotes it (though Kotori is not very techie herself - despite me having put up a few submissions out there, I never made Kotori the one to invent them since I did not think she had the baggage to do it).

Despite my lack of enthusiasm at seeing plasma emiters like the PHALANX go on Daisies, I was still glad that Blas made the attempt, though. Seeing Yoroko actually go on one of Nyton's idea and try to post up an equivalent as a MFY product just ends up irking me, though.

I have nothing against MFY, but it just feels like the whole testing ground/experimental ship nature of the setting I GM is being wasted. That's just - forgive me - lame.

Miharu wasn't created perfect (irregular stats in several places and some flaws that come up occasionally) so that it could give room for its crew to improve it (from eliminating flaws to making it even better than the norm), but I've had very few tech-inclined character go beyond the fix what is broken and actually go and tinker in machines to soup them up.

Anyhow. This was my mandatory incoherent late night rant. I needed to get it off my chest. Thanks. No one is actually at fault except me, I guess.
Sorry Fred!! *bows repeatedly and apologetically*
As far as MFY there were less hoops to jump through, so I used them. I can change it, it would make more sense if I did anyway since they produce every other weapon system out there.

Also I kinda wish Yoroko or someone else aboard could have developed this (like maybe Nyton) but I know for sure that Yoroko lacks the skillz necessary to do that. Again, sorry. *more bowing*
I actually had no idea you intended the ship to be used in that nature. I just kinda figured that was the background of the ship itself, not a focus of the plot.

Hmm. Sanjuro-tech...

*wrings hands menacingly*
Well, yeah. A lot of Miharu - from the speed ratings to the power generation system to the shield systems and to the weapons - was made a bit below original plans for the ship so that players could play a role in increasing the performance of the ship up to intended specs... or even better than it was supposed to be.

It was my intent to make Miharu dynamic and rewarding to those whom wanted to center their roleplay around it on a more technical basis - you know, part of me wanting to have the players be able to make a different.

Reality offered something else, though. Tom is a reluctant tech-person whom successfully rises to the chief engineer role but only as far as the plot requires him to since it isn't what he really enjoys. Leutre, Chigusa and Naoko were my best bet, but their players couldn't commit. Yaichiro slipped through my fingers. Takuma strikes me as a 'work-as-much-as-I-have-to' guy too.

If you look at Wes' YSS Eucharis entry, you'll see the ship has plenty of customizations of its own Wes decided to add in. As a GM, I could do the same and have sprites do such thing... but that would just be cheap and eclipse the sort of contributions the players themselves might do in the future. Taking the time to try to make the ship's power storage more efficient to be able to coax out 7 main gun shots, have DR 6 regenerative shields, increase STL engine speed by 0.01c, improve on the Daisy's cloaking shield or work to make it more modular to fit Mindy II components -- these are all things that players could work on to increase their odds of succeeding against their antagonists later.

So... yeah.
tl;dr: We can't just go through the game and level up as we go. We need to prioritize our accessories, maximize our custom attacks, build up our Materia, train those Pokemon!, dump some points into our tech attacks, modify our armors, and powerlevel, powerlevel, powerlevel!

Translation: We won't win very well unless we get more technical and improve our stuff.
Fred, I don't mind experimenting, I just don't have any clue how to go about doing it.

I figured that whole 'fix the capacitors' things was an effort to go into the right direction, but if you're asking me to go below the basic issues with the setting's tech and actually modify things, that's probably asking a bit too much. I can't, for the life of me, even tell what Aether is or how this stuff works.
Give me a good Fusion Reactor and I personally could talk your head off engineering wise. Mostly due to the amount of David Weber I read, but some of Yamatai's technology is just...well...over the top.

Hence the reason why my first character was a power armor pilot rather than an engineer.
I'm taking a step back from the SARP for a bit, until Jake has Yukari and Miyoko look over their file. Don't expect much postage from me (not that I was posting a lot, meh).
Sorry I've meant to be more posty, especially in my own tech development thread, but I've been having some serious connection problems lately. I'm beginning to suspect there's something wrong with the hardware in my pc.
Direction of the plot:
From this point, our posting should regard mainly the engineering and the bridge staff (once Yukari has things covered with Miyoko) so that the Miharu tests its main cannon again and then heads out to the Great Southern Nebula where Miharu will make contact with the first probe left behind by the Sekkou. The science staff will have to find a way to find the second one.

Time transition to come:
I don't intend to play out all the looking around the nebula. Suffice to say that no quick progress will be done, as Miharu will be effectively be several days looking around inside the nebula. It might be a good thing to envision what your characters will be doing within that span of time - we won't roleplay it out, but it could still be narrated - especially if you might go and do significant off-screen action (training, learning, tweaking stuff, reading or whatever).

I'm thinking of picking up at Mission 2, Day 16. At Day 14, Miharu will have emerged from the nebula to meet with a 1st XF Anri-class repairship to resupply and do maintenance on its Material Collection System before heading back in. This will give the crew the opportunity to get back in touch with news from home (downloaded with the Anri's computer). Bear in mind this will also mean that the crew won't be strangers to each other by then as well.

Day 16 is where Miharu will have found the destination of those the Sekkou pursued. We will be picking up mostly from slightly before they get there (so to not throw you guys in the action immediately and allow you to reminisce if appropriate).


Is that good with everyone? By this point, having some direction might be necessary. I think everyone can agree that while mingling together is nice, some progress in the mission itself would be in order.