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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

Would 5 p.m. PST work better for everyone? The only reason I wanted 7 p.m. is because that would be a bit safer at work. However, 5 p.m. PST should work OK.

How's that sound instead? The events we're coming back to could be revealed as the party progresses.
5pm pst is bad for me since I will be at work. However, if it is the best time then I am sure I can find Yoroko something to do.
Either one would work just fine for me. The only hard part is remembering, but I should be able to manage.
On Wednesday, I have an award ceremony to go to at 6:30 PST. So if it is at 5, Takuma will have to leave early, or if it's at 7, he will have to arrive later.

Since this would be a lot more entertaining than an award ceremony for having good grades, I may just skip that and come here.
Let's go for 7 p.m. PST then, if that's going to work better or all involved.

We can do this YIMly if that would work better for everyone. I'm stuck with Meebo, so I can't guarantee how reliable I'll be.

IRC is, of course, IRC.
Note to all: I'll have sparse access to a computer for the next two days. Goin' to see friends in central Cal. Later!
Excellent JP, folks! I'll edit'er up tomorrow, and post it.

Quickly, however, some opinions — I still feel the around-the-table method was hard when we had eight, but got easier as we whittled down to five. Free-for-all would still be too chaotic. What're you thinkin'?
The only real problem with round-the-table is that people whom would normally reply quickly to a question or statement are held back...and it would by possible that by the time the post order has gone around the horn, having that individual reply in that fashion would seem awkward in the timeline, or find that the conversation he was in had left without him or her able to reply. That's my only beef, really.
.... SHIT! I totally forgot.... and I wasn't busy and all that jazz, too. I hope you'll forgive me, I was engrossed by Hayao Miyazaki films, Just watched Nausicaa and castle in the sky for the first time.
It is a good anime, so ... I will let it go. THIS TIME. *grins*

Moon, you bring up the reason why I don't like big JPs in general. They're hard to write, without people having a kind of instinctual understanding of when to jump in. *thinks* I'll wait for the others to speak.

Editing is commencing ...
The roundtable thing did seem to slow us down a lot--I spent about 95% of my time just waiting for my turn to come up again. On the other hand, it can really be chaotic with that people. Thing is, I don't think splitting the group up, as was suggested last night, is really a valid option at this point. There's no clear division of people, they're all just sorta in a giant mass.

I'd really be willing to try either system next time.
Most Nepleslia JPs were like this, roughly 8+ people at a time, no posting order whatsoever.

While, at times, it was indeed hard to follow (and made OOC channels absolutely necessary), most of the work was up to the editor to sift through and move paragraphs so that they fit the conversations. I became quite skilled at it for a while myself, but while it can be chaotic, it does have rewards of its own...namely, the ability for multiple people to hold multiple conversations, with little chance of getting derailed.
Bloody finals. Bloody college. Bloody... Everything in general.

I've missed a ton of stuff haven't I and probably been written off as dead?
Probably for the best. I'm done with college tomorrow and won't have easy internet access anymore so I'm severely limited on internet
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