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OOC [OoC] Miharu Discussion thread

I was under the impression the teams were communicating on closed frequencies and such, and only speak to those outside of their network when they mean to.
Just to echo and put out, Yes Moonman is correct. All Armor members are speaking on a closed net. They can even specify if they speak only to one member, a few, entire team, both teams, to Hoshi, etc. Whenever speaking to someone outside of an Armor they must use the DAISY's loudspeakers which allow them to communicate outside the suit. Just because they're called loudspeakers doesn't mean it's loud, it is just their means of talking to someone who is not in the suit. The volume can be adjusted. So remember to specify this folks. If its not done well, meh, we can always just roll with it and correct it later.
Blarg... I'd be getting to posting, but a CERTAIN SOMEONE, even after I've reminded them to post... hasn't! Must go remind them with a more forceful poke!
I'm feeling like having Kai push Wazu back and tell him to wait. Should I or should Kai just let him wander through into danger?
That's up to you to decide what Kai does.

Exhack, most of the armor team rescuing the prisoners are using M5-1A and M5-1C Daisy power armor. There is only one M2-2 Mindy, the one piloted by Sumaru.
I'm going to give this like one more day. I want to give Cora, Yagen, and 5tar a chance to post something.

Hey Fred, I'm not sure how much space is between levels but I'm imagining there would have to be at least ten or twenty meters. I'm just guessing there. When I tell the Assault Team to advance to just above the opening to the next level that should be a good amount of distance travelled down.
Belated happy birthday, Yagen.

Also: I'm currently trying to complete an online portfolio for a level design class taught by Ubisoft. My posting rate here is likely to be slow until I get this settled (which is likely bound to be wrapped up sometime next week).

I'm liable to quip on the forum and keep myself up to date, but preparing contextually correct plot-related in-character posts may be beyond me until then.
Well Fred may be busy but that doesn't mean everyone else should slow down. Keep up that momentum folks! We got a dash and a rescue all in one go so keep the posts rolling.
Crud. With Fred being infrequent right now, I think my post in response to Gallant won't work. Gallant, I'll try and rephrase or find a way around the problem so we can keep moving forward.
Ha! I was enjoing my independant steaming so much, I'd forgotten about all those fancy technological things of Yamatai's for a bit. It threw off the next entry I was planning, which is why I havn't gone on yet.

But it's fine with me. I can roll with whatever you come up with, Doshii. ;D
Ah, if it helps, Star Army ships usually don't have working internal sensors inside maintenance passageways.
Natch. That's why I avoided sensors, and went with the OS connection search. I figured if she's dead, no connection. Shit. Fred, should I still edit so Gallant and I can roll on our own?
You're my Co-mod. Feel free.

Kel, I know you're depending on me for a reply to advance. Hang tight. I'll will try to put something in this weekend.
Well, some people have been wondering just what I was up to with this overhaul thing. Progress is slow, I struggle with a whole lot of things with it, hoping to have it have form, function and perhaps some degrees of elegance... and feeling I mostly fail at it so far despite the many tries I've done thus far.

The imagine below is a sneakpeek of the work process I've done. One step was tucking the Miharu's wing behind it to 'fuse' it with the auxiliary ship section to make it more solid and then lowering the rollbar to join it with the rest of the hull (though that part is not immediately visible from a top view). From there, I try to add components, streamline the hull's design and ...that sort of stuff.

Like I said, I don't consider I've been successful. Some don't look to me like improvements. Others don't even look like Miharu anymore.

It resembles more a jumbo sized shuttle craft in these early looks. First one that came to mind was Samus's from Super Metroid.
Coincidentally, Samus' gunship in Metroid Prime's was actually a big design influence on the lower left sketch. Good observation, Nyton.

Luckily, those are designs I consider failed. Ideas I was trying out and didn't like the result, though I did pick up a few pointers here and there about what worked better and what didn't.

I figured watching a big of the design process could be interesting, at the very least.

In a talk I had with Doshii Jun, he shared to me that he thought visual elements I should keep from Miharu are those which encourage thinking that the ship is fast, like large tucked-in engines, an upswept shape, etc. Mating the rollbar with the rest of the hull was a good idea according to him because he figured it was one of the weaker points of the ship, but he didn't agree entirely with tucking back the wings and eliminating them by fusing them with Hoshi. He felt they could be kept, but made sturdier and less vulnerable at the base. (the comparison I made at the time was "turning a F-14 into a F-22")

Another debate I have with the hull geometry is how organic or mechanical I want the ship to look like. Organic forms lend themselves better to looking fast and aerodynamic, but looking more mechanical encourages mass and sit better with acknowledging the vessel as a light cruiser.

Another problem there is, if you look at the picture above, is that none of the 'brainstorming' I indulged myself in seemed to lead in a ship that was recognizable as Miharu, but improved. If you look at a Sakura-class and then set eye on a Plumeria-class gunship, that's immediately obvious. If I detract too far away from it, I might as well no longer call it Miharu, eh?
I've been getting absolutely hammered with work last week. Something will get posted by me soon.
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