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OOC [OOC] Pisces Plot Discussion

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Let's not forget trying to rally the entiraty of the 5th that's at the station. ~_~ I understand HE'S ancious to go back to battle and get killed, but I honestly doubt all the other tired and possibly wounded soldiers are.
You'd be surprised how the destruction of your planet and the deaths of your comrades can make a group of soldiers angry.
I would also assume that nearly being erradicated by the Mishhu and limping to the nearest spacestation would also make them want to relax and recover. Even breifly.

And Concerto, Noone will be tried, well, Not steele and not the other Taisa, and I doubt Caine will either. If anyone will, it'll be Marisa. ~_~

Oh, and Toshiro, get your lips off Wes' ass right now.
Wes!! What in the seven Bloody hells are you doing?!

You're commandeering Forte's Roleplay for godsake!!
For the record the 5th ships responding are not doing so to attack. Mayumi relizes there are civilians and refugees onboard.
For the record, Nozomi is not aware of this fact and can only assume that everyone with a Fleet Admiral or Taisa's pin has gone stark raving mad.
In one fluid movement she drew her NSP and pulled the trigger firmly stunning the guard
The guard was only stunned. Just as another note.
For the record, when a superior officer shoots you, you're not supposed to go "OMG war crimes!" The proper protocol dictates that you say "Thank you Sir and/or Madam! May I have another?"

Cora, if you believe that Wes is doing the wrong things, then don't copy him. Your OOC responses so far speaks volumes about your level of maturity.
Cora said:
Oh, and Toshiro, get your lips off Wes' ass right now.

Uncalled for. Next time you have something to say, do it in PMs or I will pursue consequences.

In addition, I DID ask him to be more realistic. What I did is called a respectful request rather than asskissing. You obviously can't tell the difference.
If a superior officer shoots someone under my command my first thought is going to be "what did the crewman do wrong" followed by "did it warrant being shot" and third by "is the officer in question thinking clearly"
I suggest crazy Chief Nozomi be sent to SAINT ship YC-28 for debriefing and punishment.
I'll have Yaichiro send Irim a message soon, after speaking with Marina. Yaichiro is ICly unaware of the YC-28.
Hey, stop trying to take my XO. If you take her, then who will supply the lesbian overtones on the station?
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