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OOC [OOC] Yugumo Discussion

Should I put Starship Operations (Piloting) in my character's skill lists since Creighton is basically giving him a crash course on it? lol
Oi, Tyler, I never said Kiyoe was rushing. She said to fire the missiles when the enemies got in range. The only other weapon I've explicitly said she's using so far is the turret, which has almost the same range as the aether cannon.
Regardless, you really don't want your missles to be in range. There's a lot of guys with very big guns over there. Much safer to move backwards and just keep using the aether x_X
Since there are thousands of the the pods, each able to move quickly enough to span the distance between the two ships in a few seconds, I kinda figured it was inevitable that some would get through.

Or, I could just be missing something obvious.
Well, the Huyga fighters have a top speed over 3 times that of the attack pods themselves and capable of accelerating/changing direction much faster (CFS ftw \o/). With our aether weapons severely outranging the Mishu's equivalent weaponry I suppose we could literally circle strafe them to death =p

Conversly, the effective range of our missiles is well within the attack range of the Mishu's positron cannons. If that many pods got a chance to level a volley at us I don't think it'd be pretty (odds being 25 to 1 just for the small group attacking us) <.<
Hey all!

I want to see you guys involved in the community!

There is a debate ongoing about a year change, Myself, Fred and others have posted their take and we want yours. Step up and declare yourself. But remember to be respectful.

Well, I put in my opinion, but I doubt anybody will really pay any attention to what I said. As cynical as this sounds, from what I've seen here so far it always looks like a lot of the members here who have been around for a while and carry a lot of influence are always getting into a hizzy and biting each others' dicks off. As a former GM (not here) it infuriates me to no end to see such bickering.

However, I'd like to commend Andrew for (so far) not cockslapping anyone in a fit of rage.
I am in agreement with Tesuro. I have never been a GM, but I have been an admin for a forum and mod for several others for a while. Bickering is never good... -.- *plans a "Hail, Andrew!" Day* ^_^
Well as bad as it is to bicker, it is also bad as a GM to have minions who tag along and agree with everything you say (if you agree with your GM all the time just because of coincidence, that's fine). Minions are annoying as hell.

But just for the fuck of it; Hail Andrew :P
LOL! Minions may be annoying, but BEING a minion is fun! XD Except, that I am minion to about three or four GMs! lol So, that was my opinion, not my minion-part of me! lol
I'll tell you hear what I said there: I don't care. it's a number that I rarely think about in this RP. Hell, I don't even remember the last time I've seen it other then when I last looked at the overview of history for the RP.
Well, even though the number bears little importance to you, the balance of the entire RP relies heavily upon it. With every new YE year comes vast story arcs and changes.