Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP [Open RP] East of the Sun, West of the Moon

"Orders received, I pray this will be the beginning of a fruitful exchange between our nations." he says before he bows his head to Eve6 as Ceilia still freeloading on his shoulders. He then waits and fills in the needed information to move the equipment he had brought to be transferred to the ship and procurement of what he didn't. He was particularly anxious about his Keiko Thought Armor and the new AI that rested within it, BEAT-451. He had no idea why it decided to call itself that.

Once Ceilia finished talking to EVE6, he kicked on his inertia generators and essentially did a backflip to drop her to her feet. He catches her hands and hovers upside down above her. "Let's not get too comfortable now, shall we?" Mikael says, with a smirk on his face. He then looks over at V and Ayre like floating in the air is normal to him.

"It is a coincidence that the first people I meet here are also going to be the same ones I will be serving with on this exchange. Mama Harris always did say the universe is small. Though I do request you call me either by my surname or rank. I am normally called Harris-Chui, but..." Mikael says before pausing to access a public database regarding NDC ranks. "The rank equal to a Chui appears to be Lieutenant 2nd Class."

He paused and looked at Ceilia since there seemed to be more to her than he initially thought. "What do you think we should do?"
"You know it girl, long time no see EVE6. Yep, the OG even.", Ceilia answered the sprite like AI with a mischievous grin. Though as Mikael suddenly reoriented after her departure, it didn't phase her much. "I don't know, enjoying the hand holding honestly."

She didn't necessarily let go of his hand, something she'd leave him to do on his own. "Also that puts us as the same rank Mr.Harris. Though I am still hungry, maybe a diner instead of a bar this time please? I want to learn about everyone here more, part of my observation, and curiosity I mentioned to the girls earlier when I was watching them. Any objections, V, Arye, or mr. Floaty pants?"
She watched Celia’s interaction with their captain who she appeared to be friendly with. The young Operator felt she wanted that familiarity, and turned her head to V. Arye was about to reply to, V when Mikael spoke, her eyes blinked when he asked her to refer to him by his surname or rank, which in NDC would be a Lieutenant 2nd Class. She used his first name because she thought they were friends. It felt odd to her to refer to her friends by their last name.

“Very well, Lieutenant, 2nd Class Harris,” She said to him with an odd vocal pattern to her voice, was she upset or confused was unknown. Her attention went to Celia “I think a Diner is a great idea! I’d love to get to know you better too!” The previous odd vocal pattern was gone when she spoke to Celia.
Mikael floated back down to stand on the ground but did not let go of Ceilia's hand. He looked over to Ayre. "It's a matter of professionalism. But as we get closer, it will not be so odd to hear my given name in non-professional environments. Call it the Giretsu Ghost within me and my time as a Yamataian." Mikael said, sensing something in her voice and body language. It was likely a cultural difference he was going to have to explain later in a more appropriate setting.

He then looked over at Ceilia. "I guess we are going on a date. A diner is fine. But give me a moment, I need to communicate with my armor's AI about the transfer." Mikael says before he sets up additional security barriers the others shouldn't be able to sense it on his wireless connection.

"BEAT-451, prepare for transfer to the NDS Ravenaca's Watch. Alert me if there are any complications or anyone gets too curious about you." Mikael mentally sent his encrypted wirelessly. He wasn't entirely sure where his container was, but he should still be able to get through unless there was an especially layer of rock between them.

"Wilco Harris-Chui."
Gawain Station
Shopping District

"So now what?" Arria Smith's voice muttered from inside the crowded area. She'd just finished having a little snack, and seemed a bit unsure of what to do next. She was, however, chatting with Drake wirelessly - her micropad held up to one ear so she could hear him back. "Any suggestions, Drake?" Clad in a firm, form-fitting T-shirt and some denim-built shorts, the snowy Elysian strolled through the plazas and alleys of the station as she talked; sometimes she'd wanted into this store, that boutique, or those parlors to investigate the many goods and services inside, but the lack of any shopping bags meant she hadn't purchased anything... Yet.

There was, however, yet another Elysian currently on the repurposed asteroid. This one, few people would recognize - if anyone at all - as she meandered the streets, looking lost and confused. More than once, she stared into the "sky", at the opposing end of the spacerock's interior. Her clothing was significantly more... Worn-down than what most people would consider to be normal, and she carried a laden, large backpack between her wings. She didn't seem to go out of her way to ask for someone's help, though.
V115 watched the others with a rather detached interest, before shrugging. "I have no objections, though I suggest someone else pick the place. After that last one I'm afraid I might just be unlucky today," she joked albeit in a deadpan voice. Arye would probably know that V115 didn't believe in luck so she might be the only one to understand that the young operator was joking around in the first place. Moving over to stand by the Arye's side, she nudged the taller woman with her shoulder. "I vote for Firewalker here to lead the way, what's the worst that could happen with a name like that?" She was of course jesting with her friend as she'd picked up on the odd vocal pattern from earlier.
Waylan pushed his way through the crowd, having confirmed with the bar crowd that a woman matching Ceilia's description had been there just moments before.

When he got close enough to spot her, he put on a warm, if awkward, smile as he raised a hand in greeting. He cut a surprisingly dashing figure in his suit, neatly trimmed beard, eyepatch, and hints of gray making him look more mature than he usually acted. He'd have much rather been in something more comfortable, that was for sure.

"Ceilia!" he called. "I've been looking all over for you. I see you've made some new friends?"

OOC: This thread can continue as long as everyone wants it to. I'll get the story rolling in a new thread!
"I would say get whatever essentials you need for the posting. I bought that pack of gravitic ones, so I got you covered there. They have the bulk underwear for sale near where you're at. Exercise wear too actually from what I see on the net page. Did you want me to ship up a care package of snacks and amenities?", Came Drake's reply over the line, the background noise of rustling and opening doors as he moved about his apartment present.


"Oh hey honey, just spending time with your lovely children and getting pampered by Mr. Harris here. If I knew a ship posting would include being taken to dinner and getting to mom. I would have transferred far sooner. Though it's good to see you out of the lab, so come say hi to everyone." Ceilia answered back gleefully as she spotted the approaching Waylan. An arm hooked around the shoulders of Mikael and Arye in emphasis of what she said.

Looking to all her companions in turn, she continued her energetic reply. "V and Arye, say hi to your father. I hope you don't mind if I drag him along with us. Should also keep away more drunken fools hopefully. Mr.Harris, this is Waylan, he largely designed the ship you're being stationed on, and the Operators. He's quite the genius."
Mikael was not quite understanding what Ceilia was saying when she said "being a mother to your children". It was making him a tad uneasy. Not that he got himself caught up in some love triangle, that he didn't care so much about. He could defend himself against angry spouses. No, he was uneasy because she suddenly decided to call him Mr. Harris instead of his rank. But at least she wasn't holding his hand anymore.

"Chui Mikael Harris, nice to meet you." Mikael said, keeping his internal feelings from manifesting on the outside for all to see. "I look forward to learning more about these operators and how the NDC functions."
OOC: I don’t mind if everyone else wants to continue

Arye smirked when she heard V’s attempt at making a joke. She knew this because V didn’t believe in luck and for some parts neither did Arye, rather what Arye believed in was skill, their skills that they have learned. Her grin widened as V made another joke at the expense of her call sign and last name. “I’ll see what I can find for us,” she said to the group before another joined them.

Her eyes widened when she realized the importance of this man before them and how he was their father. “So you’re… “ She composes herself. “I don’t mind in the least it gives me an opportunity. I don’t think I had been able to... Thanks for giving me life, Dad!” She said smiling happily.

She felt Celia’s arms over her shoulder.
V115 looked at the new comer, her eyes lighting up with that red ring again as she did a quick facial recognition search. Though it returned his name, for her trouble she got that strange unknown file designation sensation yet again for what was perhaps the third time today. It was actually starting to worry her, making her think that something was wrong with her brain. She initiated a full diagnostic scan while the others began to interact. For her part V115 just looked at the man Ceilia had called honey with a narrowed eyed expression before her face finally softened to her usual sharp disinterest. "Hello Waylan," she began unlike Arye's familial usage of dad, "it would be a pleasure to have you join us."

As she finished speaking her brain finished its self diagnostic and returned all green. That should have given her a sense of relief but in reality she was expecting a problem and to get back none? Well it was disconcerting to her, perhaps later she would ask Arye if she felt anything similar today.
Ceilia nudges Arye, "Hey, how about picking out a place then. That way we can all sit down and get to know each other better. Besides, some of us still haven't eaten yet." She gave the girl a fun wink as a suggestion that perhaps it was the best course to lead to a thanks for Wayland. Ceilia smiled at the light hearted situation, yet spied the Elysian woman nearby.

A quick search had registered her as another yammie exchange, one likely bound for the ship as well. What was one more for the group, more the merrier as they always say. "Hey Smith! How about you join us! We're getting drinks and food, to celebrate and chat!", Ceilia called over to the birb.
Waylan Vulca

Waylan gave the group an easygoing smile. For all the man's inclination to fall into his work for days or weeks at a time, Ceilia's warm attitude and cheerful disposition was one of the few things that could pull him out. He had a dozen problems to be solving right that moment, but he set them aside for her.

"I'd be glad to join you," he said, looking over each member of the group in turn with something between friendly interest and a mechanic looking for issues.

The engineer gave a nod to Mikael as he introduced himself. "Waylan Vulca, pleased to meet you as well. I'm told you're bringing along a new toy, but I haven't been told the details of it yet. Perhaps we can talk about it over the meal?"

As they continued to speak he said, "I'm not sure if 'Dad' is exactly the right thing to call me." He chuckled, somewhat nervous because of the implications but not refuting the notion. "...but if it makes you all happy, then I don't mind. I'm proud of each of you, for the technical accomplishment you each represent and, even more so, for the futures you'll create for yourselves. No matter what that might be."

He smiled warmly, his spirits lifted by Ceilia and the others assembled.


The small, projected figure drifted along, enjoying the last few sights before she headed for the upcoming ceremony and her posting. One figure, an out-of-place winged humanoid stuck out to her for some reason, so she made her way in that direction.

"Hello!" she said, her small form hovering near the woman's face but not uncomfortably so. Probably. "Are you lost? Can I help you find something?"
NDS Ravenaca's Watch

Gale 'leaned back' mentally, watching as the readouts from all the systems poured in during the final check she was making. She was needing to be sure her ability to fully sync was in place and worked flawlessly. It wouldn't do to have the ship do something unexpected, or act in a peculiar fashion for it's launching. As the final system came back with a green check mark next to it, Gale smiled and nodded, before entering the mental command to begin the desync process. Slowly, her sense shrunk, first with her extremities losing sensation, followed by her limbs, then her couldn't help but take a deep 'breath' as she felt her torso begin to fade away from her ability to sense. Each step was like losing a part of her body. Her head was almost always the last thing to go, her mind holding onto the links just that bit longer. But she always took that 'breath', as a sort of preparedness step as she could no longer feel the life support systems serve as her lungs, making her feel like she couldn't breath anymore.

Then, her vision and hearing faded as her eyes were no longer connected to the sensors and cameras on the ship, leaving her just a brain floating in an empty void. When she felt she couldn't stand it any longer, her real, physical eyes snapped open. She was alive again. She had a body again. She could see again. The view of the ship's bridge was of course, distorted as she floated in the fluid-filled tank near the back of the bridge. Everything looked to be in place. As it should be owing that the entire experience of her desyncing lasted only 10 seconds. But it was still such a long time for her brain to process, owing it's AI nature.

Giving her eyes a few moments to readjust, she lifted an arm slowly in the fluid, and tapped on the control on the roof of the tank. Her body was mostly obscured by the dense fluid, but it was still translucent enough to see through to her naked form. Which is why bands of metal had been shifting in place to help keep her physical body 'decent'. As the tank whirred into the deck, the world went dark. The fluid was rapidly drained to be recycled and cleansed, and a section in the back of it opened up, and pulled the draconic-formed woman into it. Robotic limbs soon whirred to life and redressed her. Once drained, and dressed, the hatch hissed, and spun in place, before opening, and allowing the Operator to pull herself out. Some of her Cohort opted for more clean and simple methods of syncing with their equipment, but Gale preferred the lack of physical contact to distract her while she did so, thus opting for the fluid tank approach.

Grabbing a towel from a rack located in the space behind where the tank had been raised, the operator began to work on drying her hair off, wondering if she should request a system to help dry her off when she exited. It always made her mithril suit rub her uncomfortably after exiting the tank every time.
NDS Ravenaca's Watch
Deck 4

Cassandra was wandering on the lower decks, there wasn't much to do before the celebration. She already explored the superior decks personally, even if the Geist updated her with the entire plans of the ship, however that wasn't enough for her. For her trip she left the vehicle bay as the last cherry on the cake, and the entire Ravenaca's was a big cake for her eyes. The advanced technology inherent in the ship was breathtaking, for someone who a couple of month prior was inside a half decade old mech. Fighting against enemies with even older equipment than theirs.

As the young and attractive woman walked in the hallways in her mythril suit, her Geist projected holographic posters, together with the indications to the various rooms of the 4th deck. That was until she stumbled across a metallic large door, with the clear sign "Bridge" labelled right on it. She looked around with her emerald eyes in an instinctive fear that someone could see her wandering in places she thought not accessible to her. Such worries disappeared in an instant however. As she made a step towards the entrance and the metallic wall opened infront of her eyes.

She couldn't make another step without seeing the scene unfolding infront of her eyes. A beautiful woman was getting out from the liquid tank. She even looked at Cassandra, but it seemed like her mind was slightly confused as she ignored her at first. Still at the door, she blinked twice and slightly shook her head, trying to get some composure. "Ahem! Excuse me ma'am. I was unaware that you were still operating the ship." Her voice was slightly monotone, but disciplined. She made a perfect military salute as her splendid face slightly blushed from the embarrassment. It was in total contrast with her somewhat grumpy expression. Such manner was a necessary thing, since the woman infront of her was superior in rank.
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Gale has noticed the person, but didn't deign to acknowledge them. Not out of ego, or status, or even rank. As far as Gale was concerned, they were just another person helping get the ship ready for it's big launching ceremony. As the woman spoke up, Gale looked over, and smiled. She would have saluted, but she was still drying her hair off and thusly had neither hand available. So she opted for a simple nod to give the other woman permission to release the salute. "It's fine. I was just making sure the syncing worked as intended with a live dive." She explained, finally drying her hair enough to feel like it wouldn't go wild on her now. So putting the towel back on the rack, she grabbed a small band and pulled her hair deftly into a ponytail high on the back of her head.

Of course, she was curious what was going on. "So, uhh," Gale said, pausing as moment to catch sight of the other woman's rank, "Ensign. What brings you to the bridge? Did dry dock order more calibrations on the bridge?" she asked, hardly fazed at all by the blush. Gale was dressed in her Mithril suit after all. So she wasn't beared to the world right now. Left her wondering what had the other woman so embarrassed about.
The young woman lowered her hand and relaxed, as it seemed like she hadn't disturbed the officer. Enough of a relief to her from the embarrassment of stumbling across higher ranks, in places where she wasn't suited for. "No ma'am... If I have to be frank, I was just checking every deck of the ship, I know them already through the Geist, but you never know what could happen. Better to get as much familiarity with the ship as I can." She tried to give an elaborate answer to hide her curiousity. Her somewhat grumpy expression and her straight posture emphasized her words with a serious manner, even if it was her usual sincere self.

Despite rank differences though, she seemed a chill person in Cassandra's eyes. "If you have some spare time... Would you like to accompany me? My final destination before the celebration is the vehicle bay. I heard that a yamataian mech has docked there. I've never seen one before." Her eyes glimmered from curiosity, her love for mechs was incomparable. For a moment it was like she looked somewhere else, imagining how it would look like.
Gale pondered that. She wasn't going to be in the celebration itself, as she was needed here on the bridge during it for the ship's launch. But there was time before she needed to dive back into the sync tank. "Sure." She replies to Cassandra, reaching over to a jacket hung on a hook near the tank. Swinging it on, she settled it. "So, what's your name Ensign?" She asked, glancing over as she walked towards the hatchway that Cassandra was standing in front of.
"Cassandra. Cassandra Demascus." The young woman slightly stiffened, an instinctive reaction as she answered, which she usually would have said in a less relaxed context, giving who she was speaking to. But that lasted shortly "And yours?" She asked as she moved to free the entrance as the officer was moving towards it. Making a thin smile while doing it, having the actual pilot of the ship with her while going around surely would have been fun. Afterall she would tell her more about the vessel than anyone else around.