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Osaka's doodling

Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Progressing in Modo. I'm finding I have a lot of chambers and I'm not sure what to do with them... Looking at some Floor-plan stuff from Memory Alpha, the Startrek stuff.

At this rate, Maras might just get a pool and Doc is definately getting his "naughty fun room": I have more rooms on the first two decks than most starships have throughout their entire hull.

Deck 1:

Deck 2:

Suggestions (serious or not) are welcome - and will likely make it into the final version :3
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Update on hanger. lol swordfish.

Osaka is listening to:
  • Joe Satriani - Woodstock Jam (Time Machine, 1993)
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

In all honesty, I'm glad to see Maras finally coming together to give us a fairly mindblowing model of the gunship.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Soresu, any ideas as to what I should put in the habitat area?

Aside from quarters, mess-hall, medical and the basics...

I'm looking at training areas but to be honest I might just use some of the un-used quarters since we have six occupants on a starship that's been redesigned for about twenty - thankfully automation means this isn't a problem.

Contemplating having the forward open hanger be used as a rifle testing area for armor, since it would mean the rounds wouldn't hit the interior of the ship but I think we might need a traditional gunrange too.. But as for things like gyms and the possibility of simulators and the like, I think we can use those other 14 chambers.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Honestly, nothing comes to mind right now since I just woke up. But, a communal rec room perhaps? I'm unsure of how used it'd be considering our mix of characters.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Big difference, I'd say. Just need to get some assets together (chairs, desks, doors, various bits of piping, etc) and I can finnish this off. Not sure whether or not this would be the bridge of the ship or not..

Deck 1 is a pretty silly place to put it because that's where everybody points their guns.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Alright. New high-end UOC technology workstation to the fabrication unit and scientific computational systems in progress.

The base system holds around 500 times the processing and storage capacity of a typical dedicated StarArmy of Yamatai bridge terminal which is about on average four times that of the Mindy making it 2000 times that of the Mindy.

The processing racks then go thusly:

  • Each cluster has 8 dedicated chips (similar chips are found in powered-armor and constitute a complete solid-state storage and processing system), each 4 times the processing power of a Yamataian workstation (there are 500 in the base system).

    There are 32 cpus per blade and six blades per rack with a total of 32 racks. This comes to a grand total of 49152 processing chips.

    So that's...

    • 196608 times the processing power of a standard Yamataian workstation and...
      786432 times the processing power of a basic Mindy(!)

    • ...Using only two complete racks!

    Sounds vast but when you're simulating the kit you're going to be building in a few hours time in a holographic interface in realtime (or post-realtime) you really do need that kind of processing power. As you can guess, there's a fairly extensive cooling and power-supply setup behind the wall.

Pondering setting these up for information warfare type tasks where lots of processing power is needed in a very very short time. I figure you could bolt this sort of kit into just about anything, really.

Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

He's got like a 500 inch plasma screen TV. Why does he get such nice things when all of our plot-ships don't? D:
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Occupants of the Maras pay for their own equipment and property.

We do not provide


He paid for it, dude.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Lighting experiment with physically based sky and sun for proper optical refraction and optical caustics true to the human eye based on human optical ranges simulated @ 30.7 W/srm^2 as opposed to 0.307(r) W/srm^2 (for proper ranged responses).

Nerdy Info for my benefit later:

  • Indirect Illumination

    • Ambient intensity: 0.05 W/srm^2
      Indirect rays: capped @64
      Indirect bounces: 2
      Indirect range: 0.25m
      Subsurface scattering: Direct only
      Volumetrics: off
      Post Effects: After Indirect
    Irradiance Caching

    • Enabled: Yes
      Rays: 256
      Supersampling: Yes
      Irradiance Rate: 2.5
      Irradiance Ratio: 6.0
      Irradiance Decay: 6.662 W/m^3
      Interpolation Values: Singular
      Irradiance Gradience: Both

With hope, it should look reasonably real as far as the reflection and light go, despite not really being much of an interesting object or texture in comparison to objects in modern games and the like. It should look fairly decent and pretty photographic if you let your eyes blur or step about a meter from the monitor.

If I sort the depth of field out to give the object an implication of depth (focusing on given parts more and others less) along with some motion blur, it should fairly authentic.


I'm told my changes to the white levels have affected the alpha mapping. Here's an alpha-mapped version with the map used to cut the object from the background. If you see anything out of place (artefacting, jagged edges, whatever) do tell me.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

I spy... flying saucers!

Unless those are supposed to be the circular underside of a mecha's foot. Hard to tell with no indication of what we're actually looking at.

A futuristic beer bottlecap remover? =P
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Experimenting with a technique called Proxy drafting where you compose the model out of multiple parts despite the object only being composed of a single mesh in the final.

Works remarkably well.

My attempt to model a Qirex Racecraft from the F2000 Antigravity Racing League based only on low quality screenshots and the memories of a well adjusted driver.


http://img109.imageshack.us/img109/9293 ... ender2.png
http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3945 ... qirex1.png

God I hate this 600 pixel limit. Its so goddamn annoying.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Project I'm working on, doing guess-work from polygonal screenshots from an emulator I'm playing with - all done by hand. I think I'm doing pretty well so far for preliminary.

I'll be going over these proxy meshes with detailing based on the textures taking them from low-res tris to hi-rez quads and creating new shaders and textures for them.

When I'm done the idea is to make them openly available for modders since noone's had access to the Wipeout geometry before and I love the look of the ships.



AG Systems


Familiar to some...
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Oh sweet zombie Lenin on a unicycle, this takes me back. Now they just need a kick arse texture and I'll feel the need again.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)


Achieving handling tasks beyond human-like capabilities, the <to be announced> manipulator features an unorthadox design;

Its two thumbs offer superior grip able to act independently as any standardized loading claw.

Similarly, High speed processing allows the two index fingers to operate small tools or even tweezers.

The manipulator is also capable of folding its appendages away into its bulk for storage and concealment.
<image to be added>
- folding mechanism of hollow fingers
- folded away into a larger casing (arm?)

Modified manipulator. Shock absorbers in the mount are added, as are those in the hand which have been strengthened, with the manipulator placed in a foot configuration. Blurb needs re-write, casing needs to be added.

To do:
- Update broad side of hand
- Socket mechanism needs modeling
- Mounting port (fingernails??)
- Driver rails (hollow fingertips, circa Turn-A
- Finalize thumb base joint mechanism
- Numbers for submission (PSI, size, cost, etc, etc...)
- Need publisher (production company ICly)
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