Star Army

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Osaka's doodling

OsakanOne here. The better stuff of my journey to artistic enlightenment ends up here. At this point, it's mostly just experimentation...


If you'd like me to have a go at something for you, just ask here!
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Not yet it isn't. The hardest thing was rigging all the joints and setting up the dependancies so all actions are repeated symmetrically.

I still need to work out a way to fold one of the thumbs away, since some lifting tasks assume for a single thumb asymmetrical form, such as a typical rifle.

I also want to get some locks going on in the palm, to secure an object in position and get the index fingers rotating about their mounting point so they have a dynamic knuckle.

Inspiration is here:

Unlike nature, we have the benefit of foresight.
Shouldn't this make it into design?


Watch the video.
I can't stop drooling.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Selection tools in Sculptris are a pretty big hindrance but otherwise its surprisingly good.

You need absoloutely no knowledge of 3D to use Sculptris and its absolutely free.

Not bad for a beta app. Epic for drafting.


Above is 10 minutes work. Ten minutes. That kind of thing usually takes two or three hours to get this kind of detail. I am in LOVE.

Yes, I'm running Windows 7 >////>
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Baby-steps. I've been doing the same stuff for a while to figure out and fine-tune everything.

This is the basis for the 6 limb. Its going to be an utter BITCH to figure out - what you can see is the proportional draft I've chosen.

What you can't see is the 30 or so parts in the legs I'm figuring out all the mechanisms for that I've got to work out the proportions.

My head hurts :(


The idea is that the legs can transform to become the shoulders, with the knee unfolding to become the arm. There will be six of these 'origami limbs' on the body - the last two as the backpack or whatever.

Fun fact: The twin joint in the thigh means I should be able to make it a reverse-joint with very little effort. Maybe even a quad if I fold down the back set. More as it comes.




Wish me luck.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

I really like the concept, Osaka. Having the pilot exposed even this much is nifty, but having the arms slide into chest-like pieces, instead of having the nebulous compartment typical in Gundam, is a nifty design.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Its a proof of concept if anything. I'm learning a lot from this sort of thing.
Its not so much that the pilot is visible (I'm still prototyping it) as I'm not going to cover it al up and I want to make sure I can show the pilot's face and upper body if the hatch is popped, even if the thing is moving. Sorta like the baddie in the first Iron Man.

I want to work at that level of detail eventually.

This was sort of a challenge to see how small I can make it without sacrificing comfort. At this point it has a full cockpit yet it stands at 10 meters. I want to see if I can bring this down to about 5.

The hardest part is that the legs and arms are exactly the same limb, just folded differently. I just have to figure out where the goddamn feet will go.







Ground anchors/talons extended for firing stability/grappling. Its worth noting the set in the shoulders can also uncoil entirely without disturbing the arms, letting it lock to vertical surfaces behind or infront of it. Ideal for climbing.



Condensed - the same configuration when hidden away into the shoulders.


Exploded view. Note its actually built around a hand, meaning the foot cal still grip objects for stability and weapons can still be mounted into the 'fingertips' of each individual toe. All things considered, I think I'd go for a melee weapon like a beam saber instead of the smaller cannons in the fingertips. Combing the set together could do some fairly hardcore damage.

Again, the condensed shoulder assembly (the entire leg as a shoulder) doesn't disrupt the arm and its hand-held weapons when uncoiling so it could become a comprehensive close combat weapon without compromising its firing stability, even when firing fairly heavy weapons. In short, it doesn't have to disengage a big weapon like a rifle to move into close combat.




Condensable feet, talons/recoil dampening anchors and shoulder position shown. Not entirely happy with how well they condense but its definitely a start. I'll have to do some numbers and calculate the ratios to get it all to fit nicely.

When the test-type is finnished, I'll start making the real parts for it instead of just mocking them up to see if it all works properly or not. Saves me a headache when I do the final modelling to make sure it all works first.

I'm seeing the proportions of the thing are a bit ugly and I'm not happy with how stumpy it looks but I have to keep it under 10 meters in height... That said, the pilot dummy is about 2 meters high.

Anyone got a good ballpark figure for pilot sizes? I might be able to downsize the machine by introducing limits.

Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

I have become strangely productive since I redirected Reddit and 4Chan on my hostlist to the folder for my projects =3=

I'm getting so much stuff done @.@

I so recommend it.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)


Put in some temp shoulders while I work out the mechanisms on paper. Reworked the cockpit some. and implemented a spine. The legs are mostly rigged now and the condensing trick works properly. Also shaved about a meter and a half by blending the thighs into the build. Could be problematic later. Will solve when I get to that point.

On my checklist, I need to figure out the series of connections. I think so far it'll begin with the main bus/spine. The cockpit will be mounted to the spine and the limbs also, but the limbs will also lock into place against slots on the cockpit and the armor plating that'll protect it, which should skirt off like the scales of an animal rather than wrap and laminate the entire thing. If it all goes to plan, I should be able to get a fighter transformation out of this thing without crushing the pilot.

Its basically a skeleton with moving armored panels so it should be stupidly easy to service =3=

Once that's all figured out, I can start doing proper detailed modelling instead of low-poly prototyping =3=

Condensed form (urban combat - skims the ground like a bipedal tank... Low enough to hide behind typical cover in an urban or rural environment, making use of buildings and such... Plus its adorably cute ... And sort of Nepleslian looking for some reason 0.o )

Dummy here is 170 centimeters/5'7... It can become quite small, can't it?

Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

That's really cool. and the condensed version does indeed look like a Nepleslian Power Armor- about the same size, too.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Taste of what's to come: ... .33+PM.png

Condensed type fitted with modular missile launcher ten to be exact - comparable in its layout to Metal Storm, a technology which packs rounds back to back with electrical charges. This however launches the round like a howitzer, putting it into the air before guidance software and tracking equipment usually only visible on standard-sized power armor or better hones in on whatever's beneath it as the motor kicks in, guiding the round giving it unprecedented range for a missile, well up to fifty kilometers from something about the size of a can of deoderant.

Rounds can vary immensely - from shrapnel and nasty napalm like substances that'll ruin the day of anyone caught beneath it - or pretty much anything organic to something a bit spicier like a shaped charge that'll crack the hull on anything running up to a small mecha, following up with an injected charge of antimatter.

And there are sixty of these, stacked end to end in each box, the heads of each acting as a compound tracking system and some basic intelligence software means these things can be left to track a target independently of whatever its mounted to -- or whatever it isn't - like an angry bee hive in the foliage that sits silently spotting for targets 24/7, hence the name - 'hive launcher'.

The interesting thing is that these things can be used by another unit or left on the battlefield pretty much anywhere, sharing realtime information with other hives or back to a parent unit which can distill this information and map out large areas with a kind of precision you normally only get with starship grade sensors.

To this end they are ideal for setting traps or decoys. Likewise, individual rounds can be ejected and buried by personnel as mines with special conditions such as weight, vibration or IFF information deciding whether or not they go off - and exactly how they do it. And they can sit and listen for years on end - around up to twelve years in isolation without communication before their internal cells run dry. ... .32+PM.png ... .05+PM.png ... .04+PM.png

Quad type. Offers superior land speed, carrying capacity and firing stability. Its best to think of it as a cross between a tank and a hovercraft with some basic flight capabilities - skimming the landscape like a cross between an ice-skater, a super-car and a helicopter.

*In the final, the back legs will be able to fold up into a 'backpack' that can be neatly tucked either against the backs of the legs or behind the shoulders, acting as boosters, provided all of the mounting points are free. ... .36+PM.png ... .14+PM.png

As you can see, the carrying capacity is much MUCH higher, packing 38 either side making 76 of these pods total without affecting the mobility too greatly. With this many, you could plant one to every six to ten city blocks, park the full assembly on the vertical surface of a building and have near enough complete awareness over half a city without active sensors giving away your position, like a spider-web.

Throw in some active camoflage on the unit itself and a decently sized set of sniper cannons and then you have some really compelling.

Something *poorly attempted Jeremy Clarkson voice* like this ... .05+PM.png ... .46+PM.png ... .30+PM.png ... .12+PM.png ... .54+PM.png

The important thing is, once all of this is set up, a pilot can choose simply to climb out, locking the hatch behind them and leave the system running, taking down targets automatically - or even deploy the unmanned varient in an orbital drop, letting it distribute its hives over a large area before finding a vantage point and hiding itself - to protect and maintain control over an area discreetly for up to three years.

I'm sure you can work out the rest on your own.

Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d) ... .19+AM.png ... .04+AM.png ... .02+AM.png ... .12+AM.png ... .58+AM.png ... .31+AM.png ... .49+AM.png ... .05+AM.png ... .24+AM.png ... .02+AM.png ... .33+AM.png


Wings and coating-surfaces (big nose assembly, coverings, etc) formed via telescopic frame creating a ‘template’ for a fabric-like alloy to fill (similar to a kite) - most probably a structol derivative - allowing the wings to be condensed similarly to a camping tent.

While this kind of construction is traditionally too fragile for military operation, rectification (seen in the primary structures) hardens the wing structure into something more hardy, keeping it flexible enough to act as an aero-elastic wing and lets the vehicle alter its air-flow posture to direct sonic shockwaves for maximum stability at all speeds - including folding the forward swept wings flush to the body to become a delta-wing or folding them inward into their condensed form all-together.

The arm-components masked about the unit are capable of using their plasma based systems as a form of propulsion, offering apogee thrust and VTOL capabilities and non-linear flight patterns in conjunction with the gravity control components integrated in the spine (which has been placed in the middle for superior balancing).
Interestingly, the handling allows the unit to be thrown out of control in a wild burst of thrust in any direction (even laterally) and then the computer control steps in, ‘catching’ it and returning stability - allowing for some fairly exotic maneuvers for a fighter.

Moving close to the ground, the computers take over and the anti-gravity systems create handing dynamics similar to an anti-gravity racer (think Wipeout), using the forward swept wings (folded flush) as airbreaks by folding them out for sharp cornering. In this mode, the ride is supposed to be similar to that of a motor-cycle.

Twenty four integrated turrets sit within the withdrawn arm-units offering a similar firing envelope to the Hayabusa V6B. While most are typically obscured inside the main body, the back of the fighter can be ‘broken’, armor-plates opening to reveal the vast majority. While the number of turrets is higher, the emphasis is not on sheer output but instead on fire-rate and convergence of turrets - two, three, four or even five converging on an individual target at once - effectively herding the opponent into the firing solution of other mounted weapons. This makes the fighter especially adept at harassing other similarly classed vehicles and makes targeting more forgiving.

Its handling is heavily based on computer/neural control, emergent evasion techniques based on a technique of throwing the machine into a corner out of control in non-classic and then allowing computer fly-by-wire to take control, ‘catching’ it - almost like a boomerang, allowing pilots to surprise opponents.

The telescopic frame is actually a subspace broadcaster, similar to the engine prongs of the Maras, creating a combined communications, shield and engine antennae - enhancing the mobility in a vacuum with subspace propulsion while in an atmosphere serving as a classic air control surface. The set of fins around the tail particularly serve to stabilize the thrust leaving the unit, alter the trail (to either mask or give the impression of another unit) or to vector it — or even reverse it, similar to the clamps seen in thrust-reversers (eg, Swordfish II).

The form is ten meters across with a total wingspan of six meters. With wings retracted, the total wing span is just three meters and the body eight meters long - close to a small truck.
The riding posture is similar to that of a motor-cycle and is inspired by the Light-Jets in Tron Legacy.

The overall look is inspired by the Russian Berkut, the Swordfish II and the YF-21.
A Gerwalk mode is in the works. You’ve already seen the mecha-mode: Yes, its actually the same machine, with the parts arranged in a transformation and a retractible shell thrown over it.

Making it all fit in was ridiculously hard.

Sorry for such a boring wordy post.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Update: reverse-joints work. Seems the multi-purpose leg works well. Forms quads or reverse or shoulders happily. I need to make the bone/core a little thinner and flatten it out in the next version so the third set that form the back legs of the quad fill fit properly.

I figure the purpose of reversing the joints is for a faster walking speed and absorbing heavy landing impacts. A regular biped doesn't really make sense walking if you can extend the reach of the leg - plus the condensible parts mean the lower legs are basically giant shock absorbers anyway.

Also working on a mount in the arm that involves sliding a few plates around to reveal some hardpoints - which the rifles are mounted to. Also need to get on with the cockpit and do some proper rigging instead of this jerry-rigging bullshit. Jesus this thing is getting *complicated*.

Versatile, though. Very versatile. If I had access to some way of condensing space like in Doctor Who, I wouldn't need to waste room with a cockpit and I could probably make these things PA size with a full cockpit. Hint hint, tech mods.

Also note: It quite happily carries in one hand three times the heavy munition of a standard heavy armor with a fancy capacitor for a higher rate of fire. Just thought I'd get that out there.




alh4.googleusercontent.com__ICO88B8_UEo_TkGSqX8yhEI_AAAAAAAAAKb013a44ff615b141aecbbf895a3fa309.webp ... .13+PM.png

Its meant to be to powered-armor what giant hornets are to colonies of bees.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)



Boosters... I need to put them down the back of the thighs too, like the Turn-A Gundam (probably my favorite design ever). Pondering butting "quickboost" style thrusters in the knees/shoulders and maybe in those arm-units mounted on the leg/universal units so those four on the back have some sort of purpose. Mobility would go through the roof.
Re: Osaka's art (3d&2d)

Screenshot of a project I'm working on.
SARP, does the webpage look professional enough? :x

Unfortunately I have to use my legal name :\
