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Osaka's doodling

Front shot of early Rhys torso

... The cockpit is going to be a detachable part from the exterior, like a smaller simplified power-armour of its own with a power-loader kinda vibe. Note the chest parts - those are going to be arms that fold down, like the Winter, with concealed hands and pile-bunkers. I'm pondering adding an extra joint to give them an extended reach, sort of like a praying-mantis.

Alone, it sorta looks like some sort of construction droid. I might experiment a little with that.

The major arms and legs still need to be added and the back-parts. They're on my external drive, since my internal failed recently and I still haven't salvaged them back but I think they need a fundamental re-working.

Proportionally, I'm kinda going for a Takemikaduchi Type-00R vibe (the purple one I linked earlier -- I'm even using references) but I'm not really seeing it yet *laughs* I need to decide where the major curves of the frame are visually in 2D, then re-model most of this so I can get a higher aesthetic rather than just a base proportional draft.

Kinda has a Mercurius/Vayaete (2:33 - the red & blue mobilesuits) feel, doesn't it, with those side-vents?

Rear shot of early Rhys torso

I need to figure out a way to lay a muscle-fiber looking part down over the unprotected middle...

I guess I'm going to have be brave and finally learn to UV-unwrap and experiment with [displacement/bump/normal/texture] mapping types, huh?

Probably going to go for that artificial-muscle look of Crysis. Will probably need to study up on human musculature to get it right.





So far, looking at 10 gravidic centrifuges per limb (6 per primary, 2 per secondary) and 8 per shoulder-binder/intermediary in conjunction with 5 condensers in a hub configuration, 6 rectifiers and an engine assembly that needs fleshing out...

Probably going to slap either drones or rectifiers in the hollows of the centrifuges.

In total, we're looking at something like 60 centrifuges for the limbs in the final.

Pretty scary performance, considering the Caernarfon has four hubs of six wrapped around a central assembly and its over a hundred meters long.



The cockpit is surprisingly roomy from the inside... The idea is for pilots to be able to withdraw their arms from the controls at times. Lots of room to stow useful stuff, systems, etcetera.

I'm trying to work out a way to make it suitable for sleeping inside, since the torso's core (the smaller mecha) will go onto become a kind of survival/mining unit so if one of these things is trashed somewhere and makes it out alive, the pilot has a chance in hell of survival.

In a way, I guess a Rhys is two units, not one.

Gone through my backups for the old models - the one with the dynamic limbs and the spine. About 20 hours of work, 60 if you include the trial and error involved. Its gone.

Looks like I lost everything. When they replaced the charger, they also gave me a new machine -- and didn't even hand the old drive back, which is standard procedure in their contract. Yes, I have a nice higher spec machine, but I've lost a huge amount of work.

Seriously, sending off a whole bloody laptop when all you want is a charger. What the FUCK.

I'm... Pretty infuriated, really. Gonna complain tomorrow morning and scream at their customer service people.

That said, it gives me a second chance to look at the concept fresh and start over with new eyes so I have to look on the bright-side.

Lesson: Don't EVER trust anyone with your computer, even if its in complete working order.

Base unit.

With structol based gel.. Probably going to create the skeleton out of hard components then use this to soften its visage. While huge at 6 meters tall, I could drain out the gel into compressed lungs, then adjust the legs and hips and easily bring it down within a few seconds to about 2.5/3 meters.

Kind of resembles my original work more, huh?


Testing some new shaders for interface stuff in the cockpit.
Seems to work.

Also some work on a new ship. Lol huge factory. Ship is loosely 500 meters long and has about four times the storage of the Maras and twelve times that of a Sakura-class and should be able to build its own replacement parts and build other smaller ships and units in the field. Going for a Starcraft/Command Center type thing, I guess.

Going to be learning architectural and interior modelling soon.

Wish me luck, SARP!
Osaka, the only think I can think to say is "amazing". Especially that you model the interior components to your mecha...I don't know anyone else who does that. Makes it feel much more realistic and sound from an engineering standpoint.

I also agree with Doshii and Aendri, your planetary stuff is quite beautiful, which makes me wonder what you'll come out with when you have more practice with the program! Great work, keep it up! : )
Whee... Our internet got cut off so I'm basically sat around modelling full time to kill time.


Decided to try rebuilding the limbs from scratch. Added some rectifiers (particle projectors)... When at high capacity, they'll extend and slide out, sort of like a sprinkler system, but I need to figure that out.

The new legs split half down the middle neatly as a consequence of my new workflow, which is nice.

As a consequence, I can make a kind of 'demi quad' out of it, without needing to bring the back pair down, saving the effort, so I can strap more tat (medical/survival supplies, equipment, etc) to the limbs and body.

Similarly, I can make a thinner 'low profile' mode for the legs, though I'm really not happy with the shape. They look kind of ugly.

If its this big and working with regular armor, it really should be working as a packhorse, especially as a quad, with all that extra carrying ability (yay).


Anyway, a consequence is that this should make the new shoulder design a bit easier to manage. The feet are also a bit hardier and practical now, which I'd wanted to do for a while.

Also decided to try modelling to some assumed NTSE standards, with additional armor plating, hardening up a few components (shoulders, thickening the trunk up, hip and skirting plating), some bulkier shield generators (little cone things), adding some more contemporary propulsion gear (since the integrated aether plasma might be a poor choice in urban spaces and for political reasons -- plus the stealth advantage against aether) and building things more practicality.

Also starting to work on those sniper-cannons again that I lost when the harddrive died..

Trying to work out what I'd need to make a strike at an object in orbit from the ground. Not really viable for speedy combat, but a snub/shortened barrel version might be good for tankish action. Maybe I should mount treads under the legs and have the feet retract, if I want those NTSE sales? *laughs*

20 meters long... I'm not compensating (honest)

Gonna work a bit on the HUD and figure out the hard high-res mechanics once I have the shoulders solved, since I'm mostly happy with the legs. I'll probably fudge the fighter transformation like I did last time :3
Something for the Lorath (probably?)

Too wide for the damn forums grr

Another image that's too wide

Work in progress... I'd like to get some feedback, since I really feel aether needs summing up properly. Its a deep part of the SARP noone really touches, as if its the beast in the cupboard and that isn't right.

If anything, we should revel in that which makes us unique.

Its a little early and once I've got the articles right (I'm happy to take as long as I have to) I'd like to follow up with some illustrations to further explain these ideas.

Highlight Shot 1

Highlight Shot 2

Proportional guide for where the compliment should fit on the new carrier.

7.0233m x 2.0295m x 2.3924m...



1152 containers...

29284 cubic meters of containment for the cargo around the integrated factory alone, let alone the inner hanger, top flight deck, launch-deck or armor-bay X3

9(chambers) * 5(per floors) * (per barracks)2 = 90 pilots in the barracks

7 * 4 = 28 Rhys/Armor pilots
2 * 3 = 06 Anti-starship bomber
5 * 2 = 10 Heavy Fighter pilots?

Excess run maintenance, fitting, factory, etc or are cycled.


The ship is around 560 meters long.

Feels kinda decedent :3
Provisional type:

I've actually had to scale the entire thing down nearly a meter and a half since this. Quite tricky.

WIP: the mandable assembly works now:

Also working on the rectifier assembly, a kind of bristled tubing running through the interior of the generator. This is just one... there's probably going to be about 5000 or so of these, each no bigger than about 5mm. An experiment with repetition.

I don't have an exclamation worth using for the level of detail here. Even if it is a result of a single repeated design for the numbers, just the one of those units looks great! And you're putting those rectifiers in the generator, where no one will see it? That's dedication to a design!
Missingno: the rectifiers are an ongoing component that's going to be used inside and out. Its part of the generator, which is going to be an update of an existing submission.

The Aurora?

We're doing a tamed production version but we're going to be putting the particles to real work, too.
First proper shot at architectural modelling. Feels a little sterile and really apologetic, which is what I was going for but... It doesn't look very lived in, so it needs a lot of work. Something feels very incomplete and I'm not happy with the lighting or the lack of detail.

Kind of inspired by Space 2001, Moon, etc... Thinking of doing some research into Zero-G habitats and producing some modular/fabricated rooms about the size of cargo-containers that people can use to help detail the interior of their ships with, as a kind of ship-building product -- locking them together, like lego to build the interior of a ship. I kind of like that metaphor :3

Would like to add some floor plates, model the exterior, figure out where piping would go and re-do the lighting.

In the future, I want to take a crack at some rec-rooms, control rooms, that sort of thing. Just stuff people can plug into their plot. Will also share the geometry to whoever wants it when I'm done so they can make their own changes where it suits them.

I'm really open to suggestions as to what kind of chambers I might make.

PS: Yes, I have a thing for fold-away stuff. the flat-plates on doors are going to be volumetric screens and the big blank screen will also be volumetric, as will the rest of the room. I still need to add a shower, fine-tune some details and model some more assets to fill the room with.


I've just realized, there's no water. No taps.
To survive, they'd have to drink out of the toilet XD
O lawdy need to fix that.

About to start learning this, now that I've got UVmapping figured out.

Now I've got basic modelling nailed, it'll really let me add a level of complexity and depth my work has been missing.

Wish me luck, SARP.

Looks like we're starting to get somewhere. Bipeds, reverse and quad. Just need to nail out the old shoulder transformation, then I can start working on the cosmetics of making the limbs purdy.

Having fun texturing random things but I want to get my 2D sketches right before I tuck into this.
The new modelling tools in Modo are nice. Intersections are now called booleans and you can easily drag/drop and mess with them non-destructively instead of investing 40 minutes for each one you want to make. I'm hoping there are some tools for defining the scope. Would like to use them extensively.

View attachment ai.imgur.com_WVhXQl.png

Oh, and ...

No sense in making a hypnotoad and hypnosaka is taken. I'm experimenting with animated gif files for when I start animating stuff properly. Yay owls
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