Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

Osaka's doodling

OsakanOne here. The better stuff of my journey to artistic enlightenment ends up here. At this point, it's mostly just experimentation...


If you'd like me to have a go at something for you, just ask here!
09:35am <ShotJon> Also I think I fell in love with the Compressed Packet rifle, DocTomoe.
09:36am <DocTomoe> That's a little thing Osaka and I worked on together.

Since you love it, let's give it some much deserved love.


I've just knocked this up in about an hour and I'm going to take a crack at texturing it after I do some more research. Should be able to use vector displacement to add extra detailing that isn't present in the model itself.

I won't lie, I'm a little nervous. All the texturing I've done so far has been with cubes and really simple shapes. Texturing's supposed to be nightmarishly hard so... Well. Its best I just jump right into the deep-end, huh?

John, do you have any photographs of weapons you think 'resemble' the packet-rifle (inb4supersoakers)? I'd like to see what kind of visuals you might be expecting.


On an unrelated note...

I know it looks like a dumb cube but this is kind of a big deal -- Its the first texture I've made that isn't generated in some way. Spent a while painting it, getting it right. Wrapped it over a low poly cube. Went back in, spent a while fixing it.


I kind of like it. Note the second one gets blurry/ugly when you fade out of the texture on the alpha... Going to have to figure that out. Going to try doing a worn out cargo-container next to get to grips with texturing metal, then after that the packet rifle.

I need to find some better texturing tutorials... One's due soon to teach photo-realistic texture painting but its $30 and I'm broke. Yay.
Work in progress of the GENI civilian mining/construction unit we'll be selling once the company, centrifuge and fission/fusion cutter/sealer (I really do need to think of a better name for it -- suggestions welcome) is done.

I'm thinking the layout of the legs (Multi-staged scissored reverse-joint — with conventional thigh in place of stage-1 scissor thigh) mean it should be capable of some really wicked jumping or running speeds and it'd be really good for absorbing massive landing impacts.







I think its a nice low-poly model so far. Going to go over the topology, fix a few bits, make some final decisions about joint placement then I'm going to start texturing it. Its a lot of very simple boxy shapes so ironically, it'd be much easier to texture than the rifle, which I'll do afterwards.

View attachment ai.imgur.com_yd6hRl.png
Yes, a person fits into it.

Portable/attach mode (look familiar?)




Directional Input:
Rather than using directional analogue sticks which are in common use, even now, the choice was made to go with stationary resistance sticks, like those used in fighter-jets. While they don’t actually move, they measure pressure applied in any given direction and apply directional action accordingly. While a typical stick only offers two to five levels of directional sensitivity, stationary resistance sticks offer up to 512 levels. Even better, there isn’t any travel so changing direction is almost instantaneous. The result is no over-panning and no correction needed to compensate. Just snap to aim sharp and precisely.

The left stick is for motion and the right stick is for sighting or rotational control.

Central Joint:

Both joints: Some level of resistance attempts to return the controller to its original relative position. Spring-loaded? Uses the same sensors as the basic rotation or not? (Probably not — spring loaded?)


Action buttons:
Opens up potential to ‘smarter’ games without ‘gimping’ things down from the PC.
Unobtrusive and entirely optional to players.
“We think you deserve more control over what you’re doing and a better feel for what you’re doing.” “
“You deserve better.”

Similar to D-pad but also packing a capacitive pickup (think ipod clickwheel) capable of discerning direction but not position.
When tapped normally, behaves normally.
When tapped hard, the clickwheel behavior arises. By scrubbing in a certain direction, a choice is made (pie menu?) — Releasing confirms choice.
Tl;dr: Extremely rapid seamless control turning 4 buttons into a maximum of 32 possible selections total, plus the original 4 available.
Visual feedback and interfacing is necessary when making these choices, as passive as they might be.

Example: diamond of buttons? When user brings up a pie-menu, a button is pulled down into focus and the options displayed around it.
User glides into direction, picking specific option by direction. Options are visual, not textural. Rely on muscle memory.
Releasing the button confirms the selection.
Clicking the left stick cancels the selection.

The idea is if the user presses harder/deeper, the menu comes up.
The menu does not need to render before the action can be performed.
The result is that the players can learn via muscle memory the positions of options in particular games.
After which, they don’t need to see the options to actually use them. They can be performed without the menu (blind gliding).

Some typical examples:
Tapping scrolls through available views.
Gliding (term?) selects a specific view from a list.

Tapping is a punch. Tapping multiple times combos the punch.
Gliding selects specific punch types (up vs down: high vs low — left vs right: speed vs power)
Result allows for ‘analogue like’ control of attacks rather than specifics alone.
What could this mean for kicks, throws, other moves?

Driving games:
Tapping switches between reverse and active gear.
Gliding selects an upshift or a downshift.

Weapons Setup:
Tapping switches blindly between different attachments or weapons or firing mode.
Gliding selects a specific attachment or weapons or firing mode.

As a form of allocation:
This could be used to assign specific commands or attacks to buttons. For example, there could be a list of available attacks in the menu.
By using gliding, the tap function could then be defined (for example: as last glide) or back to default.

Theoretically, multiple slides could be tied into a single glide like driving stick.
Glide starts. Slide one direction, slide another direction.
This is visually shown in the UI. Result is a real gear-shift with proper vibration feedback in the controller.


UI (work in progress)



Remember me?
Re-modelled it after losing the geometry data when my previous drive died, based on memory, screenshots and perseverance.

From the ashes of Maecevallius, something I scrapped a while ago (revived since its a good low-poly starting point for texture practice)... (which is really what I need, since I'm also learning the basics of InverseKinematics at the moment too -- yay!)

Civilian version: Veritas S1

View attachment ai.imgur.com_WoL8fs.png
Click thumbnail for larger version

Originally designed for military use, the Veritas S1 focuses on jamming, shielding, manoeuvrability, and sheer speed to see it through the day as a law-enforcement unit ideal for escort missions, interception, reconnaissance and particularly by harassing larger ships by working in groups that share tactical information to act as a single unit. Of particular importance are its engines which are based on those of the Maras’ Gunship’s accumulative engine systems - though the Veritas S1 makes use of gravitic centrifuges rather than classic ion rings and plasma propulsion. Importantly, the vessel can act unmanned, relying on repair drones and service units onboard to maintain it while the onboard integrated ARIA acts as combined tactical officer, pilot, engineer and commander — based on data of ARIA/Maras interaction.

Additionally, interior systems including the interior room layout can easily be changed or fitted with new equipment due to the modular interior hull - for example, securely detaining prisoners, transporting key-personnel, complex sensors for surveys and reconnaissance and so on. Most importantly, the Veritas has a very low entry-level price and is easy enough to repair provided the proper tools are on hand making it an ideal first-starship for traders and salvage masters, should the optional cargo-pod be fitted. In addition, with very little software tweaking, the Veritas can very quickly become a more than capable ship in the right hands.

Military version: Vereticus S1

View attachment ai.imgur.com_fsYBLs.png
Click thumbnail for larger version

Since the Veritas was deemed unsuitable for military operation by MOTHER1-Terminal (the primary ARIA cluster/render farm for simulation at Lazarus HQ), the the interior systems and design were overhauled, replacing over 35% of its internal systems - though the two remain cross-compatible.

The result was the Veriticus gunship. With much thicker armor, better centrifuges and superior computer control the unit could better capitalise on its own advantages and captains were more able to take risks with the new layout which placed systems of importance deep within the hull - the interior walls of which now lined with yarvex foam (is this available to Laz, anyway? Can I buy it?) to prevent penetration when the hull is sealed, seriously increasing its survivability. In addition, a second ‘hull’ was placed around the critical systems (life support, command-deck, main generator, computer, cooling).

Alongside the improved durability is a clamping system for a removable cargo-pod (which includes its own airlock and very basic propulsion systems) which diversifies the Vereticus — to either carry specialised munitions (such as a large anti-starship cannon currently under development), carry units with it or supplies with it into battle - all of which may be dropped from the pod which features a loading bay door on the rear side.

Of note are a modular munitions hull module and special mounting brackets which offer additional protection and the ability to mount larger and more robust munitions without special effort, inspired by the Maras.

To carry all this extra bulk, military centrifuges and new corrective engines have been added which allow the vessel to continue performing as it did, upping the capabilities of the prongs by as much as 35% and allowing the Veriticus to remain VTOL and achieve escape velocity — even when over its stated load-limit simply by shunting energy from the generator into engines and cooling systems.

I need to get a new generator out to power this damn thing. Maybe we should step our game up with entry-level aetherics?

I've recently been told on good authority by someone who's work I've admired for many years now that the best way to force yourself into texturing (as reluctant as you might ever be because of contraints like RAM issues that force you to wait forever for basic actions to complete) is to get into character modelling and to begin by reverse engineering a model or character you really like to keep you motivated instead of finding easy distractions or throwing your arms up in the air.

Once you wrap your head around the key concepts this way and see that it can all actually work, it tends to be much easier to jump in and do original work after seeing someone elses, especially when you can tweak and mess with it to figure out shaders and things like that.

That and I'm really really sick of modelling machines and my phobia of character and texture work. Two birds with one stone damnit!

View attachment ai.imgur.com_d1mkHs.png Raw model: (obj converted from pmx)

View attachment ai.imgur.com_Rt2zks.png Raw texture: (original is tga)

I won't lie. I'm a huuuuge Vocaloid fan. And I've been wanting to learn how to make anime-style characters that don't look like complete shit for years, since I've been avoiding drawing characters like the plague because of my awful depth perception and sense of shade and contour in 2D work.

...So I'm going to start by working backwards from the model he made and texture files involved and re-building Miku here. I'm going to start out by re-doing the topology of this model because she's made of nasty nasty tri's instead of beautiful flowing quads (likely starting with her face and hair) and re-UV'ing her, then trying to lay the textures on and experimenting with shaders to get the anime-look while avoiding the freaky/creepy-anime look that's annoyingly easy to re-create when you start making mistakes that totally ruins the illusion of moe!

It can exist, damnit!

Once I figure that out, I'll be trying to make something from scratch. I'd really like to make Hanako since she's quite simple in terms of hair and other characteristics but can become more complex as you add detail. Plus she's kind of super-adorable (SQUEE <3). And if I can nail that SAoY uniform in 3D, that's be nice too =3=


Wish me luck.


Whoever modelled this is an idiot. But the texturing is godly.

The topology looks like it started life as a laser-scan of a figurine and consequently doesn't follow IIE3 topology standards (it blends tris and quads in the early topology and screws up the edge loops for a lot of major parts) for UV'ing and animation which is a bit of a headache. There's a lot of nasty topology around the joints, so I think the figurine was disassembled, scanned then the creator tried to fix the topology manually but didn't do a very good job. Goddamn lazy Japanese modellers (srsly, they're known for blending tris and quads and not caring whether or not you can re-work the geometry later, meaning on EEEEVERY project a lot of shit has to be re-modelled -- which is basically how they cover their asses and get easy work).


I've tried going in and tweaking the topology but... To tell the truth, I think I'll just re-do the topology from scratch. The hair though, seems to be especially easy, so I think the artist likely went in and fixed it themselves. For that, I am really thankful for. The hair would have been a huge bitch to retop.

View attachment ai.imgur.com_om0zGl.png
View attachment ai.imgur.com_jTonhl.png
View attachment ai.imgur.com_geE7Yl.png

Still kind of cute, even without the textures, isn't she? Though the gourand shading looks a little creepy. Cel shading and textures are likely going to be the big deal here, since the original was textured beautifully.

Can't wait to figure it all out and start doing original stuff.


Not enough memory

Aagh! My computer basically dies when I load the textures. I don't have enough RAM for what it is I'm trying to do, so it really chugs and locks up when I try to render. I could do it if I didn't multitask with IRC and listen to music (to a limited degree) but I think I seriously think a RAM upgrade is muchly needed. Sigh.

I could get 16GB for $120 or much less so I'll be saving for that. Going to march on through and keep working, though.


Have managed to secure a source of new RAM. I won't be able to texture until I manage to actually get it but until then, I'm re-doing the topology. Faces in particular, are known in the 3D world as being one of the hardest parts to actually model because of the way the polygon counts all need to line-up neatly.


I consider myself an experienced hard-body (machine) modeller and this is my fourth attempt at modelling the face (the power died on my 3rd attempt --- I love computers). The tools I've managed to find are brilliant for the task but yeah. This is pretty educational.


PHEW! Okay! Turns out there's a standard method for facial topology to follow, known as the Sampson Method, which is an established set of rings, which is apparently the 'optimal' method for faces with the maximum amount of detail for the minimum number of polygons that is immediately recognizable when UV'ing.


You're meant to start out with the outer-face and work your way in, using the outer face as a guide. Note the levels.


Here's a look at what I've managed to do (left: original. Right: new topology. Note the flow of the polygons and the simplicity and the fact I'm using tris which are better for animation and UV'ing for texturing).

View attachment ai.imgur.com_nZ8Dsl.png

Unfortunately I couldn't follow Sampson's Method for the mouth or it'd look different from that of the original model and I really liked the original. Still, I did what I could to tidy and neaten things up. There's a slight crook at the corner of the lips that needs adding in but otherwise, it looks good.

View attachment ai.imgur.com_fmptwl.png
Abwehran Commander said:
They look similar to Wanzers from Front Mission Games.

Yeah, that's what he was going for with his references. I don't like them myself. The idea is I do some low poly mockups, run them by him. If he likes them, we sketch over them in OpenCanvas to decide what the detailing should be together or what final changes need to be made, then I go off and produce the final piece.


Boyfriend seems to want to get me into music so he's installed all this weird new software for me he used to use at work and he's teaching me.

ai.imgur.com_NY8rfs.webp ai.imgur.com_IgmFps.webp ai.imgur.com_cbNJCs.webp ai.imgur.com_TBIRvs.webp

Weird but I'm having fun.


Sketched this on whim about an hour ago after seeing some Startrek thread.


Pondering retooling it into a Star Army of Yamatai ship and making better use of it (goodbye nacelles).

Any possible buyers? Wes?


ai.imgur.com_kev1gs.webp ai.imgur.com_x6jFys.webp ai.imgur.com_uNAfDs.webp ai.imgur.com_F4xDNs.webp




In the unlikely event anyone remembers this...


Here's the latest version

In the final, each individual finger will be able to split in half and contain some sort tubing system. The idea is whatever is in the wrist can be sent down the tube to beneath the 'fingernails' of the final that'll be wrapped in structol. The tube will be magnetically confined, allowing for some quite interesting things to be sent. For example, plasma - either confined into a blade or as a short range weapon. I'm going for something like Idolo's finger-cannons meets Garazzo's GN Beam Claw meets a simplified version of the weird typing hands from ghost in the shell, though instead of forking so insanely, it'll just split down the middle, like the motif with the Rhys' limbs.

I'm still figuring out how to get the fingers to claw back on themselves so the rig needs some work. And yes, they do all wrap and store 'nicely' like the old one did. There's even a plug on the underside and the thing adheres to the real human skeletal pattern. Thus far, the motors all lock together to keep the fingertips together when needed and release when needed. The final aesthetic (the current one is really blocky) is going to be something like this and will ideally be used the same way for cybernetic skeletons, and on larger frames.

If I get it right, it should also be able to form a foot in the final, with the thumb acting as a makeshift heel. The skin for that will be really interesting to model -- a non-human foot.

With some tooling, it should also be able to mimic a conventional hand if its needed to. I'll be distributing one at human scale, one at frame scale. They're symmetrical so no need for opposing pairs. I'll also be producing two versions: an armoured version, like the early original with similar aesthetics and the one wrapped in structol 'skin'. The inner skeleton should also be quite smooth, meaning it could also be used as an alternative to a skeleton with a flesh exterior -- though new specially designed skin would have to be grown to accomodate the other half of the hand -- this would naturally negate the plasma effect, which is a bit disappointing, since it would boil the flesh on the hand.

Oh well :3


Oh my.
ty. I need to figure out how to tidy up lineart properly and sort the colouring out. So far though, its really fun. Gonna take a stab at doing Luca when this is done.
Okay, my system's playing well so I can start modelling again. Lovely.

At the moment, I'm experimenting with a new piece of young software by the name of MeshFusion. Basically, it makes booleans not suck, does them in realtime and with proper subdivisional behaviour (which is godly).


Produced this:


No hours of laying every polygon in the seams, spending ages mucking about with topology, dirty mistakes and fixing it. Bam. Bam. Boom. Done!