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Osaka's doodling

>My plot specific NPC, Returner - a pirate, was deleted from the wiki
>She ain't happi

Please pay heed to what your "maintenance scripts" ripped from the Dokuwiki website's consequences will actually be before you run them.
Characters, equipment and older articles especially that have been used a lot in roleplay have been fucking nuked.

I know you view it as spring cleaning, but I'd compare it to what the Spanish colonization of the Americas.

If you don't know what I mean by that, the situation kind of speaks for itself.
Perhaps it got deleted when I was removing the pages that broke the rules (and HTTPS) by including external images?

I can try to find a copy in my backups if you like. Can I get the character's full name?

I've hit this point later where going any further makes me feel "You're going to fuck this up, put the stylus down and go make coffee" and then I don't want to draw anymore. Like I can't develop my roughs into good stuff as a result. This shit is really getting on my tits.​
@Wes I shouldn't have to go through the step in the first place. If something is up there, it should be up there.
Was she a WIP that wasn't in the WIP section? We began removing misplaced WIPs in summer 2016.

I"m asking because I can't find any forum search results for Returner.
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