Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Terraforming Ake P2 - O, Death!

Camp WataFuqa

Roland Stepped out of his front door with his shotgun in hand, he had left his long irons in the house. Eying the pair at his gate from his porch he shook his head. Standing there watching, he was dressed simple enough, a blue cotton looking shirt, dust faded blue jeans, and a red bandanna tied around his face. His hat was tipped up in the fount, and a pare of welding goggled obscured his eyes, and his rebreather hiding his lower. Walking forward slowly so they could see him and the sawed down scattergun in his right hand, he shook his papers with his left.

"Read them over fast then and then get the hell off my land." He growled as he drew near. the papers were encased in a leather wrap around case, keeping them safe. "I would also like to see your documents, proof you have any fucking say out here." He started to grumble about them 'accusing a working man of being a pirate, and they could very well be ones themselves.' though far more accented and a few dang nabbits and tarnations thrown in.
"Well where do you think mini-Neko come from? It's not like they just grow on trees. They grow in vats. Unless they're vats branching out from a central unit that makes the whole setup look like a tree. But anyway, if they grew on trees they'd be Star Army trees. Take that." Akemi simply stood and waited for Mako to go check his papers because she was too lazy to do it.
Mako frowned heavily at Akemi, as if the bigger neko could see all the frowning she was doing through the thick armored body of her SYLPH.

'Why dont you get off your lazy ass and do some of this youself rather than blabbing on about my stature?!' she thought silently to herself as she stumped up to the local and acceptted the document.

Carefully opening the leather wrapping, Mako examined the paperwork in her SYLPH's robotic hands, it looked legitamate enough, though she was no soecialist in stuff like this. So she had the visuals of the document beamed back to the ships computer for comparison with whatever records could be accessed on the network.

"It will be just a moment as we cross reference land claim records" she said outloud to Roland.
Sister Sarah

Sapphire blinked at hearing the incoming request from Mako. She scampered through the ship to her work station and activated what had been received from Mako. She looked over the scanned document and ran a search through the ship's database. Finding several, she ran a comparison. She transmitted back to Mako, hoping that at least the short range transmissions worked.

"Mako. It's an older version than what we have on hand. But according to the latest info before mission start. All previous land claims are null and void do to the recorded 100% demise of the previous attempt of Terraforming Ake. Bring whomever you find back to our compound along with their papers to be cleared by Dez, our Esteemed Leader. How copy?" Hoping she was doing the right thing.

If this transmission worked, then it had to be outside interference to long range transmissions off planet. Either by natural phenomenon or sentient beings, namely the pirates getting ready for another raid.
Sister Sara

Daziel dashed into the bay at full scuttle to come alongside Sapphire with his hands outstretched.

"Oh, no, no darling, we simply mustn't!" He cried, sliding into a chair next to her to join the feed. "Detaining people so openly would be practically begging for a lawsuit. Aside from that, bringing him here would only give us another cursed mouth to feed, no offense to those with mouths present, darling."

Sighing, the executive settled down a bit, putting a supportive hand on the shoulder of the headstrong communications specialist. He squeezed her supportively, then spoke on the line himself. "Miss Koga, Miss Mako, if you would kindly inform the gentleman that it's quite dangerous out just now, pirates and such. Bid him our most earnest warnings and perhaps ask if he may be inclined to leave home for the time-being presently. Oh!"

Daziel straightened with a smile and a sudden look of interest.

The Desert (As If Ake Ain't All Desert)

"And ask him if he'd be willing to trade with us. We need suitable materials to fabricate a long-distance laser antenna. We've somehow been cut off from space, and it looks quite bad over here, I should say."

The final words of Daziel's message crackled through inside Akemi and Mako's suits just as a heavy breeze cut across the wasteland around the impromtu compound. Roland's hat first turned at the brim, then tilted down of his goggles with the force of the mad wind that kicked around rocks and, had there been any, leaves. It was a northerly breeze, coming from the supposed direction of the crashed pirate vessel, and it brought sand with it. At this rate, a sandstorm would pick up in no time.


Hearing no reply from Daziel about the nanomachines, Alice was left alone in the med-bay with the unconcious Greg and the other prisoner. Said other prisoner was now calming down from his fearful fits, slowing his rocking, and quieting the uneasy mumbling of before. Now, he reached out to Doctor Mason for mercy.

"Um, Doctor... Doctor Sawbones, right? That's what the big guy said." He spoke up, his vocie grainy with extended use, "Is it-- Can I please be moved, at least for now? I promise I won't try anything funny. You can tie me up, you can even starve me, but please: I don't wanna die, not yet."

Cave Story
Spencer scoffed at Seiji's ignorance of modern surveying.

"The scanners alone will tell us what we need t' know, but who the fuck do you think is gonna take them down?" Franklin barked, furrowing his brow. "Do ya think we're headin' down there for our health, son?"

The cowboy held up one of the handheld science scanners prepared for this expedition and shook it at Seiji with an annoyed look. "We need to map the cavern. That faincy stick in the ground is jest a relay post. Now grab a harness and stop tryin' t' get out of work, good-gods-be-fuckin'-damned."

Yori's Quarters

"Oh, they got to sleep all night while we stayed up working." Niel suggested, pulling Yori up against him with some small bit of relish. "I think we can be excused a few more moments of idleness."

He leaned in close, gathering the blankets around his waist, and whispered in a soft voice, "Besides, since you've got some kind of creepy old man fetish, isn't it nice to be in bed with one? C'mon, Kataoka, y' gotta admit, maybe we don't know each other too well but there's definitely some good chemistry here."
Sister Sarah

Sapphire looked chastised like a young girl facing an irate mother's lecture. "It says in the regulations, Mr. Daziel." waving a hand at the desired screen. Looking up at him with warm mid summer evening sky blue eyes. "He can bring his own rations. Akemi could carry them." Then squirmed under his gaze. ~~he is handsome~~ The thought shot through her mind, which triggered the memory of the shared shower. "But since you are in charge here. You can always release him back to where ever he has his residence." Her voice soft, yet determined to finish the conversation. "We have a copy of his land claim on file now."
Deciding to actually be helpful Akemi strode over to Roland and stopped right in front of him. "Well now I've just been told by our leader to ask if you're willing to trade as our communications equipment has taken damage. Why don't you move your stuff over to where we are for a while so at least you'll have protection?" As she spoke she broadcasted back everything she said so Daziel and Sapphire could be impressed by her supreme negotiation skills and sent a request to the ship AIs for the relevant legal information. "If you hand me a communication device I'll shoot our credentials on to it. If you want even better proof we're not pirates you can come on over and see for yourself as we're just here to explore and terraform. Don't you want some non-shit atmosphere?" The Neko abruptly raised a hand with all fingers balled except a fully extended index finger. "Also, we didn't shoot you and chuckle evilly over your soon to be corpse and I've always to do that at least once. Also also, we're women and there are other women there. One is this nymphomaniac I had sex with my first day on the job."
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Sister Sara

Sapphire turned bright red at the audacity of Akemi. She wanted to crawl into the nearest maintenance crawlway and hide as this was right in front of Daziel and his hearing. She was so going to put sand in Akemi's bed after she short sheeted it. She began to think of a way to get free of the com station and Daziel and go do it while Akemi was out where ever she was dealing with this Roland dude or dudette.
"My, my, Yamataians do so love to kiss and tell, don't they?" Daziel chuckled, giving Sapphire another squeeze of the shoulder. He'd already known about it, of course. Sylphie was more than a bit of a tattle-tale, and Daziel didn't mind keeping an eye on the affairs of the crew in this indirect manner so he could handle the inevitable morale issues that arose from such canoodling. However, in this case he saw fit to reassure Sapphire with a quiet, "Come now, darling, it's not like she's called you out by name. No need to turn into a practical tomato. Besides, we're all adults here and there's no shame in a little roll in the hay while the sun shines, my dear."
"Next time I do it, Imma gonna paint it all over the ships exterior then." Still with a fading blush, as Sapphire brazened it out. She liked the shoulder squeeze as it reminded her of her father passing by her after a hard days work out in the sun on the ranch. "And with a rating of how it was."

She turned her focus on the long range function of the transmitter to see what was wrong with it. She ran through the checks by using the manual and marked them off as she did each one. "Only thing I can say is that the station is out of range." She brought up the orbital data and did quick calculations. "We have two hundred thirty-seven days, four hours, fifty minutes and chump change in seconds before we can communicate with the station."
Yori's Quaters

Yori blushed a bit getting pulled back towards him and smiled. "Well I suppose we did already do the lion share of the work...and I don't have an old man fetish." She looked away, a bit pouty after that remark. "Though...we do get along well. I wouldn't mind taking a bit more time I guess."
Mako would have facepalmed if she was not in power armor and trying to keep some sense of sanity while her partner just went off into left field. The SYLPH armored mini moved to impose herself between Amaryllis and the local as she spoke up.

"I understand this is an inconveniance, but we just have your safety in mind. These pirates are very dangerous and well armed and would have no qualms about taking you out. At our base you would be safe till they have been delt with, then we wpukd leave you alone.. I'd also like to update our charts with the borders of your land so we know where to keep out"

Alice frowned at the scared pirate. She did not like an idea of moving him, but she could not really keep Greg under for all this time. She sighed and picked up her comms.

"Boss," she called up Daziel. "I want to keep other prisoner from mr. Greg. Do we have somewhere we can lock him up?"

Alice's fingers danced close to the handle of her handgun. She did not like the idea of taking a prisoner somewhere alone, but no one was really around. Franklin went metal searching, neko-brigade were out doing who knows what and Sapphire would probably not be too much help. Oh well Alice was ex-marine. She should be able to take care of one lousy malnourished and tired pirate.
While Akemi waited for Roland's reply she telepathically asked the ship for a thorough audio and visual report of Sapphire's words and behaviour after she had made her deliberately inappropriate remark. Upon receiving it she turned sideways away from the explorer. "What a coincidence, I was thinking of doing the same thing! You feeling in need of a good soak yet? We should really room together," the impish Neko sent back to the ship.
Sister Sarah

Sappire feeling a bit bold and brave that the preverbal cat was outta of the bag. She replied back to Akemi. "But we can't. It'll make the rest of the men folks jealous and feel left out." With pure innocence dripping off her tone and a soft whine. Then laughed merrily as she broke the link from Akemi, but kept the line open for Mako.

She shook her head at the freedom she had away from gaze of her grandmother and mother. They would've keeled over at hearing such banter and sent her to a Covent to become a Nun to get none till she became what they expected of her to become. Yet she missed them... and the rest of her family also. The security that they provided but with a price.
"Well who cares about them anyway?" Akemi sent back right away opening a new channel. There was no way she'd let Sapphire get the last word when this was her main source of entertainment. "I gotta say you were a solid ten out of ten. I really liked the way you wrapped your legs around me and man, those moans. I don't know if there was any point to killing those pirates when you're loud enough to wake the dead. If the guys get jealous we can just sell them recordings."
Sapphire rolled her eyes at Daziel if he was still there. Calling back, ~~oh hell with it.. It's done...~~ "OOooooooo a Ten.... Why thank you very much," with such sweetness she could muster regaining the direct links with Akemi. "Maybe we'll try it again for your rating."

Sapphire facepalmed not believing she was having this conversation and enjoying the feeling of belonging. Even if it was a conversation was supposed to be held privately as she had been taught. The joys of growing up into womanhood. "And .... Should I pick out the rings?" She shot back moments later.
Looking back and forth between them Roland shook his head and sniffed the air. "come in for a moment, and get out of this sand storm. I have to get the parts to fix your antenna..." He turned and walked into the main cargo container and pulled two bottle of moonshine and a large jug of fresh water he had collected and ran through his still. "Have some... I wont be but a few minutes..."
"Sure, it's no big deal for me," Akemi called back standing right where she was, uninterested in the offered beverages. "Just don't expect me to take care of your needs all the time. Polygamy 's pretty popular in Yamatai. I'll schedule you in when I can. Hey Daziel, can you legally marry people being the captain and all?"
Sapphire shook her head and focused on her job as she had no intentions of getting married yet. "Oh no. Once married. I'm the only one you'll get. Or no deal at all! I'm sure I can get Franklin to make a chastity belt for you." She shot back to Akemi. As she ran through the checks again to make sure she missed nothing. She checked the vid feeds from the cameras and audio equipment in the infirmary.