Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Terraforming Ake P2 - O, Death!

It wasn’t that Seiji wanted out of work. Okay, well, that wasn’t true; he wanted out of this work, but he also wanted off of Ake and to be locked away in some hermetically sealed lab, where the numbers that were important to him danced for him and he had unlimited funds to follow where they led him. Instead it looked like he was going to go spelunking. His good friend Franklin was very right though, geology was not something he kept up with and with extreme reluctance he realized he was dependent on the man for some of the process.

Franklin got a grumble in response as Seiji did his level best to get into his harness, watching Franklin get into his as a place to start and emulate. “Well, we don’t know the layout of the cavern, or how long we could be down there, so we should at least set a proper time to head back and meet up with the others.” It was the most reasonable suggestion Seiji could offer at this point. He squirmed in his harness, adjusting it a little for comfort and so it sat properly on him, and hoped with all of his being that the biggest thing he had to worry about was being caught in a hole for too long.
"Thank you" Mako replied to the native, following him, though she did not unseal her SYLPH power armor. "I will not use up your valuable water, will be fine till we get back to base, thank you though" she added with a nod of her PA's armored head.

They put on their harnesses and entered the cave. It was easy going at first, a slight incline of rocks that went forward until the tunnel reached a sudden drop. It was a clean cut, purposeful excavation. The chasm that was produced by this excavation lead down into the darkness that Franklin's headlamp only cut a narrow swath through. At the bottom, only barely visible in the nearly absent light, was a modest pile of equipment. Perhaps abandoned mining equipment.

Without explanation, the aging surveyor holstered his scanner and hooked into the rocks on the edge with a sigh. Then, he hooked into another rock. And another. At some point, he felt satisfied, then looked back at Seiji with a grim face.

"Now, you jes' hang out up here an' ole' Spencer'll see how far down this here hole goes." He said, tugging on his cables to test their support of his generous frame. Then, without waiting for a response, he was gone. His boots echoed scraping against the rocks not far away as he rappelled down the rock face, but he was gone.

However; Seiji was not alone. Well, he was alone in the physical sense. There was no source for this sudden feeling he had, but there was the sudden and intense notion in the scientist's head that an arm was wrapping itself gently around his chest from behind. The cave was gone, the rocks were gone. Everything was gone. Seiji stood in a universe of nothingness. Sharing this space with him was this arm. Despite the presence of no light, it was clear to his mind's eye. A long, slender arm with pale white skin smooth and delicate pressing against his chest.

A woman whispered in his ear. "Morimoto-san." She spoke to him in trade, but she used his native Yamataian honorifics. Her light, soft soprano called to him like a siren as she worked her way around him. Tall, lithe, the curly haired woman with easy latin features smiled at him as she put her other arm on the scientist's shoulder. He couldn't move, but she could.

And she was naked.

"You're the only one who wants to leave this place. Everybody else here wants to stay on this fools' errand." The arm that'd been against Seiji's chest marched up to his shoulder and so to the other arm until the woman was wrapped around his neck and pressing her body against his. "I can help you escape, Seiji-kun."

Daziel's voice crackled in over the intercom, sligthly distorted due to the damaged communications array.

"Bring him to Sister Sara." Was the suggestion, Daziel sounding a little unsure, like he was still working everything out while he spoke. "I daresay we might feed him and put him to work-- in bindings, of course. The poor fellow could as like use a meal. As for the killer-- if you believe it is neccesary to shovel him off our particular coil in order to facilitate our more efficient survival, please do so or allow me to. We may not be police or government, but this is a survival situation and I won't have our prisoners threaten our crew. I leave it to your judgement, Doctor."

Sister Sara

Daziel took his finger off the button that keyed the mic for his intercom and settled down next to Sapphire again, giving her a somewhat kind squeeze on the shoulder.

"Now, my dear," He told her softly, "Let's get back to it. Our priorities here should be to locate the pirate vessel, not harass the one and only local. Why a man would waste his time surviving on this nowhere rock when he could just as easily find solitude in the depths of space is beyond me-- but we live in a free society and there's no reason to keep a fellow down."

Then, keying the mic to speak to Akemi and Mako, he spoke to the security team with just a tiny bit more authority in his dainty voice. "Very good, ladies, it seems the gentleman is less than hostile and aware of the threat to his person. May I remind you, however; that our focus should be upon locating that wrecked vessel? Please kindly inform the gentleman that he may find safety in numbers by transferring to our camp, then continue your search. These papers are of no interest to us in our present situation."

Sexy Nerd Fetish Palace

"Well, if you don't have an old man fetish, then I guess I'm out of luck." Niel joked, but swept Yori's hair from her face and turned her back to him so he could force her to meet his cheerful gaze. His eyes darted across her features and he said, softly, "If we're going to be here for a few more months, we'll definitely get to know each other better. And, really, I don't see how a little bit of intimacy could hurt. I mean, I know I'm just Raltean and that probably doesn't mean much... But technically, that means we're both Yamataian. Why don't you--"
Niel blushed like a schoolboy and tilted his head around Yori to give her neck the first of what he hoped would be many a tender kiss in lieu of actually finishing his sentence.

Alice heard the message and looked at the pirate. She sighed and than moved to Greg, she gave the murderous pirate some more drugs to keep him out of it and made sure to properly restrainhim. Then she returned to the other pirate, the one she would escort to Sister Sara.

"All right," The doctor said to the man. "We will put you to work until later. First what is your name, second you will tell as all about your little pirate group, third you try to run I will shoot you. If you do not like these, than you can stay here with Greg. What do you think?"

To make sure everything was clear, Alice opened the holster of her pistol. She wanted him a bit scared, before potential transport to Sister Sara.

Sapphire nodded. "As you wish. I located the problem. Its Antennas Cluster 6 links is shorting out. Should I get Neil or Yori to go out and fix it?" Looking up at Daziel as a daughter would to her father, but with a bit more interest. She reached out to activate the intercom to call one or the other.
Yori's room

Yori had a faint smile on her face as Niel spoke, he had a point and the idea of the next few months was becoming a bit exciting. She was caught off guard by the kiss and let out a soft murr as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "H-Hey wait not there I'm sweaty." Despite her words she didn't put in any effort to try to get away from him and just let him continue.
Mako sent an affirmative response back to Daziel's message. She continued watching the local as he went about and frowned. Sbe wanted to get him back to their base quick so she could continue searching for the pirates. The former soldier was not happy with the idea that there were hostiles left out there to cause trouble.

"You find what you need to bring yet?" the armored mini neko asked as she checked her sensors, just to make sure nothing new was showing up.
Seiji was both a combination of happy and unhappy when the barbarian decided to take his leave. He knew that the man got a rise out of bothering Seji and had to admit he was woefully unequipped in that or really any other kind of combat, to fight back. On the other hand, Seiji was now alone in a cave he only really knew the basic structural composition of, which was very little comfort ultimately.

Then came the nothing. There was a lot of nothing. Part of him really wanted to find out what this nothing was; after all, nothings did not come from nowhere. Then came the arm, the voice. It brought out goose bumps all over him at the sensation. His face flushed at her shameless nudity. He would have squirmed, perhaps even offered her his coat, but he could not move. That as well bothered the lanky scientist.

Her offer was intoxicating. His last day had been uncomfortable, nightmarish at times even. He wanted it to end, he wanted to be back in a cold sterile room where the universe was not out to get him. His throat felt dry to him. He swallowed down before speaking. “Who… who are you?” he asked, somewhat lacking his usual, suave charm due to being hung up on the situation before him. “H—how? How can you help me? Where am I… What are you?”
(Spooky) Cave

"I'm Sylvia." The siren replied. She smiled, brilliant white teeth twinkling in the darkness of Seiji's hallucination. "Me and my friends are just trying to leave."

Though the explanation was suspect, the voice coming from this beauty was so clear and filled with sincerity that the very notion of scientific skepticism seemed criminal to the lanky scientist in her grasp. She wrapped both hands behind his neck and leaned back against him, pressing herself to his body while the scent of lavender crept into his nose. She was weightless, just there enough that he could feel her touch but not there enough that with no effort whatsoever his frame supported the entirety of her weight.

"You just need to get rid of that old man." She cooed, settling against him with earnest pleas behind fluttering eyelashes. "You don't have to kill him, I promise. Just unhitch one or two of his little support spikes to hold him up down there. Then you can just go outside and wait for us to come pick you up. You can help me fix our ship. You're so smart, Seiji-kun. I'm sure you could come up with something. Then we can leave this place. Together."

Northern Wastes

I'm going to assume that everything with Roland got sorted out well enough, and then the girls kind of noticed that they were unable to communicate with the camp any more. So, there's basically two choices: They either went flying off back in the direction of the camp to see what went wrong, or they were dutiful little cat-girls and went zooming off towards their objective. Alternatively, I guess they could've split up. So here's the thing: if they went north they would see one thing and if they headed back to the camp they'd be encountering another thing altogether. So just, kinda, y'know, post what they did and we'll work it out.


"I'm Scott." The prisoner volunteered. He seemed about as cooperative as anybody could be given the situation. "I'll tell you anything you want to know."

He looked down at his feet, then over at the exit and added, "And I'd rather stay here with you guys anyway. This planet is awful enough. I'd rather go to jail then keep fucking with the people I've been fucking with. Just tell me what to do."

Sister Sara

"Yes, let's." Daziel agreed, patting Sapphire gently on one shoulder. He seemed distracted, his long elf-ears almost twitching like he could hear the grinding of the tectonic plates themselves in the toxic wasteland of Ake's terrible surface. There was something just a little too perfect about this, these specific antennae going out one after another. Idly, the male neko scratched at the end of his nose and reached into his pocket for his ever-present communicator. "Sylphie, please--"

He never did quite finish what he was saying, choosing instead to shout, "Goodness!" as he shoved Sapphire down to the floor under a rain of sparks. A terrible clatter had erupted only miliseconds before and the explosion of one of the lighting sconces in the ceiling of the cargo bay had been like an aftershock. The executive dove likewise onto his stomach and nudged Sapphire towards the showers with a soft noise before calling out again. "Sylphie!"

"It wasn't me, I promise!" Shouted the pixie-like AI, manifesting from thin air with virtual tears in her eyes.

"Forget it, darling, just draw fire!" Daziel snapped, crawling along to the armory partition of the bay.

Yori's Quarters

Niel drew a delicate curve down Yori's side with his lips, careful not to comment on the taste of sweat-- after all, he wasn't in it for the taste. Each kiss brought his lips and his fingers closer to-- oh, right: He was rudely interrupted by the harsh sounds of clanking metal on metal and bursting capacitors just beneath them. Sitting up with a start, the engineer nearly fell off the bed clutching his side. The ribs were still tender, though Doctor Mason's hard work the night before and the miracles of nanomolecular medicine had severely increased his recovery time. Still, a Neko would've been up and running at full efficiency by this point. A Yamataian would have little more than a headache. Niel was Nepleslian. And he was getting old.

"What in the Sam Hell?" He demanded, scrambling to his feet, "I was just getting to the good part!"
"Wha...ouch!" as Sapphire hitting the floor as a rain of sparks fell upon them. She scooted under the desk to avoid the worse of the sparks fell, melting plastics of the keyboards and consoles.

Once the worse of the sparks and the lights dying and flickering in the room of building smoke and stench of stuff burning. Sapphire felt the nudge in the direction that Daziel wanted her to go. Eyes had gone wide as terror from the unseen attack was registering. "Showers? Don't you want me to grab a gun?"

She was totally unsure what to do next as circuits from all over the ship began to pop and die. Getting disorientated, she scrambled to the nearest room off the Bay and into her room aboard the Sister Sarah. The door to her room stopped halfway from totally closing as power through out the ship died due to broken circuitry and fuses and relays burned out.

Sapphire grabbed her stuffed cat and crawled under her bunk, wishing like hell Akemi was with her. Even Franklin too.
Yori's Quaters

Yori pulled herself up quickly when she heard the sounds, the metal on metal was not that alarming to her, but the capacitor that was a sound she knew well. They only had so many spare parts, including those capacitors, whoever just blew it was going to have some explaining to do. "Someone is blowing out the capacitors." She spoke in an angry tone as she adjusted her clothes properly and grabbed her wrench thinking she might have to give someone a bit of a smacking as she marched towards the stairs.

Alice nodded at the man, though she would sooner sleep with Spencer, than trust the guy. She folded her arms on her chest and looked him over once again.

"I am Doctor Mason. For now I'll move you to different ship and my boss will have a word with you." She said simply, not really caring about his name. She just hoped he was sincere about giving up his crew. He still might get some funny ideas.

Suddenly she heard metallic clacks and other funny sounds. It seemed like gunfire. The woman frowned and pointed to one of the tables.

"Stand there, something is going on. I will check it and then come back for you." She would put him behind a field so he would not run away and then run to bridge of Elijah to see what the hell was going on outside.
Northern Wastes

With communication cut off from their camp Akemi naturally decided to head back just in case it was being attacked by something. What point would there be to finding the pirate base if they were currently trying to re-purpose hers for their own? Locating their enemies could definitely wait when not going back immediately could mean nothing to return to in the long run. As the Neko went he tried to message Sapphire personally instead of the ship, "Hey, what's going on over there? Are you guys alright? I'm not getting any signal from the ships." If the head pirate was willing to use their air purification system to defend herself she figured attacking other systems would be right up her alley.

Sapphire heard the static filled message coming in on her communicator. She left the safety of being under the bunk in the dark room to fumble around for her communicator. She found it by the lit leds that she needed to reply back. "Oh Sacred Deities! Hurry back! We're under attack! Someone or something tearing the ships apart!" Her voice was filled with fear as she replied back over open channel as she crawled back under her bunk, grabbing her stuff dog to join with her stuff cat. "You gotta make sure Don Donkey is safe! And and Ge ....." Her communicator battery died, once again in the darkness. " Franklin back also."

Morimoto Seiji was, if anything, overly cautious. Except when it involved hazardous materials and the furthering of science. As this situation involved none of those things he was on his guard. Naturally, his guard did not include reaching for his weapon at this point. “I… Hello Sylvia,” the scientist lamely replied. “Who are your friends…? How… how did you get trapped here?”

“It’s… it’s a long drop, why don’t…” He frowned a bit, trying to think through the lavender haze coating his brain. “Where do you want to go, Sylvia?” Strange, though, that the woman didn’t seem to weigh anything; it wasn’t the first time he had held a woman in his arms, and he seemed to remember just… more to them. “Did… did he hurt you?” He muttered, licking his suddenly dry lips.