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RP: SRSS Yggdrasill (PG-13) Visit to Nepleslia

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Shinji watched the screens as the salvaging was going on, he had not ever experienced this before, so everything was new "hey, Cap'n? should I get in an Ironman in case i'm needed to blow sumthin' up?" he asked, wanting to be helpful. "Err.. I mean "Disassemble sumthin" he added.
Toshiro thought for a moment on this, below looking at Shinji again...

"The Iron Man is a customized salvage Power Armor. It only exists on our salvage detail, actually...and I can't currently leave the bridge to each you how to use one. It may be easier to take a shuttle and a spacesuit for now until you're trained in its use. Other Power Armors just don't have the storage capacity of the Iron Man or a Shuttle."
"Am I slow today or what...?" Arin said to herself before she turned the comm back on. "I'm not hurt, I apologise, I must have snagged something along the way and... Oh..." The Ironman suit winded its arm in to bring its unexpected boxy catch closer. "Its a..." The representative paused and thought hard. "A NAM G-16/b... Or /c, a Black Box for a NAM Red Hill or Warhorse transport. We'll need the Yggdrasill's processing power to decrypt this later."

Arin then squeezed the bulky Ironman suit through the shuttle's airlock. Once inside, she immediately took off her helmet for a whiff of air. She snapped the helmet back on again when she realized the atmosphere reeked of rotting flesh.

Arin approached the lying down armor from its feet so she wouldnt need to see the source of the small stream of blood comming out from its neck. Taking out her datapad, she connected it to an inconspicuous port near the armpits. Lets see... Cause of MEC Activation: Preforation of the breastplate armor, depressurisation and pilot injury. Current MEC location unknown. Remaining ARROWs are safe, UCF Generator undamaged and has auto-shutdowned. LBR destroyed. Forearm Antimatter Storage is damaged with a progressive containment failure. Stored Antimatter sucessfully ejected.

"Arin here, the M2a is safe, secure and ready for drop-off. Caution and be advised, the suit has discarded its antimatter supply, it could still be in the area somewhere." While saying this, she moved the armor into a sitting upright position as so the shuttle's artificial gravity would hold the blood in. In the process, she noticed a stub of spine sticking out from the cavity.

"You good up there, Arin?" Kenji asked over the intercomn. "Hang on...there could be some slight movement." he warned, as he went around a largish chunk of something. "Too big for us to salvage, but I'll scan it anyways."
"Affirmative, I am returning to the Yggdrasill." Arin was getting ready to push off the Airlock doors, but paused for a moment so that Kenji could complete the manuver. After the shuttle slowed down, the representative fired her thrusters at 50% while making minor adjusments towards the Yggdrasill. All while cradling the Black Box that she found earlier. No hurry here, take your time, don't run into any more globs of antimatter or something.
"We've already gotten the antimatter--wait...KEN! Turn around! That chunk you just passed seems to have some active systems which are consuming a decent amount of power! I think there's something inside there that's intact...We still need to open the hull though."

Toshiro turned around...

"Shinji, get a space suit and stock a shuttle with the tools of your trade. You have a job to do...get that ship chunk open, but don't damage whatever's inside, alright? I permit the use of explosives."
"Yes sir!" Shinji said enthusiastically, jumping up and heading to Toshiro's quarters to get his 'tools' before getting into the shuttle and putting on a spacesuit. Before long, Shinji was beside the Chunk of Debris, locking the shuttle onto it so it wouldn't drift away. he stepped out of the shuttle and, clinging to the wreckage, thumped around till he found a suficiently thin spot. "Kay, this 'splodey stuff I bought better work"

Within second Shinji removed a piece and began wiring it to blow. Hooking up an Igniter and timer, he started the countdown and scuttled to the other side of the chunk just in time for it to explode. Shinji just hoped he'd put the right amount on for this material. "Cap'n, it's blown but I can't see that side, what we got? need me to go in?" He asked, wondering what present he had uncovered.
Toshiro looked inside from the Ygg's vantage point...it looked to be some sort of NAM-built Power Armor repair system...

"...Arin-san...is this a False Alarm, or a Jackpot?"
I think i'll head back to the shuttle... Shinji thought, before he attempted to move and found he was having some trouble, due to the increased G- forces of the explosion "Um.. Sir, I've got a problem here.. I forgot about G-forces" The Yamatain called over the radio a bit nervously as this chunk of stuff was getting dangerously close to a few others "There a way I could get help?" He asked, adding a nervous chuckle about his predicament.
Kenji got closer to the mass, and grabbed Shinji with his grappler. "Be more careful, boy. I'm going into a fixed position over the armor. I need confirmation as to get it or not."
Arin blinked from the flash of the explosion. Then the light cleared, she had an image of the object forwarded to her. Speak of the devil! She thought, its large bulk easily recodnisable to the representative. "Jackpot, sir. NAM A-4/a PA Assembler System. We can fix the M2 with this."

Gee, there are so many valuable objects still floating around. Whoever did all this damage must have left in a hurry, but why?
"Hey, HEY! careful with the goods there blue-ears!" Shinji squawked over the Comms to Ken, the Grappler was grabbing him a bit tightly, obviously bugging Shinji, but also holding dangerously close to the brick of High explosives the man was holding. "Put me down so's I can get into my shuttle or sumthin' , 'Kay Ken?" he said, a bit miffed at the rough treatment, ignoring the fact he had just been saved from impending doom.
"Of course, your explosivness." Kenji said back, a smirk obvious on his voice. "Just be more careful with those things." he said, as he let him go near the shuttle.
"That's more like it." Shinji saidas he was released, turning to look at the Alucard. His momentary lapse of attention on the shuttle making him hit it with a little more force that he expected, but he was okay. He placed the explosives in a safe spot on the shuttle then crawled out to examine the wreckage "Hey Cap'n, I'ma go in an check this thing out, 'kay?" he asked, poised above the hole for confirmation.
"I'll leave it up to Arin, she's our resident NAM expert...I might need a new nickname too. I'm not exactly a Captain anymore."

Toshiro realized, but putting that on the back burner.

"We have to be careful not to damage it, as well. We might be able to fix up that Power Armor on Alucard with it or something."
"Its not a question of 'might' sir, it will." Arin insisted, before pausing for a moment to cool. These people are not part of the Company nor have they benefited from it up until now. Guess I have to make a good impression as Representative. "...Assuming that it isn't damaged that is. The NAM Power Armor Assembler is designed for idiots so I guess I can get it working if we bring it back to base in one piece." She then forced a small akward laugh at her own statement.

"Shinji, the Assembler is a self contained module, but it is usually wielded to the floor and bulkhead. You'll need to remove the debris attached it before we move it back to base. I'm sending you the schematics of the Assembler so you can differenciate between what to cut away and not." She then looked at the box in her hand. "I... Have to analyze this immediately. Please excuse me."

The Ironman suit activated its reverse thrusters on soften its landing on the Yggdrasill.
The Equine next picked up what appreard to be...yes...a n Em-01 Hydrogen powered car...it seemed quite new, and thankfully devoid of debris impacts.

The Yggdrasill, meanwhile, discovered something that made Toshiro grin from ear to ear...floating in space was a fully intact FIRE1a.

"Well, well well...What is this?"
"Ooohhh...A car." Kenji said, smiling. "Once we have a grounded base of operations, mind if I keep it?" he asked as he pulled it in gently.
"Actually, I've been waiting for a car myself, Ken...besides, you're richer than I am, aren't you?"

He laughed a bit...it wasn't in Ken's queue of items he'd get this mission, after all. For fairness sake, everyone had an "item order" which was not based on item type, and Ken's was the last 5 items for his run...though if Ken offered him enough, he might consider selling it.

"Aendri, please grab that Power Armor and bring it in carefully...Wow, it almost looks new..."
"How is that possible, oh commander of this small fleet? I only get paid 300 a week. You make how ever much is sold. We've got some keepers this go."Kkenji replied, the smirk could be heard,
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