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RP: YSS Eucharis [Post Mission 5] A Time for Recovery

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Konoka allowed Sune to lead her over to the dance area. She divulged he still appeared a bit unsure of herself. She tried not to trip.

Winking, she said, "Loosen up, have seem way too anxious!" Then, she let the music speak to her, and began dancing in a manner as graceful as her traditional schooling, and as fun as her constant degree of hyper. She smiled: She'd found a sort of friend in Sune, and she would enjoy the party.

Finally, Konoka was doing something she excelled at: having fun.......
"Attending parties... well I do have attended parties before, but as a helper." Nike took a sip of her drink, while her foot lightly tapped on the sand to the beat of the music, "Since we are here, we should loosen up and enjoy ourselves, Junko... I mean, Takeda-hei" Nika corrected herself since Junko seemed uncomfortable of others calling her given name, eventhough the latter was putting up a smile. "Of course how you want to loosen up its up to you." The neko finished, gesturing Junko at Konoka, who was dancing at the dance area, and then to Hanako, who was taking a drink at the bar.

"Ahh, hello Hotaru-san. I'm enjoying the party so far. Just trying to get into the mood before joining since its my first actually partying instead of helping out at a party."
"Has anyone seen Misaki?" Hanako asked, wondering where her friend was. The captain was slightly buzzed and very ready to dance. Without waiting too long, she confidently strolled out onto the dance floor and began gyrating. It was obvious she hadn't had any formal dance training...but luckily this sort of music didn't have a formal style. Still, Hanako made a mental note to download some 'moves' in the future.

As the party continued, the music seemed to intensify and grow more exciting.
Sune was enjoying dancing, and so far Konoka had no further mishaps. He saw Hanako enter into the dance area and dance. After several dances, Sune felt the need for some liquid refreshment. So at the end of one set of music smiling he turned towards Konoka and said, "Miyazawa-Misu, I am going to the bar to get myself something to drink, would you like me to bring you something from the bar?"
Konoka smiled warmly, saying, "Sounds splendiforous.....Could you get me a Kiddy Hanako, please?" She giggled a litttle saying, "This is so fun!" She then decided she'd try to look for some new friends later.
Sune made his way around the dance floor heading towards the bar. As he did he looked around for members of the Eucharis to see what they were up to.

Now I just have to find out what a Kiddy Hanako is. he thought as he waited in line at the bar. After a few minutes he was finally at the bar and asked the bar tender about the drink. After hearing about the various forms of Hanako drinks, he ordered the one for Konoka and ordered himself a regular Hanako and a bottled water. After paying for the drinks, and leaving a tip for the bartender he made his way back to where he left Konoka. "Here is your drink Miyazawa-Misu," he said offering her drink to her. "Shall we have a seat for a few minutes while we enjoy our beverages?"
Kumiko jumped slightly, and turned, looking up to see who it was. She blushed, and looked at her water. Smiling, she turned her head back to him. "Thank you very much, I would love some wine." She stood up and dusted some of the sand which had accumulated on her dress off. "I appreciate it, really.
Ramiro noticed Kumiko blush and smiled at her. Once she stood up he handed her one of the glasses of wine and the took a sip from his own. He then turned to face the ocean, staring at it for a few seconds and then looked back at Kumiko. "So what are you doing out here all by yourself?"
Kumiko smiled sadly. "To be honest, I'm not a very social person. I don't usually get along well with others in social settings." She shrugged. "Anyway, I'm a horrible dancer, so I might as well sit down here and enjoy the view." She took a drink of the wine, and smiled. "I really appreciate you coming down here though. The wine is fantastic."
Ramiro smiled as he waited for Kumiko to finish at which point he sat down on the sand and said, "Well if you don't feel like socializing then I guess I'm just going to have to keep you company so you don't get lonely." He patted the ground next to him indicating for Kumiko to sit down next to him. Ramiro then looked up at her. "And it was no biggie coming down here, I'm happy to do it, especially if it means spending time with a woman such as yourself."
As the night went on, Hanako danced with a few random strangers, still wishing Misaki was around to dance with. The Taisa was feeling lonely, somewhat tired, and very horny. During a transition between songs, she returned to the bar to get another drink. On the way over, she noticed the wind had picked up and hotel staffers were starting to appear in greater numbers around the sound equipment.

Seeing Hanako's attention, one of the Nekovalkyrja behind the bar commented "There's a storm coming in a little bit. We'll try to keep the dance up as long as possible, but once it gets too close, we'll have to take the speakers inside. The front is expected around 2:30 am so we've probably got a half hour or so. It'll rain for most of tomorrow morning."

Hanako gave the bartender a warm smile in return for the helpful information. "Thank you." She looked back at the dance floor, looking to see where her crew was. Soon it would be time to retire to the comforts and privacy of the hotel rooms...
She shrugged, then sat down next to him. "Well thank you for the compliments and the drink. It's not that I don't like socializing, it's just that I am apparently horrible at it. I'm a very logical person, and I understand that I can be hard to get along with when I'm correcting what people say all of the time. I understand why it can be obnoxious, I just can't understand why people can't be logical more often." She sipped her wine again, and smiled. "It really doesn't bother me though. I've gotten used to it at this point."
"Well I think you're excellent at socializing. Personally I've seen no problems with how you communicate with people, and believe me, you're easy to get along with, there is absolutely nothing about you that anyone shouldn't like." Ramiro took a drink of his wine, then turned to Kumiko and smiled. "And its good that you don't let it bother you, it doesn't matter what other people think."
Sune sat relaxing and sipping his drink. Not being much of a drinker, he only planned on drinking the one. He took a moment to see what crewmembers were visible. He saw the Taisa looking occassionally looking around the crowd. Looking out at the beach he noticed that the waves were a bit larger, and that the wind had picked up. "Miyazawa-Misu, I hope that the weather is not going to ruin the festivities. Who is Misaki? I heard the Taisa asking earlier if anyone had seen her? I don't believe I met her aboard the Eucharis."
Kumiko smiled ruefully. "Well, even if that is all true, I still can't drink properly." She looked mournfully at her now empty wine glass. "For some reason, drinking slowly just never seems to process." She smiled at Ramiro, a bit more happily this time. "If you can stand having a partner who can't drink properly, I wouldn't mind just sitting down here though. It's a beautiful night."
Konoka smiled and thanked Sune for the drink.

At his question, she said, "O, boo, and I was just having fun. Well, let's make the most of the happy time we have before bad weather hits and talk to some of the crew, be social a little. As for who Misaki is, she's the Chusa, she led the team I was on in the last first mission."

Thinking, she said, "Maybe the Taisa misses her. She would we talk to her first?" She smiled and took him by the hand, leading him off in a happy skip towards other people.
Shortly thereafter, Taisa Hanako wandered back to the bar and got one last drink before wandering off toward the hotel, tipsy and exhausted. She found her room without trouble and went inside, pleased with its fresh, clean smell and comfortable-looking bed. She locked the door behind her and began to undress. While she was removing her dress, she telepathically connected to PANTHEON-SACN to read her email. A message said that Misaki had been transferred for some training mission.

"How unfortunate," Hanako quietly remarked, her eyes growing watery. Lonely and disappointed, she crawled into bed.
Hotaru responded to Nika's comment with, "Me too. I haven't had much of a chance to party and let my hair down so to speak," shaking her head slightly, letting her hair swirl around her face and grinning, "I wonder who will get drunk first...".

Looking around at everyone enjoying themselves Hotaru decided to head over to the bar before having a go at dancing. Looking at Nika's nearly full drink and her nearly empty drink she said, "I'm off to the bar for a refill before trying out the dance floor. See you soon Nika-chan!".

Nodding and waving to one or two people she recognised, Hotaru arrived at the bar. Looking at the drink menu, she asked, "What's good? I can't decide."

"I'd suggest the Happy Hanako, it appears to be popular this evening," replied the barkeep looking at Hotaru scrutinising the menu after the suggestion.

"I'd like two of those please," looking on the rear of the menu Hotaru spies the bottle list. "Could I also have a bottle of Lorath Wine (Mood) and a glass please? You may put it on my tab," Hotaru asked giving him her required details.

Knocking back the two drinks, Hotaru gamely made her way to the dance floor where she made several new acquaintances. Thoroughly enjoying herself, she looks around and see's the rest of the Eucharis's crew in the same state. Not seeing the Taisa anywhere, Hotaru thought she may have retired for the evening. Making her excuses she grabbed her bottle of Lorath Wine and made her way down near the water. Finding a comfy spot leaning against a rock, she opened the bottle, poured a glass and settled back and listened to the music, contented and happily watching the sea.
Sune let Konoka lead him around and meet other people for awhile. Overall it was probably one of the most enjoyable times that Sune could recall ever having. He made note of the time. I should retire if I am going to have a chance to try the beach in the morning.

He tapped Konoka on the shoulder to get her attention. "Miyazawa-Misu, I am afraid that I must call it a night. I really enjoyed this evening, and thank you for helping me to enjoy it. I need to send a letter to a friend, telling her about this wonderful day, joining the Eucharis, making some new friends. After than I plan to get some sleep, I am hoping that the weather will improve and I will be able to check out the beach at sunrise. Have a good night."

Sune made his way from the party, and towards the hotel. Once he got into his room, he formulated a message and sent it to Raia aboard the Bouken. Put in for a wake up call and changed out of his clothes. He took one last look out the window. "This has been a very good day. I wonder what tomorrow will bring." he said watching the revelry continuing. Then he slipped into bed and went to sleep.
Ramiro smiled at the mention of the word partner. "No, that's perfectly acceptable." He looked up at her and offered her his glass. "And here, you can have the rest of my wine if you wish. And yes it is a beautiful night." He scooted closer to her and put an arm around her, trying to ignore the clouds drawing alarmingly near and the slow drop in temperature.
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