Manufacturing Facility
Taking the Lead, Mark unsurprisingly began taking a heavy amount of fire as the Elefirn now had a prominent target. His suit of Power Armor was now riddled with mostly minor damage, only one shot had managed to puncture through the bulk of his armor, only managing to cause a small searing pain as he charged through the suddenly flammable halls. With the addition of Alec's purposely wild aim, Mark was able to further avoid anymore major damage as Alec's pressure dissuaded the Elefirn Militia from aggressively pursuing the offensive as he quickly contacted Linda. As the hallway's fire began to lick on the two Nepleslian's power armor, another sudden explosion sent shock waves surging through the facility grounds. This time, it seemed that the explosions originated from inside the facility, and both soldiers instantly recognized why, as they quickly remembered the explosives that awkwardly littered around the facility grounds.
As this memory quickly came and passed, the unmistakable sound of those very explosives violently closed in. The sudden damage from those explosions, combined with the continual carpet bombing of the area, proceeded to bring down the facility on top of everyone inside. Half of the Elefirn proceeded to be crushed right before Mark and Alec's eyes as the facility's supports tilted towards the alien group, obscuring the demise of half of the enemy as the rest began to pursue the two Nepleslian men, though this time with visible desperation and fear rather than with a clear intent to kill.
Meanwhile the walls of the hallway that Mark and Alec now found themselves in, barely managed to hold up, and while preventing the two soldiers from being crushed beyond hope of salvation, it did not mean that Alec was able to completely escape most of the falling debris. A portion of the facility's machinery had managed to catch Alec just as he was entering the hallway right behind Mark, rending him immobile underneath one of the smaller support beams and other miscellaneous rubble. Being encased in Nepleslian power armor however, meant that Alec's body was mostly well protected from the crushing impact, even from the grand fires that now surged through the entire area alongside thick black smoke.
Polup Forest
Being completely paralyzed by the fireworks show she was witnessing, Vizil was easily able to ignore Linda's approach until the sudden impact from Linda's helmet knocked the ass down. With a yelp of pain, and with a thick line of blood trickling from her skull, Vizil took in Linda's visage as she towered over the friendly Elefirn. Being even more intimidating with the heat of the explosions emanating behind her, Vizil aggressively nodded and jumped back up on her feet, ready for the next move.
With Alec's message concluding, Glynn struggled to prime his weapon for combat, "Sergeant, I can cover their exit... Just need. A position".
As he finished his sentence, Linda noticed the orbital bombardment had paused for a moment, before skipping a portion of the facility, and hitting just a ways ahead from it's original path. With this sudden skip and continuance, the larger half of an Elefirn fighter ship wildly crashed down towards the scattering Elefirn crowd. Upon crash landing on a group of Elefirn, the kin around them were torn to shreds from the flying shrapnel from the ship's crash, severing whole bodies as the following explosion from the ship seemed to catch Elefirn blood on fire. At the rate that the bombardment was going, Linda deduced that a majority of the Elefirn workers would meet a similar fate due to their lack of Neplelsian identification and could not hope to outrun it. It was also more than likely that the bombardment crew had made the conscious effort to avoid directly striking on Mark and Alec's position.