Star Army

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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing

Western Manufacturing Facility

In a quick and clean broadcast, Linda quickly received a response
"Message green, beginning orbital bombardment, brace for ground zero around your location"

As Linda rescued Glynn, the smoke cleared up revealing hundreds of Elefirn workers standing around outside of one of the segments of the facility, waiting with a mixed group of expressions. Some crying escaped from the crowd mixed in with some gentle yet scarce laughter. However most were silent when Linda herself emerged from the facility with shotgun and marine in tow. Vizil was not even a meter away from Linda when she raised her own weapon in a nervous confusion at the crowed of her own species. A few began to retreat back into the forest, and many others merely watched and observed from their unarmed point of view. Glynn only made a near silent remark to himself about wondering whether or not he should apply of tourniquet for the sake of safety, or to attempt to fire into the mob with his weapon.

The hallway in which team previously acquired their first set of intel now suddenly found itself slowly flooding with near colorless foreign fumes, and seemingly kept the Elefirn crew behind them at bay who now attempted to take several pot shots and give suppressive fire from inside the facility, to little and no avail.

Working his way through the crowed, Mark brushed past the wounded Elefirn workers on the ground towards the hall which were quickly being vacated, the halls now being riddled with clumps of fur littered about the ground. Soon he found himself unnoticed at the rear end of the more heavily armored Elefirn workers firing away into a dying dust cloud where he summarized Linda probably would be.

Alec was just beside him as he made communications to Linda, his voice ringing with minor interference inside her helmet. He too was looking at the backs of the armed and unsuspecting Elefirn, around eight in total he reckoned. One of the Elefirn workers in the Enviromental suit, Alec noticed, was attempting to sterilize some strange fumes that were slowly filling up the room, and slowly advanced while the other Elefirn mimicked her pace forward.
Western Facility

Linda had a moment of pause when she got word back from command, she had forgotten this was not an IPG operation, she was dealing with the marines, and the trigger happy air force. She had underestimated their eagerness to join in on the combat. However they couldn't just stay where they were either, not with hostiles within striking range.

To Squad: "Everyone make sure your IFF is on. I repeat IFF on everyone. Bombs are about to drop!"

As she spoke those words she made sure her own IFF was up as she fired back at the Elefirn. "Vizil, take point, make sure nothing catches us from the front! And get us someplace that can cake the bombs." She continued forward with Glyn against her shoulder.
Facility Perimeter

With a frazzled look about her, Vizil started to push through the entire crowd with her weapon in hand "F-F-FUCKING MOVE O-O-O-R GET SHOT THE FUCK UP!".

With her shaken voice, she was able to create a small enough passage through the Elefirn crowd, big enough for the group of Nepleslian soldiers to move through. As they did though, Linda could very much hear the sounds of Nepleslian weaponry thunder as heavy ordinance cut it's way through the atmosphere. Though some of the Elefirn clearly flinched at the distant noise, many of them looked up Linda which what she recognized as curiosity and fear, not of killing intent. Even when Linda and Glynn were shooting back at the Elefirn troops behind her, they still remained in awe as Inquiry's troops made a beeline to the outskirts of Polup's forests.

Western Facility

As Alec and Mark arrived to witness the Elefirn soldiers beginning to make steady progress through the covering fire and the potentially hazardous gasses, one of the wounded Elefirn soldiers had begun to rest on one of the Facility's walls and observed as her fellow comrades began to make their way around her. However, as she looked back inward towards the facility, she had caught wind of Alec and Mark's sudden arrival. Shocked, she quickly began to wail a blood curdling cry of fear and began to raise a cheap Elefirn pistol and fired at the two's general direction while she clasped her shot shoulder. With this sudden warning, several of the Elefirn soldiers were shocked and were now aware of the two soldier's presence as they joined in on the injured Elefirn's overwatch.
Western Facility

Mark dropped, trying to hug any available sliver of cover as the injured Elefirn started firing at him. Trying not to waste any time, he quickly let off several long bursts at the Elefirn before switching off and spraying rounds in the general direction of its friends in an effort to keep the rest from massing fires on Alec and Himself.

"This day really isn't going our way" he shouted, teeth clenched just waiting for the heavy ordinance that was called in to impact right on top of their position and turn him into a smoking crater.
Facility Perimeter

Linda did take notice of the reaction of the Elefirn, it reminded her of the reactions of many ungulates, which they did look somewhat like. Either way she didn't have time to worry too much about their deer in headlights reaction, and continued behind Vizil. "Don't get too far ahead Vizil! Try to stay calm but keep pace." She then turned her attention to Glynn, who she gave a light smack to the back to make sure he was awake. "You still with me Shields? Am I going to have to change lights out to make sure you get enough sleep for not staying awake on mission?"
Western Facility
Mark began to swathe the area before him with a rain of heavy Nepleslian gun shots as he began to sustain damage from the enemy's sudden retaliation. Instantly they halted their attempts to purify the area and began making a quick attempt to duck into cover as some of the more unlucky and unarmored Elefirn quickly dived to the ground dead due to being in such a tight formation. As Mark and Alec faced to find cover, they began to hear the sounds of a few explosions off in the distance and the sound of metal rupturing followed by an even larger series of explosions that began to draw closer through the facility resulting in the facility dangerously swaying as it lost structural integrity. The roof slowly began to collapse, and the distant hallways began to be filled with violent flames.

Facility Perimeter

Without a single ounce of confidence, Vizil nodded towards Linda and she began to slow her pace, "R-r-r-right!".

Once the trio had made it to the start of the nearby forest Linda proceeded to check on her Junior with her free hand. Upon getting physical confirmation from Linda, Glynn spoke up louder with a sense of drowsiness about him, "Yes Sergeant! ...Though it's hard to stay conscious when I can't feel a single nerve in my body, i'll be fine if I get medical attention."

As he spoke, the Elefirn continually distanced themselves further from the trio until portions of the facility began to rupture into flames are ordinance from above the atmosphere began to rain down upon the facility like a carpet. One portion of the facility specifically erupted like fireworks on a particularly arsonist Nepleslian holiday. The savage Doe began to scamper at the sight and sound of the facility slowly being blown to bits as the explosions swept across the facility. Vizil was absolutely petrified, her skin going a ghostly color and extremely visible through her coat of fur.
Western Facility

Mark reloaded, taking stock of the changing surroundings and situation. If they stayed here, they were dead, they could push through the flames and on the off chance there wasn't another firefight around the corner, they couldn't just make their own exit without quite possibly bringing the building down on them.

With one option left, Mark rose to his feet and started moving quickly forward but not hurrying to the point of throwing off his aim. "Frontal assault, we gotta push through. Stay on line with me," Mark called to Alec over the roar of his weapon. Wasn't much of a plan but it was, in his mind, their best chance.
Outside Facility

Seeing Vizil freeze up at the sight of the explosions was exactly the kind of reaction that Linda did not want. She didn't need another deer in headlights. Without any free hands she couldn't slap her out of it so she did the next best thing and got in her face and gave her a headbutt, just enough to put her on her rear. "Snap out of it, we're not safe yet, debris can still get us."

After those words she got back on her radio
To second team said:
"Sit rep, what's your situation?"
Western Facility

"I got you!" Alec shouted as he followed after Mark. He wasn't as concerned with accuracy as he was with laying down a heavy base of fire on the enemy. No reason to stick around and tango with them when bombs were dropping on their heads.

Once he heard the message over comms, he radioed back:

Facing resistance, making headway! Requesting covering fire when we exit!
Manufacturing Facility

Taking the Lead, Mark unsurprisingly began taking a heavy amount of fire as the Elefirn now had a prominent target. His suit of Power Armor was now riddled with mostly minor damage, only one shot had managed to puncture through the bulk of his armor, only managing to cause a small searing pain as he charged through the suddenly flammable halls. With the addition of Alec's purposely wild aim, Mark was able to further avoid anymore major damage as Alec's pressure dissuaded the Elefirn Militia from aggressively pursuing the offensive as he quickly contacted Linda. As the hallway's fire began to lick on the two Nepleslian's power armor, another sudden explosion sent shock waves surging through the facility grounds. This time, it seemed that the explosions originated from inside the facility, and both soldiers instantly recognized why, as they quickly remembered the explosives that awkwardly littered around the facility grounds.

As this memory quickly came and passed, the unmistakable sound of those very explosives violently closed in. The sudden damage from those explosions, combined with the continual carpet bombing of the area, proceeded to bring down the facility on top of everyone inside. Half of the Elefirn proceeded to be crushed right before Mark and Alec's eyes as the facility's supports tilted towards the alien group, obscuring the demise of half of the enemy as the rest began to pursue the two Nepleslian men, though this time with visible desperation and fear rather than with a clear intent to kill.

Meanwhile the walls of the hallway that Mark and Alec now found themselves in, barely managed to hold up, and while preventing the two soldiers from being crushed beyond hope of salvation, it did not mean that Alec was able to completely escape most of the falling debris. A portion of the facility's machinery had managed to catch Alec just as he was entering the hallway right behind Mark, rending him immobile underneath one of the smaller support beams and other miscellaneous rubble. Being encased in Nepleslian power armor however, meant that Alec's body was mostly well protected from the crushing impact, even from the grand fires that now surged through the entire area alongside thick black smoke.

Polup Forest

Being completely paralyzed by the fireworks show she was witnessing, Vizil was easily able to ignore Linda's approach until the sudden impact from Linda's helmet knocked the ass down. With a yelp of pain, and with a thick line of blood trickling from her skull, Vizil took in Linda's visage as she towered over the friendly Elefirn. Being even more intimidating with the heat of the explosions emanating behind her, Vizil aggressively nodded and jumped back up on her feet, ready for the next move.

With Alec's message concluding, Glynn struggled to prime his weapon for combat, "Sergeant, I can cover their exit... Just need. A position".

As he finished his sentence, Linda noticed the orbital bombardment had paused for a moment, before skipping a portion of the facility, and hitting just a ways ahead from it's original path. With this sudden skip and continuance, the larger half of an Elefirn fighter ship wildly crashed down towards the scattering Elefirn crowd. Upon crash landing on a group of Elefirn, the kin around them were torn to shreds from the flying shrapnel from the ship's crash, severing whole bodies as the following explosion from the ship seemed to catch Elefirn blood on fire. At the rate that the bombardment was going, Linda deduced that a majority of the Elefirn workers would meet a similar fate due to their lack of Neplelsian identification and could not hope to outrun it. It was also more than likely that the bombardment crew had made the conscious effort to avoid directly striking on Mark and Alec's position.
Polup Forest

To Alec said:
"We read you loud and clear, will provide cover."

Now that they were a safe distance away she carefully handed Glynn off to Vizil "Lay him down and monitor his breathing, make sure he keeps talking." She didn't want him firing his weapon cause the vibrations might cause ruptures. So instead she took his weapon and got a somewhat elevated position and sighted on the area that teh bombardment skipped. Then she began to pick off any armed Elefirn
Manufacturing Facility

The sudden feeling of a debris of machinery piling on top of him caused Alec to scream out in surprise as he went down. Thankfully the suit or armor kept him from becoming mush but he was immobile in a situation that demanded mobility. He tried pushing up the debris to get out from under it but it was no use to go at it alone. An idea popped into his head...

"Mark, give me a hand here. Just need enough room to wiggle out and I can push-pull us outta here."
Manufacturing Facility

Mark squat down seizing the support beam in his hands.

"You're gonna have to move quickly, I might be big but I won't be able to hold this for long," he said, feeling the strain in his legs and back as Mark attempted to practically deadlift the load of bullshit on top of Alec.
Manufacturing Facility Ruins

With the upheaval of scrap, the loud churning and screaming of scraping metal escaped alongside Alec as he forced his way through the wreckage. Though a slight predicament began to appear before Mark as he lifted the ruined material. The surviving combat Elefirn had begun to wiggle their way through the small crevices of the wreckage that Mark had unintentionally managed to create to aid Alec. Despite performing an impressive feat of strength and technological ingenuity by lifting the incredible mount of rubble, the three Elefirn that popped out of the wood work with bloodied bodies did nothing to help improve the situation. After being accidentally saved by Mark, the three Elefirn had decided to get a head start on escaping the ruined building despite being armed, most likely a product of panic. The horrific looking goat-girls flashed past by both Nepleslian peripheries towards a small opening of sunlight just up and behind Mark. As the last of the three Elefirn made their way across Alec had once again found himself free, with his primary weapon unfortunately out of commission due to it's nature of being bent in half.

When they returned their attention to the Elefirn hostiles due to the sound of distant gunfire, it was a sudden surprise to now only see two remaining Elefirn as one of the leading Elefirn was suddenly blasted to a sandwich of swiss cheese and gore. The other two aliens, feeling completely trapped, found themselves hiding just a few feet away from their once plausible exit, keeping each other away from each other in two different states of panic. One shakenly raised their Aether weaponry before it became extremely obvious that their weapon was no longer operable. The other was completely mentally defeated, and seemed to be scratching the flesh off of it's head out of horrific, yet silent, distress, as not a single sound escaped from her vocal cords.

Polup Forest

With only a hint of resistance, Glynn reluctantly let go of his grip of his LMG, protesting that he would have been fine as Vizil struggled to lift him down gently on the ground due to his overbearing weight. To keep him awake, Vizil kept pestering the wounded man by gently slapping him silly, as well as giving him an odd and focused stare.

When she turned her attention the facility once more, she once again witnessed the full carnage of the bombardment, and brought down a total of seven Elefirn as they crawled their way through the wreckage, while the unarmed civilians had died closer to her as a result of the of second-hand ordinance. resulting in tiny rivers of blood already beginning to flow down Polup's gently hills. Though a group of three managed to avoid being completely annihilated, as the moment that the first mole showed her burnt skull being turned into red mush was enough for the two Elefirn behind it to duck behind some thick cover,
Manufacturing Facility Ruins

Mark looked between his damaged armor and the former corridor's new skylight weighing his options.

"You wanna risk it, just give the word. If we die, we die," he said to Alec, checking to see if his weapon would even function in the next firefight.
Manufacturing Facility Ruins

Freed from the trappings of rubble, Alec was more concerned about his and Mark's survival over the fate of the Elefirn that didn't take the multiple opportunities to get the hell out of dodge.

"Brace yourself." He said he wrapped his arms Mark's midsection and angled himself before using the push-pull device and whatever boosters he had to launch the pair of them out of hole in the corridor's roof and into the air. "FIND THE OTHERS FROM UP HERE!" He yelled, his vision blocked by the other marine's armor.
Polup Forest

Linda was about to call back to Alec to get a situation report, but when she saw them bust through the roof she no longer found the need. She switched to covering the new hole they made however to make sure they were not followed.

To Alec said:
"We're in the forest, you should see my IFF ping, I'll cover you just get here before they make another pass."
Polup Forest

Quickly percing through the roof the what remained of the facility, Mark and Alec were able to witness the collapse of the rest of the structure and of it's foundation as it finally crumbled into nothing, crushing anything that could have resided there before. Truly, the facility was torn to the ground, and it's perimeter was filled to the brim with both rubble and the occasional Elefirn corpse. The orbital bombardment left it's craters scattered everywhere, and the explosives from the facility had managed to catch portions of the surrounding area's aflame. Then as Mark and Alec left the area towards Linda, the N.S.S Inquiry fired where the pair of soldiers once were, and the heat from the explosions managed to just ever so slightly weave it's way through the carapace of the armor as the strike team witnessed the facility being completely glassed into oblivion.

"Bombardment complete, requesting the status of target and status of friendly personnel."
Linda thankful for the automatic tinting of her visor, she was able to keep her eyes focused on Alec and Mark as they approached. There was even a hint of a smile under her helmet, but she would never let them know that.

To Command said:
"Command we need pick up, we've got people in bad condition. The Facility has been destroyed and the bombing was a success."

After that she turned her attention to the team and spoke over the coms "Mission is a success, we'll just need to hold down until extraction."
Upon reaching the others, Mark pushed out to establish a perimeter. "So is that all they've got to throw at us" he asked, glancing at the state of his armor. "Honestly I'm underwhelmed, I was hoping for more."