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RP: YSS Kaiyō Post-Mission Two: Yame!

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
YSS Kaiyō
17日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

Eden sat with her XO, who she spoke telepathically with before and as the group filtered in. Like the other briefing and debriefing, the hinomaru was behind her on the screen with their mission number. She would oftentimes look up to the screen and it would change to show close-ups of the enemy power armor or the shuttle from varying angles.

Teien Eden had been quite serious during their discussion while the away team and bridge crew came into the wardroom, but once in awhile she would break a smile and at one point, she looked up to the screen and watched the explosion of the shuttle and looked back to Saki, frowning and shaking her head. Finally, Eden looked at the wardroom and then back to Saki, who nodded in return and the two broke their conversation.

"Welcome, all," Eden said as she stood. "We are working on establishing what exactly we just went against. We have sent in audio recording and video as well as analytical information to Star Army Intelligence. Their reply is pending. As far as first contact with a hostile race goes, we have done very well. We are working on the next plan of attack and squadron leader Taisa Catherine Ross will have the ability to tell me and, thus, all of you, that information when it is necessitated. Are there any questions?"
About this point Meissa had gotten her very sweaty shower in. She showed up to the wardroom, looking just about normal. Maybe a little better than normal with a somewhat well kept uniform. She picked a nice spot of wall to lean against.
"Yes," Meissa raises her hand. "What was the unknown armor? And what weapon did it have equipped?"
YSS Kaiyō
17日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

After landing back in the ship, Anastasia had given several of the damaged armors rundowns and scans to see what she'd be doing for the next few days. She had given herself enough time to get a quick shower in, 'quick' being an overstatement for an Elysian.

She reported to the Wardroom on time, mostly dry black hair falling on to her Class A uniform. She gave the Captain and crew a salute before she took her regular seat by Yoshida. She looked tired.
YSS Kaiyō
17日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

Immediately following the skirmish, Mochi had been running screenings for all of the away team before they entered the ship, using the designated airlock as a sort of ad-hoc containment room. He'd had to use his Mindy for the first time on this operation, more as a hazmat suit than a weapons platform - despite the fact that he had a couple of those scattered about. Following the last away team member coming aboard, the Science Officer had nipped out to grab a few specimens from around the wreckage and placed them inside an airlock from which he would collect then later for study. No point changing into a Mindy from a hazmat suit, he had figured.

Now he sat, itching to get his scalpel into one but trying his best to listen and input if it became necessary.
Almost as soon as Carter boarded the ship and unsuited, he was a blur of activity, running over to the PA bay terminal to oversee and conduct the post-mission maintenance and patching up of the away team's Mindies. With Anastasia's help, he quickly and efficiently patched up the scrapes on the armor, double checked the modules, reloaded weapons, and was off on his way to clean up before briefing.

He arrived at the briefing with moments to spare, snapped off a quick salute, and sat down, speaking up in response to the Taii's question. "Yes, wha-" aaand was promptly cut off by Meissa asking the exact question he had in mind. The technician decided to keep his mouth shut and wait for Eden's response.
YSS Kaiyō
17日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

Yoshida didn't spend much time in the bay, only barely enough to check over her friend after the scanning was done. after that she just smiled and left, walking around for a time before taking her shower, and reaquiring her signiture smile by the time she finally made it back to the wardroom, and finally as she spotted her techy friend once more, gving Anastasia an extra big smile. Of course Yosh didn't forget to salute Taii Eden before she began the breifing, anything less than that would be simply improper. She left the questions to Meissa for now, having none of her own, except one for Anastasia.

"How was your first combat mission?" she grinned wider, her tail swishing again, finally.
Anastasia looked out at the Captain, thinking for a moment. After a bit of silence, she leaned her head to one side and responded quietly to Yoshida's question. "Chaotic..."

"Thanks for taking that fire for me."

"Excellent question, Meissa. As for handheld weapons," Teien Eden turned to the viewing screen and the power armor's handheld aether saber was brought onto the screen. "A powerful aether saber that dealt damage, Navian's leg can attest to that." The image changed and Eden said, "An aether rifle. Where they have gotten aether, we do not know. It is highly likely they are somehow intertwined with the Kuvexians. As Mitsuko likely knows, they have aether technology, as well. Moving on, machine guns are employed by this unknown species. As we all know, power armor." The screen shifted to show the power armor of the enemy.

"They employ forearm cannons similar to our own and have shoulders, rear, and torso laser arrays. They have missile racks, as well, though we didn't see much use from those this battle," she said. Ending her monologue on the weapons employed by the enemy, she added, "Does that answer your question? Are there any others?"
YSS Kaiyō
17日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

Yoshida grinned warmly at the techy and nodded before looking back to the captian, raising an arm and patting Anastasia on the shoulder. the one farthest form her. "No problem!" She seemed pretty darn happy for somone that took more than just one laser blast from the enemy. Speaking of, as she considered, she remembered the mysterious pilot. "Oh! Did we get that sniper? I stopped paying attention untill we got back."

"Yes, we did, Nito Hei Yoshida. We have her in a containment cell right now. She is an NMX Neko. We are gaining more intelligence on her at this very moment."

Sakamoto had been tasked to handle the interrogation, this time with less sexual innuendos and camaraderie, Teien Eden presumed.

Navian attended the briefing peppered with bandages for her burns and well-medicated for the pain, with her injured leg somewhat elevated. Her working uniform was in for repairs, so she was wearing her duty uniform. She hadn't had much of a chance to tend to herself, so her current state of grooming was mostly courtesy of the medical staff. "I noticed a few other things, though we can get to those in time..."
Anastasia sat quiet, looking over at the bandage-clad Navian. Her left wing twitched, only imagining the pain left behind by those burns. Anastasia was fortunate to make it out with as few scars as she did, and felt somewhat undeserving. She would say something in hopes to help, but figured it would be best to wait until after the briefing.

"Oh!" Yoshida grinned a bit and nodded. "NMX way out here? weird. I've never met one! might say hi!" She giggled a bit, an odd look on her face only for a moment before chilling out, part curiosity and part anger, at the mere idea yamatai's old enemy, the NMX could be around. For the time being, she sat, listened, and nodded along with the others.
"So that was an NMX..." The weapons operator, leaning against the far wall, spoke for the first time since she arrived slightly early. Luckily she didn't have as many... Issues... With her body odor and perspiration as earlier, so the need to shower was minimal. "I'd rather not have them gunning for us, if that two-shot burst they used on the shuttle was any indication of their firepower." In the same uniform, lightly crinkled from the time on the bridge, she analyzed the pictures in a fatigued manner, crippling a power armor unit is much more difficult with a starship than an other power armor's weaponry and targeting systems. They're too small.

Eden nodded to Arbitrated Shan and Yoshida. "The threat is neutralized. Their Reaper is offline and we are establishing their intent."

Turning to the injured Elysian, the Taii said, "Nito Hei Navian, anything to add or ask?"
Navian looked at her Taii in sleepy confusion for a moment before saying, "...You mean my observations?

"Their armours aren't only tough... even after doing enough damage to give most Neko pause, they just shrugged it off. It seems they also have some way to dampen pain, and stay conscious with grievous injuries. I also noticed that some of their weapons, the knuckles and forearm cannon, at least, can cause harm through armour without damaging the armour. Though not very much. They were more effective against my barrier. The cannon might still be dangerous if it had a chance to be used in a full burst at point blank...

"I digress. One more thing I noticed was that they can grasp with their feet, though they don't seem to carry weapons with them." Navian stopped, sweating a bit, and decided not to add more, focusing on a point on the wall, rather than those assembled.

"Did everyone hear that? Excellent observations, Nito Hei Navian. We will have a more complete understanding of the enemy for next time because we are equipped with that knowledge," the Taii said, nodding to the Elysian that had just spoken. "Anything else?"

Navian's response seems less like an answer, and more like she's talking to an empty room. "We weren't able to land any killing blows. We only defeated one power armour, and only by landing enough hits to destroy one of us three times over. It seems the only reason we weren't the ones driven off was their poor marksmanship. The next time we fight this enemy, we must have a better way of defeating them."

"I don't think that's the case. Where are you getting this number, three times over?" Eden asked of Navian. "Further, we will have a better way of defeating them. We will have the ability to know our enemy well enough to fight them in their territory and win. We know they have bad aim and strong armor. We know they have suicidal tendencies. We know their weapons and we know their thresholds, now. We know they won't be stopped easily, but we ourselves have the stopping power to defeat them, to unequivocally end them!"
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