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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Precinct 13, First dispatch: The Assault on Precinct 13.

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
RP Date
Ye 40
RP Location
Roger Wilco
Roger Wilco city, Bekkendahl Street, 13th precinct HQ.

"Cited the bold re-construction of the 13th precinct as a momentous achievement towards the safety and security of the people of Roger Wilco and Nepleslia as a who-"

A reporter briefly gave a signal to cut the feed for another take, Her hair blowing into her face inconveniently as the source of the intrusion continued to blare its klaxtons in warning, Scattering those that had amassed before the massive armored gates of the 13th precincts headquarters to get a view of its crimsoning and the crowds that had gathered to observe the station, And more importantly; Its officers as they arrived on transports laden with equipment for the new station.

The night before and now morning was filled with the arrival of dozens of these vehicles hour by hour. Enforcer patrol cars and large armored vehicles where lined up in neat rows within the safety of the armored outer walls of the precinct and delivered overnight straight from surplus yards and manufactures. Massive armored haulers guarded by officers non-native to the new precinct brought in large and bulky containers of weapons and sensitive equipment signed off by higher ups and sealed to be unlocked by licensed officials from the NSMC, NSN, NPF and various military and civilian organizations. Men and women in the unadorned black or blue of the NPF arrived through private armored entrances within the wall to their orientations by the dozens while some who had already completed the 4 hour course walked the exterior of the massive six story building to help coordinate deliveries and facilitate security in the moment.

All of this coincided perfectly with the final delivery of equipment and the dispatching of the last contractor for the day. The gates to the precinct were swung wide open for the public at large to enter somewhat unmolested. Officers carefully let a slow trickle of pedestrians and civilians through the gates, Checking ammo from personal weapons to be returned on their visit, not that it mattered.

After all, The 13th Precincts headquarters was situated dead center in the middle of a Kuznyetski hab-block. Hundreds of kuz men and women young and old lined up with arms full of weapons, Knick-Knacks, Foodstuffs and overall what might be considered gifts for the christening of the newest of NPF stations. Already to the dismay of the overwhelmed half douzen Golem clad officers stationed at the gate had found their stores filled to the brim and unable to check another bullet or pistol as the sheer size of the crowd simply pushed inside the courtyard.

Inside a pair of old women had already set up a stand to buy or barter interesting arms and intended gifts from others while a small group opted to spend the time waiting for the line to diminish by starting a small fire and setting up a cook-pot containing a strange blood red soup with chunks of beets and vegetables floating on its surface. Three men had also already started wrestling with a group of other men under the pretense of a good natured fight while a young woman played her gunpipes, Ignoring the protests of a female officer demanding she get off the hood of her patrol car.

All of this controlled chaos was topped off by the growing pile of gifted weapons accumulating in the lobby of the station and the lack of leadership to oversee it. Men and women simply left the gifts in a growing pile under the directions of the precincts JANE projected from various screens behind a receptionist desk, Not knowing what else to do then directing them off back into the courtyard where they opted to celebrate and mingle. Somewhere along the way, The commissioner for the station and precinct as a whole had been delayed by the crowd and the gates had been ordered open by the only current lieutenant in the station under orders that his people shouldn't be denied. Even now the kuznyetski lieutenant sat boldly on a leather chair meant for reception and greeted and embraced his people and reveled in their mutual culture.

His name was Adrej and he was the lieutenant in charge of the precincts DTR team and opted to spend the time waiting for the members of his new team to finish their orientations by shaking shaking hands joking around while a reporter and cameraman rolled for their B-roll footage in the backround by ambushing any officer who managed to leave the more off limits areas of the station and demanding a quick statement before shooing them off and moving onto the next.

"Officers!" the spunky reporter chimed and approached as a group of officers in the simple black uniforms of the NPF left their standard orientation briefing. Mingled in with them and identical to the others was a handful that while they wore the same uniforms; The training and conduct they where held to set them miles apart.

"How do you feel about your precinct being numbered "13" after the last precinct in roger wilco numbered 13 found most of its stations burnt down and its officers systematically butchered over the course of last year by refusing to yield their precinct to armed and organized crime syndicates?"

@Whitehart @SirSPT @SirSkully @jjans002 @Biesecker
Feel free to have your officers enter any way you see fit and mingle and greet each other. Bie is busy and hasnt finished a character yet but theres going to be a handful of posting rounds before anything pushes the story forwards a bit so we have time to wait for them if they can.
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Easton Keller, one of the ordinance experts on the DTR teams, was at the christening of the reopening of Precinct 13. If he was a superstitious man, he would have had a problem with the precinct having the same name as the old one, but he was not. He didnt have a thought one way or another about it.

He was finishing his orientation while chaos swarmed around him. He had been assigned here as one of the DTR teams at the new precinct, and he was looking forward to meeting his new team. As the orientation broke up, one of the reporters tried to ambush them with some questions. Easton simply snorted and turned around. He didnt talk to reporters.

He saw the man that had been pointed out as the man in charge of DTF teams, and headed towards him.

"Easton Keller, Ordinance officer, reporting." He said to the man.
There were a lot of people around and Takeshi wasn't fond of standing amongst crowds, no she preferred to sit up somewhere high and watch the people mull about - but now was not the time for that so instead of going around the front like everyone else the half-breed had snuck out a bathroom window and made her way around the backs of the buildings where nobody was going to shove a microphone into her face.

The Nepleslian-Geshrin let out a sigh of relief as she leant back against the recently shut door and closed her eyes for a second to regroup and steel her nerves before moving out to the main area, where the guy in-charge of the DTR would be-

"What about you, how do you feel about the stigma surrounding this precinct being numbered thirteen?" A voice suddenly demanded of Takeshi as a microphone and camera were thrust in her face, though there were less people around so she could deal with this simple question.

"I'm confident we have the capacity and will-power to turn the tides and make thirteen a number to be proud of," the Marksman spoke confidently and professionally, yet still managed to slip a subtle smile onto her face to help drive the point home. God, she hoped there wouldn't be too many more questions...
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Roger Wilco City
Bekkendahl St, 13th Precinct HQ

While the others seemed to adverse to public eye, Flannery was enjoying it. Coming out of orientation felt like a breath of fresh air and now the attention was an added icing on the cake. But with the camera's on the group and no one willing to answer the questions the press, she decided to step up.

"The fact that the precinct shares the same numbering as the precious one is simply for organization-sake." She said with a smile as she walked to "You can rest assured that these DTR teams will keep any more precincts from burning down."

With the press hopefully sated by her response, she turned and made her way to her new boss, Lieutenant Adrej, with the others.

"Assaultman O'Doyle, reporting in."
The chaos and distractions were certainly in a flury. People moved this way and that, or just loitered getting a gaze at the new precinct building. Amongst them strode Jackson, Lily close at his heels. The emerald gunhand was enjoying her self, sniffing the many scents around her. Jackson had a friendly smile as he frequently stoppd by reporters of all kinds and gave quick sound bites about how, although the precinct's past was a tragedy, in true Nepleslian style it will rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

He was good with people, showing smiles, shaking hands, even letting Lily do a trick or two for the public. The most recent trick was taught to his canin by his daughter Trina. She had Lily stand on her back pops doing small jumps while throwing her front paws in the air in an alternating rythym. She was effectively dancing, throwing her paws in the air like she just didn't care. Jackson gave her a treat for such good behavior.

Through the din and smush of people Jackson smiled when he saw O'Doyle. They had just met but he knew she was one of the good ones, he slowly made his way to her still taking the time to pose for selfies with Lily and shake hands or high five people.

He assessed the Lieutenant as Flannery saluted and introduced herself. He saw that Andrej had seen some things and appreciated and understood what that meant. When it was his turn he simple held out his hand to Andrej for a firm hand shake, not showing lack of respect but as one blue blood to another. "Sergeant Tuvesh, call me Jackson sir," he said in introduction.
The reporter huffed, Clearly not satisfied with the responses she had been given but accepted defeat when it became clear most of the officers exiting the orientation wanted nothing to do with her and offered little usable footage. Opting to find some more eager interviewees that where neither hostile to the press at large or what could be heard hissed in passing by the group of DTR officers as a bunch of "Unwashed, Uncultured moon-loons" before she and her cameraman started back into the courtyard at large towards the gathering of men who had started wrestling. The spectacle all the greater and surely made for good television as both men seemed to be tearing the clothing off one another until the duo mirrored each other in just their trousers and bare chests marked with a variety of various ganger tattoos, Causing the crowd to burst out cheering as the locked arms again and tried to be the first to pin the other or force them to tap.

All distractions aside the lieutenant in question seemed oblivious to any of the controlled chaos at large that was filling the precincts headquarters. Jovial laughter seemed to emanate from every word he said as he in turn put a hand on each officers shoulder and brought them in for a hug in turn for what could largely be considered inappropriate and unprofessional for someone supposed to be leading a team of nepleslias most elite door kickers. Ending with giving the gunhund a playful boop on her nose, Getting a playful bark in return.

"Yes, Hello! Welcome!" he laughed when he was done, Beckoning them all out of the way as a group of sergeants, Straight from leading the orientations finally exited last of all from the bowels of the greater station, Most toting coffee mugs and looking on with unconcealed disgust to the great gathering celebration as they fidgeted with their mugs, Sidearms, And truncheons. Making ready to break up the controlled chaos.

"Quite the party dont you think?" The lieutenant laughed again, A wide grin splitting his face ear to ear, Exposing a multitude of fake titanium and gold teeth on broken patchwork face. "Makes you want to go out and join in the fun, Yes? But you cant because there is work to do, isnt there, Turi?"

A long, Awkward pause seemed to fill the reception area before the lieutenant looked over his shoulder towards the JANE's display behind the thick plated glass. The young AI quirked an eye and tilted her head, Long black hair simulating a few loches over her face as she tried to understand what the kuz man was going on about.

Lietenant. If you are addressing me, My designation number has been deemed-
the Jane started, Before being cut off by the kuz man waving his hands at her like it was distasteful before patting the glass like he was consoling her.

"No no. Turi is better. A young girl must have a cute name, Dont you think?"

The JANE repeated the previous gesture, Not knowing how to react before a simple affirmative chime announced her acceptance before turning back to a neutral expression, Not reacting at all to his further probing.

"Neither the chief nor commissioner are here yet so i can do that you see." He whispered conspiratorialy to the group, As he exploited some loophole in the chain of command. "but yes, Back to work! A very good party, yes. but perhaps not the best place to have one. So we should do something about this, Yes?

Our strong, Brave, Beautiful sergeants can take command of the officers here and start on the crowd but there will be troublemakers, There always are, I know this! So we should start with them like our entertainers over there." He gestured towards the circle forming around the two wrestlers that had now turned to four as a tag team seemed to be taking shape with people pooled in bets to a central figure of a stout woman standing on a liberated crate with a mowhawk that easily made up a quarter of her height who had started taking bets on the formation of nepleslias newest wrestling league...
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Roger Wilco City
13th Precinct HQ

Flannery looked out at the crowd as it became more about a betting and brawling than celebrating the new DTR team. But it wouldn't be a proper Nepleslian celebration without some teeth being knocked out.

"Aye, sir." She said with a nod. "I'll try to handle this peacefully." She said, taking the initiative and turning to Jackson. "I'll have a talk with the bet-taker and see what I can do. You should start wrangling up the other officers and start doing some crowd control for when things go south." She turned back to the crowd and began wading through the mass toward, keeping a hand on her truncheon in case someone needs a clubbing.

Once she reached the apparent organizer for the fight, looked up woman and put on a professional smile. "Excuse me." She said, trying to speak over the crowds jeering and cheering of the fight. "Gonna have to ask you to close this little show down. Fighting ain't allowed on the premises."
Jackson smiled at Flannery and gave her a pat on the shoulder as she parted ways. Turning to the other two officers with him, "Officer Yeon and Officer Keller right? Great to meet you both. The name is Jackson, this is Lily. Let's go see if we can pull these two brawlers apart. Keller you take the ugly one, Yeon you have the other. Lily and I will stand by to assist."

He jerked his head in the fights direction wo urge the pair on, his green Lily stood panting beside him looking around out of curiousity and vigilance. Jackson could do it himself but he was really curious how these two would handle it. Of course any sign of it going bad and trusted that Lily could end most fights, giant dog teeth generally did that.
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Takeshi breathed a sigh of relief as the reporter left her alone, one of the halfbreed's synthetic hands reached into a pocket to absentmindedly fiddle with one of the hand-loaded .338 bullets that corresponded with the lovingly made rifle slung across her back - despite the fact Takeshi quite clearly took after the Yamataian side as far as looks were concerned she was still half Kutz afterall and wore that fact with pride.

Officer Yeon raised one eyebrow at the near-yet-distant mention of her name as she turned to face Jackson, eyes lighting up a bit as the green hound came into view - she'd always loved dogs after all and it seemed the lovely Lily was no exception, yet the half-breed knew better than to go distracting a canine unit when they were on the job.

"Jackson, got it - roger that, lets try to break them up," Takeshi chimed back with that ever so slightly off accent of hers as the hand moved from fondling the bullet to resting on the baton at her side, the blue synthetic muscles of her hand easing onto the hard surface as she approached the one not deemed ugly by Jackson.

"Hey big feller," Takeshi decided to open up with as she tried to get the man's attention. "I get that you want to celebrate but we can't let you do it here, rules are rules."
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Roger Wilco City
13th Precinct HQ

Easton was slightly surprised by the hug he got from what was his commanding officer. That was unexpected and he stiffened up at the touch. Then he watched as the man played with the receptionist AI. He couldnt remember ever serving under someone so informal.

The crowd was getting pretty unruly, and they were asked to break it up. As he headed towards his assigned brawler, he muttered under his breath. "A flash bang would easily break this up." He then shook his head, he knew it wouldn't be authorized.

He unhooked the guard over his club and walked up to his assignment. He saw the one called Yeon attempt to stop her brawler with words. Easton figured that if he wanted to keep the peace, he better follow suit.

"Come on man, move it along, dont make us get physical." He told the man.

"Vat you meaning, Flirting?" the massive Mohawked kuz woman had to lean in close to Flannery to be heard over the crowd, One of the over gelled spikes of hair almost poking out one of the female officers eyes before she leaned back to stand over her on her crate to dicipher wheater or not she was being hit on, Arms folded over her ratty top, Exposing some of the more graphic ganger tattoos she was sporting, Many still looking fresh and somewhat irritated with red puffy and agitated flesh around the various runic and cartoonish symbols forming the start of a sleeve.

Not a few feet away, Officers Takeshi and Easton found more headway. The two fighters they approached had obviously been more on the receiving end of their wrestling and each in turn nodded their agreement and withdrew with some assistance from the crowdwho had gone from a cheer to a general murmur as their festivities started to pause. Seeing this, The kuz ringleader grinned first at Takeshi and Easton. Then back at Flannery with a look that implied she understood completely what Flannery was saying...

"Rogah-Wilcahs finest!" She swept and arm at the two officers at the otherside of the makeshift ring, Getting a cheer from the crowd who starting shoving and patting the two on deeper into the ring. "Have come to challenge, BIG AL AND BIGGER AL!"

As if on que her two champions stopped their short rest and revealed themselves from behind her, Somehow hiding in a crowd full of people marginally smaller than themselves. Both lived up to their names. The half SOL likely being the Big while a full SOL over nine foot tall was obviously the Bigger. The two looked to the kuz ringleader for confirmation after seeing their new challengers, The full SOL, Sporting the NSMC rank of a sergeant tattooed on his cheek and a massive indent in his skull leaned forwards, The low tone of his voice easily enough to cut over the din of the renewed vigor of the crowd.

"Dun wanna fight no cops, Gillie." He murmured, His eyes drawing to Flannery before the Kuz hissed something causing him to stand up straighter and hoped down off her crate, Disapearing into the crowd without a word. Bigger Al Slapped the half SOL forward first into the ring who squared up with a menacing grin sporting his face implying he had no such qualms.

"You." he pointed towards Easton, Implying he had no problem with the officer and his baton.

Jackson and Lilly had a different distraction on their hands. Lilly, Trained to sniff out gunpowder, Cordite, And explosives was going absolutely berserk by his side. Yipping and howling every few seconds to signal her handler and partner of her find. The crowd of kuznyetski wreaked of the substances, Each a gunsmith in their own accord the gunhund was simply overwhelmed by it all. The barking drew some attention, But not long before it was drawn back to the fighting ring.

A single group passing however got the largest reaction out of Lilly in passing. A group of officers from the gate, Still clad in Golem armor stalked past in full kit, Rifles grenades and all. Towards the precincts interior, Only a single one of them even glancing at Jackson and Lilly, An apologetic nod towards the gunhund before they carried on, A large munitions crate carried with one hand each by the six of them they started up the ramp into the precinct proper and out of sight. Leaving the gate, Unguarded.

Easton mentally cursed. This is not how this was supposed to go, and the man looking to challenge him was a big one.

He raised his baton in a defensive stance and looked at the man. He looked at the man. "You really dont want to assault a officer. It wont end well for you." He wasnt going to make the first move, but if the other man came after him, he would defend himself.

O'Doyle cursed to herself and took a couple towards the Kuz woman before turning back towards Easton. She couldn't just leave him to handle both Al's on his own.

She stepped over next to Easton, truncheon in hand as she looked over the to the mountains of muscle opposite of them. If a fight was to start, daylights were going to be knocked out of someone real quick. "Look, there's no need for either of you to spend the night in a cell. Just walk away and no one gets hurt."

Takeshi couldn't help but let out an internal grimace as the tension between those around her continued to rise, meeting a challenge with a threat only seemed like it would end poorly for everybody involved but she tried to push on and stay somewhat passive.

"Listen..." the halfbreed began, taking a step forward with one synthetic hand very much still resting on the handle of her own truncheon. "You want to fight, we get that - but not within these walls and certainly not an officer of the law, is that understood?" externally she was managing to keep her cool but the reality was that Officer Yeon was prepared to dump the charge from the capacitor bank in her abdomen incase the rowdy lot didn't listen to reason.
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Jackson had let Lilly bark and cause a scene, he didn't mind because she was doing her job and anyone wary of that was someone he should be looking at anyway. He stayed in a relaxed position and continued to watch the three Officers do their best to deescalate the situation and it shocked him to see them try words before action. So many times on these streets Officers went straight to force, it gave him high hopes for this unit and he knew that these were people he could work with and help shape.

His attention was diverted however at the odd scene of Officers walking by carrying the munitions crate. Sure people were still bring stuff in and supplying the precinct but were they they gate guards or just Officers with supplies. If they were the guards on duty at the gate then why did they leave it? He has always been close with his canine partners and sensitive to their reactions and this was no different, he had a hunch but he had to check it out.

"Eh, Lieutenant Andrej sir, it's Officer Jackson. Beyond the brawl we have a different problem, it seems that our Officers at the gate have gone for a stroll. I suggest we rustle up some replacements, I'm going to look in to the matter," He said clearly in to the radio connected to his uniform. Immediately after the communications he hurriedly sought to catch up to the six armored Officers, he had a feeling they were not who they seemed and wanted to talk to them.

The crowd heard little of the exchange between the three officers and the two SOL, Drowned out by a chorus of rising cheers from each officer squaring up in turn only the five of them where close enough to hear one another over the crowd.

The larger of the Al's seemed uninterested in the fight, Taking a seat on Gillie's vacant box with a grunt and glancing occasionally towards the main precinct house proper, Obviously the only one willing to honor the impromptu tag-team style fighting that had gone on before the officers arrival, Even without the MC that had been the kuz woman running the show.

The smaller, Half-SOL Al however seemed to hardly notice the full handicap set against him and played to the crowd like a proper showman. Waving h is hands in gestures and making obscene remarks towards the officers it seemed the prospect of being locked up mattered little to him if he could just stay the center of attention for a little longer.

"Gunna wear'em like a new boot!" He targeted Easton again, Shouting to the crowd who drank up the showmanship like recreation deprived drones, Some unseen grudge against the first person brave enough to step into the ring. He brought himself up to his full height of just barely seven feet made him a smaller example of a half-SOL, But the sheer bulk and stock of the man implied his short stature was in no way a disadvantage compared to others bearing the super soldiers DNA and build.

As a final act of bravado he theatrically tore off the oversized vest he had been wearing to expose the raw bulk and muscle of his form before throwing the vest in his first unsportsmanlike act in O'Doyle's face as a distraction before closing the distance towards the officers in a matter of seconds before he was upon them, His bearing implying he was looking to grapple and likely tear apart Easton if he got the chance...

Precinct Interior.

Jacksons response from his superior was roughly drowned out by the backwash of the courtyard. A series of screams and grunts implied the lieutenant had joined in with some of the sergeants, At least in proximity, To clearing out one of the other groups, The whine and cutoff of a set of gunpipes audible in the distance before giving jsut enough moment of pause for a quick reply of "Yes, Ok! Be letting Turi know if they give you any backtalk, OK?"

The entrance to the precinct itself was much as it had been left when Jackson arrived. Lily on his heels, gratefully panting to be out of the confusing yet exciting mess of the courtyard. The interior itself was devoid of much life compared to the courtyard with the exception of one of the veteran sergeants loading a menacing 12 gauge and shoving it back into the hands of a lesser field grade officer who had mistakenly loaded the magazine backwards before thinking better and taking the weapon for herself and ordering the rookie field grade officer back towards the armory for something else. The woman gave Jackson, A fellow sergeant a nod before her attention was drawn back towards the fumbling rookie with sigh, Trying and failing to properly card through the door.

Next to the door, However, Taking a rest from hauling the heavy crate, The six officers from the gate where taking a breather, Spread out wither sitting on the large crate or on one of the nearby benches. Watching the fumbling rookie with a degree of unmasked amusement as the door made another chime signalling the mans card was denied again.

The poor officer looked between the group of armored officers, Jackson, And the Veteran sergeant before slowly turning a pleading look towards the cold and impassive visage of the precincts AI projected behind the armored glass, His mouth slowing forming the word please in some semblance of trying to remain his dignity and avoid further embarrassment. Turi however simply watched the poor man fail at such a simple task as opening a door. Not even conveying the simple information she undoubtedly knew could save him from his embarrassing situation like telling him he was swiping the wrong side of the card...

Flannery knew this would go violent by time of the second jeer of the lesser of two Als and the increasing volume of the crowd. This was bringing back memories, memories she'd rather have forgotten but was probably going to what saves her skin in a situation like this. However, she knew Easton would probably be torn apart if Al man got his hands on him.

The redhead quickly tossed the distraction jacket aside and looked over at charging bull barreling down on Easton with some panic on her face. She quickly shoved Easton out of the way before swinging her truncheon high at Al's face, aiming less to pacify and more for teeth. It was the only language they'd understand.

Officer Yeon had been splitting her attention between the crowd and the fighter, eyes returning only to see the smaller Al - who was still taller than her - throw his vest and begin charging. Had her red-headed superior not taken the swing then Takeshi might've joined in, but she was confident that two DTR officers could deal with one ID-SOL.

She on the other hand finally drew the baton from her side and gave the crowd of rowdy-blooded Neps a stern look, her synthetic blue muscles expanding slightly to press against the material of her uniform as the half-breed tried to make sure this wouldn't escalate into a full blown riot.

"Do the smart thing here, stay out of it," she offered as some advice, that odd Kutz/Yam accent she had rather prevalent in her words of warning as dark brown eyes swept the crowd for anybody who felt brave or stupid enough to not listen.

Brave maybe in their own eyes, stupid in hers.

One moment, the AI was barreling down on him, and he was getting in position to strike, the next moment he was flying sideways, with no warning. Because it was so sudden, he stumbled and fell down. It took a moment for him to realize that he had been pushed out of the way by his fellow officer, he cursed and glared at her. He knew she had probably saved his life, but they would have words after all this was over.

With grunt, he got up, and as the other officer aimed for the enemies mouth, Easton turned to his back and jumped on it, aiming to put his baton under the Ai's throat and pull back to try and choke him out.
He knew that hazing was a standard and time honored tradition among the boys and girls in blue but as the old saying went, 'There was a time and a place for everything.' Jackson looked down at Lily and showed her his flat horizontal hand palm down, at this she sat in place panting and taking in all the sights.

He walked to the fumbling officer and put his meaty right hand on the theirs in a stopping motion, "Rook, slow down. Take a breathe and look at your card. Remember, everyone has had a first day so get through yours." Having done what he could for the officer he let his attention turn to his true objective.

"Hey boys. Noticed you carrying in some ordinance, when I asked the gate guards they weren't able to give me a good idea of what was included. Where are you headed?"