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RP: UCS Zenpyou [Prelude] Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

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Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Fleming smirked a little as the Ai stared at the ground, he retracted his hand and fought the urge to lift her face up. "Nice to meet you, Ai. You know, I'm not supposed to report in until 1600 if you wanted to grab a nibble of...something with me instead. We could get to know each other a little better," he suggested with a grin as he waited for Ai to react to his offer.

He had spent way too many years in therapy to not be able to shake some of his old habits but... it was just... way too much fun to push buttons. Especially cute, petite little ones that blushed easily.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

With one long deep breath, Ai looked up again to meet Fleming's eyes. The blush had subsided some, but it was still visible. "Hai. Sure, let's go eat." She couldn't turn down an offer from someone higher up, could she?

Starting with her nearly slapping a superior officer had seriously knocked her, mentally, off-balance. Compound that with the Commander's other actions and Ai just couldn't seem to calm down. Her hands fidgeted around as she still pondered what the intentions of this man were.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Roken took a deep breath, adjusting his uniform before he would report to the Sub-Commander. Its been another long wait for reassignment to long in his opinion, he was comfortable on a ship or in power armor it was time being better spent in the UOC.

He disembarked from the landing shuttle. His augmented eyes identifying the many cadets and ranked personnel busy with work or waiting for there ships refits to be complete he did not have time to talk at the moment what he needed to do was find the Sub-Commanders office and report in, now to just find out which way to go exactly? He did a full 360 before he noticed the sign and with a confident stride he made his way in the direction of his primary objective.

It did not take him long to get there and he managed to run across a few high ranked officers, he gave each of them a salute as he continued and when he was at the door he knocked and waited patiently till it was alright for him to come in.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Tesuro arrived on Mayer Station with plenty of time to spare before he was ordered to meet with Sub-Commander Blake. He had brought along no personal belongings to speak of, save for his standard issue equipment and the notepad he kept on his person almost constantly. "Reassigned yet again..." he muttered aloud to himself.

He was beginning to feel that a good forty per cent of his career consisted of meeting new crew members and superior officers on new ships for new assignments. It didn't mean all that much to him however, he wasn't all that interested it bonding with others.
Looking around he could see the station bustling with activity--peacekeepers engaging in polite conversation, performing menial tasks, and running around haphazardly in an attempt to figure out where they should be at what time. For a peace keeping organization it was certainly run and maintained very similarly to a military. But perhaps that was the most efficient way to operate these sorts of things, the Cadet figured.

No time to dilly-dally. Wouldn't want anybody stopping to ask you a question or anything would you, Tesuro?

"No...I guess not..." he responded to his thought, vocally. With that, he began his way toward Blake's office, seeing a few familiar faces along the way; faces, but not names. Amidst the noise he noticed a congregation of peacekeepers nearby. This piqued Tesuro's interest, and he decided to head over to see what the excitement was about, though it was somewhat against his nature to openly approach large crowds. Upon arriving he realized that a simulated mission was occuring. I've got some time...might as well stay and watch for a while... he thought.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

David nodded his head. "There was nothing else for me to do so I planed to get this out of the way now and rest for a while after. However since you are here why don't we report in then get something to eat?" David tilted his head slightly to when he asked the question. He was truly happy to see Natsuko because of what happened on the planet and he hoped that some of the others that were caught on that planet would show up aswell.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Kyoki said:
With one long deep breath, Ai looked up again to meet Fleming's eyes. The blush had subsided some, but it was still visible. "Hai. Sure, let's go eat." She couldn't turn down an offer from someone higher up, could she?

Fleming's expression softened and he let out a soft laugh when Ai met his gaze again. "Right, to the cafeteria then Ai." He raised his PCC bracer up and tapped it a couple times to change the objective of his projected station map. "Okay, it's down this corridor and down a level. Let's see how the chow is today then," he offered Ai his arm and wondered if the Jiyuuian would understand the gesture since... she had at one point been a neko and their customs were slightly different than the traditional Nepleslian ones he was accustomed to.


In Sub-Commander Blake's office, she finally decided it was time to step out to see what was going on. She had noticed an increase in bodies just outside the door from her monitor but oddly, no one had entered her office. She frowned slightly, the notion that her little alcove had become a hang-out spot bothered her slightly but she shook it off with a shrug, It's to be expected when everyone getting orders is sent here to report in....

The door to Blake's office opened inward and the tall Nepleslian woman looked at the four Peacekeepers standing there with a bemused smile. "Ya'll ready to report in, now?"
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Amidst the commotion, Tesuro heard the sound of Blake's voice. It wasn't one he was familiar with, but her voice seemed to command respect and attention, though it was not particularly harsh or scathing. He ascertained that he was one of the peacekeepers to whom she was referring, as he had not yet checked in with her to verify his orders. "And just when things started to get good..." he mumbled quietly to himself.

After reestablishing his professional composure, he approached the Sub-Commander directly and with his own brand of faux confidence he saluted. "Cadet Urameshi Tesuro, reporting," he said quite firmly.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Natsuko looked at her XO and waited her turn to respond as well. "Sub-Lieutenant Hiragi Natsuko reporting in," Albeit prematurely "As ordered ma'am." Natsuko said while sliding to attention like Tesuro beside her. As she stood there she looked over Blake, trying to judge what kind of person she might be based on her looks as well as her attitude and composure. She was only drawing one conclusion, Sub-Commander Blake didn't seem to like to wait.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

David turned and saluted to the Sub-Commander. "Sub-Commander David Stryker reporting." David didn't like being interrupted but he wasn't there for vacation. "I am sorry that we kept you waiting. Me and the sub Lieutenant were catching up. As well as harassing the two that came from your office."
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Sub-Commander Blake grinned at the officers and the one lone enlisted man that stood before her. Her posture was relaxed as she stood beside the door frame but wasn't leaning against it. She wasn't a thin woman by any stretch of the imagination but she was indeed, solidly built of good old fashioned Nepleslian stock with a lifetime of body building to make calling her fat, a gross misunderstanding of what her bulk was.

"At ease. I am aware that you are all about 7 hours early but don't worry this won't take too long, I just have to have you confirm your orders and give you your temporary berthing assignments and Mess Detail time. I just figured since ya'll were so lively, you might want to catch up after reporting in so you can get situated here on the lovely, Mayer Station," she spoke very plainly with only a slight hint of sarcasm in her last remark as she gestured towards the bulkheads around her- the movement causing the muscles of her thickly muscled, heavily scarred forearms to ripple as the contracted with the slight movement.

"So if you are ready, come in to my office and we'll get you all set to do whatever. Most group training simulations are recorded, so you'd be able of pull a copy of the footage from the Station's network, if you feel so inclined," Blake suggested as she noticed that Tesuro was watching the current battle simulation with several others in the area.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Ai reluctantly took Fleming's arm. She'd seen enough different kinds of people during her time in the UOC, especially during her time at the leadership academy. Why was Fleming hitting on her of all people?... If that was what he was doing. It certainly seemed like it. There were plenty of better looking people so why?

"...Lead the way Commander."
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

While he listened to Sub-Commander Blake speak, Tesuro noticed that she looked very much different than most women he had been in the company of. It was not as though he had never worked with a Nepleslian before, but he was certainly much more used to the slim and slender Nekos and Yamataian-model Jiyuuians like himself. Seeing a woman so well-built and obviously (from the scars over her arms) experienced was a little intimidating. She did, however, seem kind and mild-mannered and not someone to be threatened by. At least if you were working on her side.

It's too early to make character generalizations. Let's see what kind of a person she really is before we begin making assumptions.

Tesuro shrugged at Blake's comment, "That's all right, I've seen the scenario a few times and it always seems to end the same way. At this point I'd find my kitchen detail more interesting."
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

David followed Blake into her office and stood in front of her desk with his hands together behind his back. After the rest of the group entered he looked back to Blake. "Do you wish to see my copy of my orders or will yours do?"
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Roken looked at the others who had stepped up and saluted the XO, need to squeeze in there and introduce myself. He gave Blake a salute, giving the other high ranked officers the same and a nod to the cadet, “Petty Officer second class Roken Techard reporting.” He maintained a a calm expression even though he was indeed surprised that the XO was a well built nepleslian and not a Neko or some other slender figured individual. “Sorry if I have interrupted anything,” he looked over everyone there letting his augments identify the ranks of each person, making a mental record of everyone he meets.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Blake returned the obviously, former Yamataian enlisted man's salute, "Welcome to Mayer Station, Peacekeeper 2nd Class Techard, you can come in." She offered Techard a soft understanding smile as she did an about face and retreated further into her office until she was behind her desk.

"Please take a seat if you feel so inclined. I need you to review my copy of your orders and provide a thumbprint authentication for signature confirmation," she replied to Stryker but directed to all the Peacekeepers in front of her.

She hit a few buttons on her data pad's screen and 4 floating volumeric projection screens appeared before the Peacekeepers, each to their appropriate owner that displayed not only their name but a head shot of their faces for identity confirmation. "You can read through your orders to confirm that the UOC Personnel Management Office hasn't snuck anything unexpected in while you were in transit and place your right thumb on the little box that says 'signature here'.

To keep all personnel busy while they are here at Mayer Station, every ship gets to help maintain the station by participating in at least one Mess and Cleaning detail. Your crew is to report to the ship's Galley at 1730 tonight to help the cooks with dinner, as well as, help serve it to the rest of the station.

Tomorrow it's up to you- Sub Commander Stryker or your captain to decide what your crew will be doing while you wait for the Zenpyou to be completed. But until it's time to report in for the Mess detail, I have no further instructions for you and your crew. I'm still receiving orders for crew assignments so your ship's roster might very well increase by dinner.I suggest letting your crew have free time until dinner when you can better keep track of them.

Gentlemen, your berthing assignments are Level 5; Starboard Male Berthing 3.

Sub-Lieutenant Hiragi, your berthing assignment is Level 5, Port Female Berthing which is directly across from the Starboard Male berthing 3.

All of the crew assigned to the Zenpyou have the same berthing assignments, we haven't separated out the quarters according to rank so you'll have to figure out who gets what bunk inside the rooms when you get there," Blake paused with a grin at the mental image of grown men fighting over who got the top bunk before she continued.

"You can download a copy of a map of the Station from any of Mayer's data ports or wirelessly through the network.

Stryker, I can give you a physical copy of the tentative crew roster that I have right now and just e-mail you the updates or give you a digital copy that will get updates forwarded to you as I get them. I haven't seen Commander Fleming yet, so I'm not sure what time he's going to be reporting in but he is expected to be coming from another colony here on Siren within the next few hours or so.

IF you have any questions for me, I can answer them now."
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Fleming smiled, as he lead Ai down the corridor to the lift down to the next level. "Shouldn't be but a few moments until we get there.. But it looks like we're all alone here in this lift," he observed as he watched the doors close behind them- leaving them.. very alone and secluded in the small compartment.

He watched her face again and pursed his lips together for a moment before he very calmly and non-nonchalantly asked, "So out of curiosity, have you ever been with a man before?"

He smiled warmly at Ai and waited for her response, she was acting awfully shy for a formal neko but he supposed, there were few truths to many stereotypes, he was curious if this woman was an exception or the example.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

"EH??" Ai mentally started to squirm again. "Wh- what do you mean? Uhm... I've been on one date with a guy before.... Though, it didn't even really finish because we were called off on a mission...." The neko couldn't help but sigh slightly as she remembered Galar. "If that's what you meant," she answered, looking up at Fleming.

No point lingering on the past. I just have to move on,' she thought to herself.
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Fleming nodded with a soft, sympathetic smile as he saw the regret in Ai's eyes. "Ahhh ok, so you've never been with a guy before. Why not after the other guy didn't work out? Did he scare you off men for a while? I hear a lot about Neko Jiyuuians... heck, I used to work with Neko Yamataians all the time... but they all seemed to prefer... their... own company and hemosynthesis..."

Stacey shook his head with a soft laugh as the lift door opened again. "Here's our stop, one military grade mess hall straight ahead. Let's see how the digs are then, right, beautiful?"
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Ai couldn't stop herself from blushing again. "Eh, erm n- no... eh. Okay..." was all that she could stammer out, in a defeated tone. She elbowed the Commander's side, though not too hard, as a means to try to ease her embarassment.

Food lay ahead, though what could be expected on this crowded station?
Re: [UCS Zenpyou] Prelude: Siren's Call- Mayer Station.

Tesuro eyed over his orders in an uninterested manner, taking note of all the significant parts to make sure there weren't any unpleasant surprises, as though he could do anything about it if there were. After a few moments, he placed his thumb in the allotted area, verifying his acceptance. He wasn't keen on the idea of having to cook and clean up after the rest of the peacekeepers. Cooking was not exactly Tesuro's forte, but it didn't seem to be arguable and it certainly wouldn't be fair for him to skimp out on his duties; everybody had to pull their weight after all.

"I actually do have just one question, Sub-Commander," the Cadet began in a direct and purposeful tone, "if it isn't too much to ask...when will our first official briefing be? I understand the UCS Zenpyou is being refitted as a PCIS ship, but my orders weren't very specific and I am a bit curious as to where in the galaxy we'll be going."
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