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Quotes Quarantine

Not really SARP, but hilarious nonetheless.

Exhack taking a dump in the IRC said:
<Exhack> Hnnngh.
<Faysm> Ex, are you sighing.. or taking a dump in the IRC?
<Exhack> 'Hnnngh.'
<Faysm> takes that as 'taking a dump in the IRC'.
A comedian I saw once said something like this:

"If you're going to be a stalker, do it right. When you introduce yourself, don't say 'Hi, my name is ____, what's yours?' Be specific! Say 'Hi, my name is _____. Your name is ____, you are five-foot-four, one hundred twenty pounds, you dance to Duran Duran in the morning while getting ready for work, and always eat chef salad on Thursday nights, except when you had peppermint ice cream and Oreos the night you dumped your boyfriend three months ago. Are you free tomorrow night?' Then take her shocked silence as a maybe."

I love you, Zalus.
Arsing About


You are hilariously fun to mess with, Jim.

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