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Quotes Quarantine

LuciaVera said:
SSharp said:
[17] <Blanket> "Diana pressed her body against a buildings wall as she waited for near by sounds of people to pass by. She could feel the pulse of her phone’s silent ringer go off in her pocket"
[17] <Blanket> I'm imagining this in IRLovision.
[17] <Blanket> "What's that chick doing hiding under my mailbox."
[17] <Blanket> "I dunno but I'd hit it."
[17] <SSharp> Hahahaha.
[17] <PotentialRecruit> I'd stop and raise an eyebrow if I saw someone acting that suspiciously.
[17] <Blanket> "I guess, but I'm waitin on my unemployment check. Nachos night"
[17] <PotentialRecruit> And then probably get shanked for it.
[17] <Blanket> I'd use the chance for a knock knock joke and Suprise Buttsecks.
[17] <SSharp> Well, they're in a "Survival-Horror" situation. I don't BLAME them that much.
[17] <SSharp> But it is funny.
[17] <Blanket> "Amato bent over, pretending to check his shoelace."
[17] <Blanket> Asking for it.
[17] <SSharp> What, the knock knock joke?
[17] <Blanket> Yes.
[17] <Blanket> Amongst other things.
Why are you making fun of me and my boyfriend?

And partially because you made it easy for us to do so. We don't like to work hard when we make fun of others.
<Aendri> We can't get that much out of them
<Aendri> The few who have said something are being good whipped children.
<Aendri> except for my girlfriend >.<
<Aendri> She's making me help her with every step.
<PlaidMage> You don't whip your girlfriend? Shame.
<Aendri> Not out of bed, no.
<Gabriel> wait, what?
<PlaidMage> Good boy.

<Gabriel> seriously, you guys are our new source of entertainment
<Aendri> but I'm leaving out the other bedside instruments, so I should be fine.
<Gabriel> seriously now, we all know bananas are not instruments
<Aendri> Haven't tried that. yet.
<Gabriel> yet...
[11] <Kai> I theorize that we exist inside a cosmic bubble of bubblegum!
[11] <SSharp> Is it the good or bad kind of bubblegum?
[11] <SSharp> As in, are we being blown by a pro gum chewer, or a lazy teenage girl chewer?
[11] <Kai> or we could be like MIB. our universe is inside a marble that is used for children's games by an unimaginable huge race of beings.
[11] <SSharp> XD
[11] <Kai> and the way our world seems to be going, it points to lazy teenager.
[11] <SSharp> Cool. Being blown by lazy teenage girls is always fun.
[11] <Kai> lol
[11] <SSharp> ...That didn't come out right, but w.e
[11] <Kai> At least we don't live in a Punyverse.
[11] <SSharp> brb
[11] <Kai> and wow, I didn't notice that till you pointed it out...
I'll stick this here.

<Gyles> TearDark doesn't exist as a genre, and I don't want to invent it.
<Kai> lol
<Kokuten> ...
<Kokuten>Tear Dark.
<Kokuten> Perject.
<Gyles> Yes.
<Kokuten> PERFECT
<Gyles> Instead of being grim and black.
<Gyles> It's sort of dark purple, and generally quite sad.
<Kokuten> Like Purgatory.
<Kokuten> Fitting.
<Gyles> Instead of a slaughter by a Chaos Space Marine, everyone kills themselves when the Sad Marine tells his millennium-long life of sadness.
<Kokuten> Genius.
[19] <--| Brand has left #StarArmy
[19] <Kokuten> Would that be a painful or pleasureable experince, Dr. /D/?
[19] <DocTomoe> D: But then excessive moisture build-up would cause warping of the heated barrel and bolt.
[19] <DocTomoe> Pleasurable, so long as the barrel is not mounted, then its painful and fail.
[19] <Kokuten> More like Bible Black.
[19] <DocTomoe> Wut wut in da butt?
[19] <Kokuten> Gun gun in da butt.
[19] <Kokuten> I don't think I'll ever forget that.

[17] <Fian> In Malay we have a saying "Setinggi tinggi tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga."
[17] <Fian> "As high a squirrel jumps, it'll need to come back down in the end."
[17] <Fian> Anyways Koku
[17] <Kokuten> We have a saying like that, but simpler.
[17] <Kokuten> "What goes up, must come down."
[17] <Fian> You don't have to restart Suku again for my sake.
[17] <Doshii> I like the Malay version.
[17] * Kokuten slaps Doshii unconciously as he speaks, "Oh? So you don't want Suku back?"
[17] * Doshii is smacked down. Ouch.
[17] <Kokuten> Oh shit, Doshii.
[17] <Kokuten> It looks like someone smacked the shit out of you.
[17] |<-- Fiddlesticks has left irc.sorcery.net (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17] <Fian> I'm more concerned with my players having fun
[17] =-= Mode #StarArmy +o Doshii by ChanServ
[17] <Doshii> Oh shit, Kokuten.
[17] <Kokuten> Wa-wait!
[17] <Kokuten> Let's be reasonable!
[17] =-= Kokuten was booted from #StarArmy by Doshii (It looks like someone just booted you!)
[17] <Jimmy> Oh shi-
[17] <Itkatsu|Work> Oh ho ho
[17] <Fian> . . .
<Exhack> Honestly, guys. Please don't QQ this. My girlfriend knows about this site.
<KokuShock2> Is real-Noel Vermillion--...
<KokuShock2> Heh.
<KokuShock2> Heh heh heh.
<KokuShock2> Ha ha ha...
<KokuShock2> HA HA HA HA HA.


<KawaiiNoBuutsu> Transforming fighters aren't science fiction, they're science stupid.

KawaiiNoBuutsu = Kampfer
Keladrian Santhis said:
In referrence to the elevator...

[18] <Keladrian> I loved how Cipher put it...
[18] <Keladrian> "Well, lets go!" *skippity skip skip down the hall*
[18] <Fian> Everyone else *Jawdrop*

You know what we're talkin' bout Cipher. :P

Oh dear gods, I'd almost forgotten about that.
Keladrian Santhis said:
In referrence to the elevator...

[18] <Keladrian> I loved how Cipher put it...
[18] <Keladrian> "Well, lets go!" *skippity skip skip down the hall*
[18] <Fian> Everyone else *Jawdrop*

You know what we're talkin' bout Cipher. :P

Don't feel bad Cipher. Fian was using you as an example of stupid. :P
Well I decided to Quarantine himself
[20] <dusk> Hey guys any experience Yamataian here that can answer a question about how hologram technology is done on SARP?
[20] <Soresu> Holograms. Lol.
[20] <Soresu> We do Volumetrics.
20:24] <Soresu> Well, the Yamataians do.
[20] <Anfortas01> going by the ships AI avatars, they use nanomachine clouds
[20] <CadetNewb> What are volumetrics?
[20] <Exhack> Iroma simulate holographics in your brain via Enhanced Reality, since it's less energy-intensive.
[20] <dusk> Ok seriously...in https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=us ... y-c2-m1-1a
[20] <dusk> I think motoyoshi means this http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Hologram where maybe the UCO serves as a holographic panel...
[20] <dusk> but objectively speaking I want to make sure she doesn't mean this... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holography
[20] <dusk> ... I figure what motoyoshi is doing is based on how "holograph" scifi has been done in SARP before
[20] <dusk> Therefore, if someone could clarify for like Soresu, raz, Exhack, or even OsakanOne whether making floating panels are the "holograph in itself, as something with substance that requires electricity" or floating panels are actual "physical gas/solid pieces of glass or transparent durandium that then require a charge to emit holograms"
[20] <Demonblooded> hard light.
[20] <Zalus> (Magik)
[20] <Zalus> (with a K)
[20] <dusk> ^ok answer which is it the first or the second?
[20] <Exhack> I don't really like using them.
[20] <Demonblooded> I thought one of Fians comics covered it.
[20] <dusk> http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/Fian/Komik/17.png <--- is this the one Demonblooded?
[20] <dusk> If that what you guys are talking about then objectively speaking she should be fine.
[21] <Demonblooded> http://s3.photobucket.com/albums/y72/Fi ... ent=13.png <-that's the one I was tlaking about dusk. That's how all SARP tech works.
<dusk> http://xkcd.com/397/ ... seriously, this why NASA and every-other space agency currently hates the Disney video about Mars
You know spellings helps ><; ... this is what I was talking about toward the end
Disney has finally done a remake that astronomers are more happy with now
The originally except it is slightly censored for things that some people might find offensive today.