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Quotes Quarantine

Shepard: Now shut up and fly the ship EDI.
Shepard: I have Collectors to kill.
EDI: Please specify a destination.
Shepard: Omega-4 Relay. My crew is ready.
08:23 EDI: *Bzt*
Shepard: NO YOU DOLT
EDI: That was a joke.
Shepard: ...
Shepard scowls
Shepard shows off his new facial scarring

Shepard goes off to bone Tali
EDI: Commander, some of Tali's newest extranet bookmarks are technically illegal in council space.
EDI: As are the videos she uploaded.
08:26 Shepard: EDI, mainframe wipe all uploaded data.

Shepard : We need to cover our tracks.
EDI: This will take about two hours two hack into the site and delete the questionable material, although it HAS already reached 20 million views in just under a day.
EDI: And 900,000 downloads.
<DocTomoe> Rape
<DocTomoe> Where?
* Soresu de-activates the Doc signal.
<Kokuten> Sheesh.
<DocTomoe> Anyways, anything the Mishhu don't rape, they eat.
<Kokuten> I need to remeber that next time we need /D/oc.
* Free_MW2_on_Steam is now known as Abwehran_CMDR
<DocTomoe> So, its not just degrading, its also a good source of inspiring fear.
<Soresu> Or rape, then eat.
<Kokuten> Or.
<Kokuten> Egg factory.
* Soresu knows how that goes.
* Soresu saw it often enough.
<Kuronary> Thousand yard stare time!

<Exhack> KOKUTEN!
<Five> Plaid: :3
<Blind_Gardener> Lamya is the ditz
<Exhack> I wish I was a girl so I could carry your Alabamababies.
<Zalus> on a pair of scissors
<Blind_Gardener> ,,,
<Blind_Gardener> ...
<Exhack> And then abort them, keep them in a jar and mail you the jar.
* Blind_Gardener is weirded out by Exhack
<Exhack> It's intentional.
<Exhack> See.
<Kokuten> ...
<Tom_Freeman> Hi koku!
* Zalus has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
<Kokuten> Hello, not-John-or-Robert-but-just-Yamataian-Tom!
<Kokuten> I mean.
<Kokuten> Jack*
<Tom_Freeman> Fian's trying to get the band back together though
<Kokuten> Without the drugs, this time?
<Abwehran_CMDR> >.>;
<Tom_Freeman> The bad ones, at least
<Kokuten> Okay, things should go well.
<Tom_Freeman> I'm a bit sidetracked by another massive project
<Tom_Freeman> a really massive one
<Kokuten> A massive project?
<Kokuten> How massive?
<Tom_Freeman> ginormous
<Kokuten> Good god.
<Tom_Freeman> I invented a word
<Tom_Freeman> to explain how massive it was
<Kokuten> Nepleslian Big?
<Kokuten> Cause everything is bigger in Nepleslia.
<Tom_Freeman> big. That's it.
* Itkatsu ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
<Tom_Freeman> it involves hookers and blow though
<Kokuten> I...
<Tom_Freeman> sorry, I lied about the bad drugs
<Kokuten> I thought you said you said there wasn't any bad drugs this ti--...
<Tom_Freeman> seee
<Tom_Freeman> the project is
<Tom_Freeman> to get the biggest rock of crack in the world
<Tom_Freeman> and exchange it for the biggest pile of blow in the world
<Tom_Freeman> and then buy the biggest hooker in the world
<Tom_Freeman> And then it comes full circle
<Tom_Freeman> And the truth is revealed
<Kokuten> Glorious!

<MoonMan> Man
<MoonMan> this is hard to start.
<Kokuten> ?
<Kokuten> What do you mean?
<MoonMan> This post.
<Kokuten> The Rico post?
<MoonMan> I haven't played Rico in like forever and I can't figure out how I want to write his entrance. D:
<MoonMan> Been so long.
<Kokuten> Just think, "I'm so god damn good, and I know it."
<Kokuten> And, "Every female in here looks like a good time, except for the ugly ones."
<Kokuten> And, "If I did I it, it wasn't my fault."
<Kokuten> And, "Who can I kick in the nuts next to get a promotion?
<Kokuten> "
<MoonMan> Aaaaand now I got it.
<MoonMan> You're a genius man.
<Kampf[CLASS]> .9c is high, but .25c? That's almost 3 times as much.
<Bellicose> wait what kampf
<Five> Bwahahahaa
<Bellicose> tell me you are being fascetious
<Blind_Gardener> DocTomoe your statement makes my brain hurt with the physics wrong V.V until kampf made it worse with the mathmatical wrong
<PlaidMage> I want cheetos. :<
<Kampf[CLASS]> What? 25 is larger than 9, right?
<Bellicose> not in decimals
<Bellicose> .25 < .90
<Bellicose> .25 < 9
<Bellicose> .9 = .90
<Kampf[CLASS]> I'm not talking about .90c, I'm talking about .9c
<Kampf[CLASS]> Sorry, but .9 = .9
<Bellicose> .90c = .9c
<Kampf[CLASS]> Now no doubt .90c is larger than .25c
<Kampf[CLASS]> ...
<Kampf[CLASS]> What college are you going to? Jesus
<Bellicose> university of new orleans.
<Bellicose> uh decimals was learned in the sixth grade...
<Kampf[CLASS]> Not noted for their math department, I see.
<Kampf[CLASS]> Plaid, posted.
<Blind_Gardener> What about 09C?
<Blind_Gardener> and 52C?
<Kampf[CLASS]> Man, that's huge.
<Bellicose> You are absolutely right kampf how wrong am I.
<Blind_Gardener> Which is bigger 09 or 52?
<Kampf[CLASS]> 52, duh.
<Blind_Gardener> Which is bigger 0.9 or .9?
<CadetNewb> Kampf has got to be trolling us....
<Blind_Gardener> Which is bigger 0.09 or 0.9
<Bellicose> kampf is giving me a nose bleed
<Blind_Gardener> Oh I know he's trolling
<Demonblooded> Still humorous.
<Kampf[CLASS]> .9 is bigger.
<CadetNewb> XD
<Kampf[CLASS]> Cmon, I know basic math.
<Bellicose> man i was about to cry
* Demonblooded waits for the inevitable your mom mother joke.
<Blind_Gardener> .9 is bigger then 0.9?
<Blind_Gardener> Alright
<Kampf[CLASS]> Yeah, because 0.9 has a 0
<Blind_Gardener> 2.5 or .9
<Blind_Gardener> 2.5 or 0.9?
<Kampf[CLASS]> 2.5, since it should equal .10
<Blind_Gardener> 0.9 or 0.25?
<Kampf[CLASS]> Well obviously 2.5 is bigger if it's .10
<Kampf[CLASS]> .25
<Bellicose> noooo
<Kampf[CLASS]> It's almost three times .9
* PlaidMage laughs uncontrollably.
<Bellicose> he is so trolling us
<Kampf[CLASS]> Why are we doing kiddy math? Jesus.
<Blind_Gardener> I said 0.25
<Bellicose> their is NO way
<Blind_Gardener> Not .25
<Kampf[CLASS]> Oh, sorry.
* MoonMan ([email protected] ... a.net.hmsk) Quit
<Kampf[CLASS]> Then they're both the same, since 0 of anything is 0.
<Blind_Gardener> .9 or 0.25?
<Kampf[CLASS]> .9
* Blind_Gardener hugs Kampf
<Blind_Gardener> Silly
<Bellicose> yea he was messing with us
<Kampf[CLASS]> What? It's not my fault you all failed algebra.

Bellicose i think we should all write uso a love letter
00:01 Blind_Gardener Roses are red
00:01 Blind_Gardener Violets are blue
00:01 Blind_Gardener Uso is cool
Wes said:
I'm pretty sure Kampfer's trolling above was a reference to the Verizon Math fail:

They started getting to him with their failmath near the end, when he was explaining to the female rep. For reference,

1.00 dollars
= 100.00 cents (Decimal moved to the right twice to convert from dollars to cent.)

This is what he said to the rep, quoted:

"Point zero zero two (.002) dollars, if you do the math, is point zero zero, zero zero, two (.00002) cents."

Wrong. It's .2 cents. The decimal needed moved twice to the right to be converted from dollars to cents. Poor guy...

0.002 dollars
= 000.2 cents (Decimal moved over to the right twice to convert from dollars to cents.)

And what he was quoted was .002 cents, which should be .00002 dollars (decimal moved over to the LEFT twice to convert from cents to dollars).

I couldn't finish listening to this. I sympathize, I've been on both ends of such a problem in communication: explaining something to someone who doesn't get it and being the one having the trouble grasping the explanation given.
[13] <Abwehran_CMDR> anyone else interested in Co-FM applications? *thumbs up*
[13] <Fred> I can lead the Abwehrans...
[13] <Fred> ...to destruction!
[13] <Abwehran_CMDR> No
[20] -->| Blind_Napper ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[20] <Blind_Napper> We got hit by another storm
[20] <Blind_Napper> V.V
[20] =-= Blind_Napper is now known as Blind_Gardener
[20] <Kampf[CLASS]> Sounds like you were blind sided
[20] * Five puts on his sunglasses
[20] <Doshii> ba dum pish
[20] * Doshii realizes he ruined it. He apologizes to Five and Kampf.
[20] <Blind_Gardener> I shot back, but I can't hit the blind side of a barn
[20] <Blind_Gardener> Anyway, I can only aim with blind faith
[20] <SSharp> I'm blind to Love.
[20] <Blind_Gardener> Fear, Ignorance and Blindness. We're sort of a team, you know. Without Fear and Ignorance I'm just ordinary blindness....
[20] <Blind_Gardener> Ordinary...

Kokuten> Hey.
<Kokuten> Guiz.
<Abwehran_CMDR> yes?
<Kokuten> I've noticed a whole lot of BRIDGE BUNNY in Miharu lately.
<Abwehran_CMDR> so have I
<Kokuten> It's starting to make me want to punch a girl.
* Kokuten punches Exhack.
<Kokuten> Okay, I feel better now.
* Exhack deflects with a baby.
* Exhack holds up Five.
<Kokuten> Eh, works just as well.
* Abwehran_CMDR facepalms

Also, when Ran Rui almost had his panty scheme revealed to Suku...

The Chief gulped silently.

He had just dodged a major f---ing bullet. To cope with the stress, the Chief simply pulled out a single cigarette stashed in his right pocket and ate it.
Blind_Gardener Fine, what if I called the engine the transmission?
13:28 bellicose I once told a girl who knew nothing about cars that she should get her continuum transfunctioner cleaned.
13:28 Kai then you'd be driving a prius.