• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
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Quotes Quarantine

"OH! That thing..." Kokuten whipped out the dart weapons. "S'a Dart Gun, man. Good deal." The Medic began to pull out a dart. "Check this, man." He pulled out a tube filled with a dark liquid. "Velserine, just... stick it in here." He dripped the tubes liquid into the dart. "Then... Here..." He cocked open the weapon, and loaded the dart. "Ready to go!" The Medic chuckled drunkly, swaying as he spoke.

Fian moved his head back away from the tip of the gun that Kokuten was pointing dangerously at him. "Ehh, nifty." Fian said. The Vel Steyr was about to talk about his own ESG when their path was blocked by a marine with a bottle.

The man had a bandage over his head and a dazed look around him. Fian recognized him as one of the sympathizers who jumped him at the bar, the marine also stopped and took a good look at Fian. Raising a finger, he spluttered. "Heey, arent you the...”

"Get out of here quietly if you know what is good for you." Fian threatened while whipping out his ESG. He was not a fan of deadly force but he was in no position to negotiate with a drunken medic leaning on him.

"Hey... You kinda look like one of the guys... Who I..." Kokuten thought for second. "Set on fire, at the bar..."

The sympathizer first backtracked a little from Fian's threat, but then suddenly found some backbone from Kokuten's remark. "Youu thiink that miserable excuse of a gunn can hurt me?" He said, emboldened by the alcohol while staggering towards the pair aggressively.

"Oh... That's cool, cuz we got like... 1... 2..." He counted the guns on him. "Uh... yeah! 2 miserable... uh... guns. What about that?" He said, miscounting the guns and cutting up the reply.

"Whyy you!" He aggressor shouted as he procured a switchblade from his pocked and charged at Kokuten, his eyes had the intent of causing serious hurt.

"I will shoot you, I MEAN IT!" Fian shouted with his gun arm outstretched, but visibly shaking from the weight of the medic in the other arm and the thought of having to shoot someone at this personal range. Closing his eyes, a shot rang out.

It was a silent "Thwip!" sound as opposed to the expected "Blam!" of the ESG. Both Fian and the Red were surprised enough to halt what they were doing, except the Red had the extra incentive of a Velserine dart lodged in his tight.

"Oops... Shit man... Sorry." He looked at his dart gun with dismay. "I guess my... finger slipped." He looked down the open chamber. "Can I get that back? Those were like... 20 DA... each." He pointed the gun to the dart in the mans leg.

Fian turned off the safety of his ESG (How goddam silly I am) to produce a snapping noise as the gun armed itself. "You have just received a double dose of a potentially lethal poison. If you don’t want to die, I suggest you run to the hospital, that way." Fian said, while pointing his own gun towards the Medical Facility down the road.

"EAARG!" The Red groaned as he pulled out the dart from his tight and tossing it aside. "AAARG!" He groaned again when he tore apart the cloth in horror to see the blackish liquid traveling under his skin. "OAARG!" He groaned one more time as he limped towards the Hospital at an even slower speed than the pair as the poison shut down his muscles. "Iiiill get youu for thiss!"

"Good riddance!" Fian shouted as he resumed edging Kokuten on. "Come on now, he might have friends nearby."

"Whoa man... I need my dart." The Medic shuffled to the ground, slowly grabbing the dart and shaking it off of blood. Kokuten opened the case where the rest darts were, and put it in. "Okay, let's go." He stumbled to a stand.

The first time a Green Velserined someone.
Bad Koku!

[08] <Kokuten> G-Guys!
[08] <Kokuten> I dun' something REALLY bad!
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> and back
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> wait
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> what did you do?
[09] <Kokuten> I... uh...
[09] <Kokuten> I started up my WoW account again.
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> ...
[09] * Kokuten shields his face.
[09] * Abwehran_CMDR rolls up newspaper and smacks Kokuten "BadKoku, Bad. You're a GM now and should know better."
[09] <Kokuten> I KNOW!
[09] <Kokuten> I'M SORRY!
Kylen Phylar said:
Bad Koku!

[08] <Kokuten> G-Guys!
[08] <Kokuten> I dun' something REALLY bad!
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> and back
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> wait
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> what did you do?
[09] <Kokuten> I... uh...
[09] <Kokuten> I started up my WoW account again.
[09] <Abwehran_CMDR> ...
[09] * Kokuten shields his face.
[09] * Abwehran_CMDR rolls up newspaper and smacks Kokuten "BadKoku, Bad. You're a GM now and should know better."
[09] <Kokuten> I KNOW!
[09] <Kokuten> I'M SORRY!
*was the one who cast Scroll of Resurrection on Kokuten.*

So leave him be, blame me


Of course, he was the one who accepted the rez, so...
Jimmy> Personally, something that's been used that hard, that often, is not a car I'd want to stick my key into. If you get me.
* Fian demands that you upload epi 1 on desupowered
<Itkatsu> No-one's turned her ignition yet, if you know what I mean
<Kelenar> Sex is enjoyable, if you know what I mean.
<Itkatsu> You lost me

Bad innuendo is bad.

Be sure to ask Ikat what it was really about. ;)
09:56 Brokuten: Don't fret over, Fianbro.
09:57 Brokuten: You're a good fella, more well-mannered than most of us.
09:57 Fian_ sets up Acadia post.
09:57 Brokuten: That's the spirit!
09:57 Brokuten: Throw some medals at people.
09:59 Fian_: Actually, no medals.
09:59 Fian_: Just promotions.
09:59 Fian_ kicks Kokuten in the balls.
10:00 Brokuten: FFFFFFFFF
Luca's great as always, but this honestly is the scope of how much the NTSE subforum means to some of us.

*Biiiiiiiig long discussion about starship stats*
09:35 DragonNova honestly can't find it in her to care about any of this.
<Luca> Science Hardness should stay where it belongs, in science-hard fiction
09:36 <DragonNova> Are you science hard, luca?
<Luca> I'm a friggin' Science Marshmallow
DragonNova laughs
Sorcereresu demands smores be made of Luca.
<Luca> Laws of physics be damned in the name of a good story and fun.
-> Lin has joined StarArmy
<DragonNova> Amen
[21] <Wes> Anyone want to help me?
[21] <Jimmy> Wesgod requests our assistance!
[21] * Jimmy kowtows.
[21] <Jimmy> I am not worthy! I am not worthy!
[21] <Toshiro> back
[21] <Toshiro> and what is it, Wes?
[21] <Missing> Help with what?
[21] =-= Kokuten is now known as Jadekuten
[21] <Wes> I was hoping for help matching old URLs to wiki URLs that replaced them.
[21] <Missing> Ah.
[21] <Wes> In the site's .htaccess file I have a list of 301 redirects that iif you try to visit the old page, it automatically sends you to the new page
[21] <Wes> Each line looks like this:
[21] <Wes> Redirect /ccg/characters/hanako.html https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:hanako
[21] <SSharp> Hey, Wes, wouldn't it make more sense to simply delete the old pages?
[21] =-= Matt_[Break] is now known as Abwehran_CMDR
[21] <Wes> So if you find an old link to https://stararmy.com/ccg/characters/hanako.html it takes you to https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=characters:yamatai:hanako
[21] <Wes> Try it
[21] <Toshiro> Not aware of how to do that...
[21] <Toshiro> Also, I might need the old resources for salvaging old battlefields?
[21] <Wes> I am deleting the old pages, but I want to set up redirects so they're not 404s
[21] <Wes> So basically I have a list of pages to be deleted from the /starships/ folder and I was hoping that you could help me find matchign wiki URLs
[21] <Wes> Matching^
[21] * Toshiro isn't the most HTML-savvy person.
[21] <SSharp> Eh...
[21] <Wes> You don't need to do anything but look up the ship in the wiki and paste the address in
[21] * SSharp Puts "I am not Worthy" Jimmy forward as a candidate.
[21] * Jimmy is not Worthy.
[21] <SSharp> I can't say I'll do it because at any moment I could be called into the city to pick up my Nephew from his party.
[21] <SSharp> So, Jimmy...
[21] <SSharp> Want to know what will make you worthy?
[21] <SSharp> You must draw the Toshiro from the Stone and become king of SARPelot!
[21] <Jimmy> ...
[21] <SSharp> ...Bad joke?
[21] * Jimmy informs the Inquisition about SSharps heresay against the Wesgod.
[21] * Toshiro has already emerged from the stone on his own after 16 months.
[21] <SSharp> Maybe Exhack would be better... the only problem is he's stuck in the Plumeria's hull.
[21] * Abwehran_CMDR EXTERMINADUS' the chat to cleanse it of heresy
[21] * SSharp becomes a Chaos God
[21] =-= YOU are now known as SSharpurgle
[21] <SSharpurgle> MWAHHAHAHAHA.
[21] * SSharpurgle goes to turn of Emperor Wesgod's life support.
[21] * Exhack drops the Battle Barge "Litany of Litany's Litany" on SSharp.
[21] <SSharpurgle> We must pull the plug~
[21] <SSharpurgle> SHIT.
[21] <Abwehran_CMDR> lmao
[21] <Jimmy> See, this is why no one trusts me with their car keys.
[21] * SSharpurgle Diseases the Battle Barge before it hits him.
[21] * SSharpurgle Becomes stronger.
[21] <Toshiro> O.o
[21] * SSharpurgle Draws Toshiro.
[21] <Abwehran_CMDR> That was only a distraction
[21] -->| Soresu ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[21] * Abwehran_CMDR drops the Battle Barge "Maxium F***" on SSharp
[21] * SSharpurgle Guts Mattdred with Toshiro.
[21] <Wes> AT&T is eliminating unlimited data plans
[21] -->| Gabriel_ ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[21] <Wes> Do not want
[21] * SSharpurgle Dies under Maxium F***, taking Mattdred with him.
[21] <SSharpurgle> For the Wesgod?
[21] * Abwehran_CMDR dies gloriously
[21] <Gabriel_> ftwg
[21] <Jimmy> Yeah, Gab, long story.
[21] * SSharpurgle Jimmy gets stabbed in the foot by the falling Toshiro.
[21] <SSharpurgle> YOU ARE WORTHY!
[21] * SSharpurgle Dies again.
[21] =-= YOU are now known as SSharp

SARPelot is a silly place.
* Kokuten has made a MIHARU POST, OH SHI--- I MEAN, OH YEAH.
<Fred> lol
<Fred> Asher: "Boss-people, some team coordination, please?"
<Fred> Asher: "Don't make me do it. you don't want me to. You won't like it."
<Fred> Asher: "..."
<Fred> Asher: "Awright! Everyone pee on the floor. When you see something step in the piss, shoot in that direction!"
<Fred> Kyou: ~_~;
<Kokuten> Tha-
<Kokuten> That's brilliant.
<Fred> hahahahaha
[18] =-= KampfHURRR is now known as Bees
[18] <Kelenar> Always remember to spay or neuter your bees.
[18] * Bees summons the swarm
[18] <Exhack> Man.
[18] <Exhack> This is the bees knees.
[18] * Bees summons the swarm upon Ex, too.
[18] <Exhack> Hey Bees. Bee my honeybee? Marry bee?
[18] <`Emma> BEES!!
[18] <`Emma> :D
[18] <Exhack> I know it sounds like I'm droning on, and sort of bumbling through this, but I want to make you my queen.
[18] <Exhack> Thinking about BEEing along makes me break out into hives.
[18] <Exhack> *alone*
[18] <Exhack> :\
[18] <Soresu> ...
[18] <Exhack> My heart waxes and wanes, and your rejection of my love stings.
[18] <Toshiro> ?
[18] * Toshiro in during proposal?
[18] <Kelenar> I know it's all be puns.
[18] <Kelenar> But now, in my head.
[18] <Kelenar> Is stuck
[18] <Exhack> Stung through the heart, and you're a ray.
[18] <PlaidMage> D:
[18] <Exhack> You give fish, a bad name.
<Kokuten> More like darts.
<Kokuten> As that's how she will throw them.
<Kampfer> You mean like darks?
<Kampfer> Except with the k being a t?
<Kokuten> Darts.
<Kampfer> Yeah, thats what I said.
<Kokuten> No you didn't.
<Kokuten> You said darks.
<Kampfer> I said darks, except with the k being a t.
<Kampfer> That means I said darts.
<Kokuten> That doesn't change the fact that you said darks.
<Kampfer> Yes it does.
<Kampfer> Sor, back me up here, will you.
<Soresu> ?
<Kokuten> Exhack.
<Kokuten> Seriously man, he said darks, right?
<Kampfer> I said darks, except with the k being a t.
<Kampfer> JESUS.
<Soresu> Kampfer> You mean like darks?
<Soresu> <Kampfer> Except with the k being a t?
<Kokuten> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhLP_w0F4Hg&fmt=18
<Soresu> You fucked up.
<Kokuten> Haidan^
<Soresu> Then corrected.
<Kampfer> No.
<Kampfer> I meant to say darks, except with the k being a t.
<Soresu> Then it's darts.
<Kokuten> No, the hell it's not.
<Kokuten> He.
<Kokuten> Said.
<Kokuten> Darks.
* Soresu ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.85 [Firefox 3.0.19/2010031422])
<Kokuten> Look what you did.
<Kampfer> Looks like Soresu proved me right.
<Kokuten> SHUT UP.
<Kampfer> How does defeat taste?
Regarding the Real Life Game said:
[16] <Fiano> "Your family does not belong to the dominant ethnic group in Malaysia and could suffer some discrimination if your life as a result"
(Note: Fian is a minority Malaysian.)
Reality needs Testing said:
[21] -->| Itkatsu has joined #StarArmy
[22] <Itkatsu> > Your clothing alteration business has made a profit of 3.10714069525778e18 euros this year
[22] <Itkatsu> Sure is broken business mechanics here
[22] -->| dusk_nap has joined #StarArmy
[22] <Luca> It doesn't round up?
[22] <Itkatsu> You can stick in more money than exists in the entire world into the "invest yearly" field, and it gladly accepts it
[22] <Itkatsu> Note that that number is sientific notation
[22] <Itkatsu> *c
[22] <Luca> So it's an economy generator that's bust?
[22] <Itkatsu> It's that 'real lives" game
[22] <Itkatsu> But it obviously never went through anything remotely resembling actual testing
[22] <Itkatsu> http://images.4chan.org/a/src/1279022702418.jpg
[22] <Luca> Obvious Beta, or obvious alpha?
[22] <Itkatsu> It's the retail version
[22] * Luca facepalm
[22] <Luca> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ObviousBeta
[22] <Itkatsu> Ah
[22] * Luca spots Action 52 on the list
[22] <Luca> That wasn't even a Tech Demo
[22] -->| GALLANT has joined #StarArmy
[22] * GALLANT roars.
[22] <GALLANT> This whole 'real lives 2010' thing is kind of neat.
[22] <GALLANT> It needs music though.
[22] <Luca> As a matter of fact...
Speaks for Itself said:
14:09] <GALLANT> Just for reference,
[14] <GALLANT> I would -do- female Fian.
[14] <Uso> This is a weird conversation right?
[14] <Jimmy> You're a sailor, you'd do anything with a hole! :p
[14] <Cypher> XD


[14] <Ira> hahahaha
[14] <Ira> OOOOOOH!
[14] <SentientRace> Marines -are- a branch of the Navy.
[14] <Ira> god one jimmy!
[14] <Ira> yea
[14] <Ira> the Mens Department
[14] <GALLANT> =| Am I wrong for saying I would do Female-Fian?
[14] * Ira brofists jimmy
[14] <Cypher> Maybe.
[14] <SentientRace> No, Gallant, no you aren't.
[14] <SentientRace> I'd do both.
[14] <SentientRace> In a heart beat.
[14] <Cypher> ...
[14] <Fian> ...
[14] <Jimmy> ...Oh wait, Bi. Carry on.
[17] <Kyoki> No, it is to test your moral compass
[17] <Uso> No, it really isn't.
[17] <Cypher> What's up Plaid?
[17] <Kyoki> Do you place one person above 5, and are you willing to cause someone's death
[17] <Jimmy> For once I argee with Uso. :-\
[17] <Uso> You can justify your moral compass however you want to get any answer you want.
[17] <Kyoki> Stop just being a smartass all the time.
[17] <Uso> The only real correct answer is explaining that the question can be rigged any way you want.
[17] * Uso destroys philosophy classes
[17] <SSharp> Okay. My tylenol has finally kicked in.
[17] <SSharp> ...I leave for a few minutes, and people are already talking about death.
[17] <Jimmy> Blame Kyoki.
[17] <SSharp> I blame you, Jimmy.
[17] <SSharp> Because everything is your fault. ;P
[17] <Jimmy> Shuddup! >,<
[17] <SSharp> The children starving in Africa are all on Uso, though.
[17] <Jimmy> I'm sorry I created the universe! T_T
[17] =-= YOU are now known as Alpha
[17] =-= Cypher is now known as Omega
[17] <Alpha> YES.
[17] <Alpha> HE GETS IT.
[17] <Jimmy> PHUCK
[17] <Omega> OH YES.
[17] <Jimmy> Almost had it. ><
[17] <Omega> I GET IT.
[17] * Alpha Creates Jimmy.
[17] * Omega grins smugly.
[17] <Jimmy> /just/ beat me you old coot.
[17] =-= Omega is now known as Cypher
[17] =-= Cypher is now known as Omega
[17] <Omega> OH!
[17] <Omega> WHAT NOW!
[17] <Alpha> It's interesting. There's no ending without a beginning, and no beginning without an end.
[17] <Omega> ... This is overrated.
[17] =-= Omega is now known as Delta
[17] =-= ShotJon is now known as Lambda
[17] =-= YOU are now known as Combine
[17] =-= Delta is now known as G-Man
[17] * Lambda tooks out his crowbar and hits combine
[17] <Combine> Halt!
[17] <Combine> AHHH
[17] =-= Jimmy is now known as Overwatch
[17] <Combine> QUICKLY, OVERWATCH!
[17] <Combine> SAVE ME!
[17] -->| Ira ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[17] <Overwatch> Send. In. Civil. Protection. Teams. To. Two. Zero.
[17] * Lambda levitates headcrab with gravity gun and throws it on overwatch
[17] |<-- Kyoki has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86-rdmsoft [XULRunner])
[17] <G-Man> Okay, Kiki's gone, we can stop now.
[17] <Lambda> Too bad.
[17] * Combine puts Ira on the way to Novaprospekt.
[17] * Lambda likes halflife
[17] <Combine> Freaking Cajuns.
[17] <Overwatch> Life signs. Lost. For. Protection. Team. Two. Eight.
[17] <Ira> http://zer0space.files.wordpress.com/20 ... avatar.jpg
[17] <Ira> damn texans
[17] * Combine Beats Ira.
[17] <G-Man> Is it bad that I laughed at that?
[17] =-= G-Man is now known as Cypher
[17] =-= Overwatch is now known as Jimmy
[17] <Ira> i hates the combine
[17] * Combine SSharp
[17] <Combine> Whoops
[17] <Ira> lol
[17] =-= YOU are now known as SSharp
[17] =-= Lambda is now known as ShotJon

Religion and Half-Life.