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Quotes Quarantine

SARPchat Coup said:
[16] == Fred [[email protected]] has joined #Stararmy
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [+o Fred] by ChanServ
[16] <Fay> Hey, Fred.
[16] * Fred makes a coup and takes over SARPchat!
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [-o Wes] by Fred
[16] <Fay> xD
[16] == Fianusaur has changed nick to Fian
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [+o Fian] by ChanServ
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [-o Fred] by Fian
[16] <@Fian> Counter Coup!
[16] * Fred mwuahahahahas! "There can be only-"
[16] * Fred notices what Fian did to him. "...one."


Dance said:
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [+o Jimmy] by Fian
[16] == mode/#Stararmy [-o Fian] by Fian
[16] <Fian> Puppet Goverment.
[00] <Exhack> I don't want to be the Sun or the Moon! I don't want to be distant and brilliant and untouchable. I want to be loved, but as something that people can touch, can use for themselves, growing. I want to be the sea.
[00] <Exhack> ... if you'll forgive the bullshit fauxlosophical moment.
[00] <Kyoki> ....So you want to be what people dump all their waste into, thinking you can take all the crap?
[00] -->| Kai ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[00] <PlaidMage> That was some pretty epic bullshit.
[00] <PlaidMage> Also,
[00] * PlaidMage touches Exhack.
[00] * PlaidMage uses Exhack for herself.
[00] * PlaidMage smokes a cigarette.
[00] * CadetNewb lawls.
[00] <Kyoki> Plaid is the bestest in bed but was actually the worst?
[00] -->| DocTomoe ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[00] <Itkatsu|Work> i c wut u did thar
[00] <Kyoki> :3c
<Wes> Right now the Nep Navy consists of: Uso's many variants of vibrator-shaped laser-propelled fortresses of practicality and ancient designs with little or no art and inflated stats and very little interior info
<Uso> God
<Uso> Make one thing that looks like a penis...
[11] <Arieg> Plaidmage: Xenomorph, nuff said :D
[11] <PlaidMage> Arieg.
[11] <PlaidMage> :|
[11] <SSharp> Hey Plaid.
[11] <Luca> When I encounter xenomorphs, I reply with explosives from orbit
[11] |<-- Five has left irc.sorcery.net (gondor.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
[11] |<-- AbwehranCMDR has left irc.sorcery.net (gondor.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
[11] |<-- Uso has left irc.sorcery.net (gondor.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
[11] |<-- Fiani has left irc.sorcery.net (gondor.hub.sorcery.net rivendell.hub.sorcery.net)
[11] <Luca> OH SHIT!
[11] <Luca> The explosives missed.
[11] <Luca> Do I have to pay for a new server?
[11] -->| SSharp () has joined #StarArmy
[11] -->| Midori () has joined #StarArmy
[11] -->| Wes () has joined #StarArmy
[11] -->| Kyoki () has joined #StarArmy
[11] -->| Kai () has joined #StarArmy
[11] =-= Mode #Stararmy +o Wes by rivendell.hub.sorcery.net
[11] *Global* Services are now back online - have a nice day
<GamerJon> Maybe, but it won't certainly make you more fit.......
<Soresu> The act of melting chocolate in your mouth stimulates brain activity in the way kissing does. Except the chocolate actually makes the stimulation last longer.
<Kokuten> Solution.
<Kokuten> Make out longer.
<Soresu> But Kokuten.
<Soresu> You'd need a girlfriend for that.
<Kokuten> I... *sniffs...*
|<-- Kokuten has left irc.sorcery.net (Quit: Leaving)
<Soresu> ZING
[00] <@Wes> Well, I just want to keep things rolling.
[00] <Five> Moon's been flaking out, and most players do not like Uso.
[00] <Five> I'm sorry, but I'm just saying things straight.
[00] <Soresu> Well.
[00] <PlaidMage> Wes, please, please don't give Five any responsibilities.
[00] <@Wes> I know, it'd be almost as bad as giving them to you
[00] <KokuWork> OH.
[00] <KokuWork> OH.
[00] <Fiani> BURN
[00] <Five> BURN.
[00] <Arieg> BURN
[00] <KokuWork> OH OH OH.
[20] <Jimmy> Also, I propose changing the technician colour from red to anything else.
[20] <PlaidMage> You just don't want to be a redshirt.
[20] <Five> Hey. Jimmy
[20] <Five> Sillic's a technician, right?
[20] <Jimmy> ... <,<;
[20] <Five> Ultimate redshirt.
[20] <Soresu> That ain't no Scotty boy, no Scotty.
[20] <Luca> Make it Mauve, or Purple
[20] <Luca> Because Mauveshirts at least get a few kills in and show some competence before dying
[20] |<-- dusk has left irc.sorcery.net (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
[20] <SSharp> Five, and the redshirt has a tsundere girl chasing after him.
[20] <Aendri> Shit. My red-shirt is somehow one of my longest lived.
[20] <Jimmy> And a cougar.
[20] <SSharp> Lynn is much younger than Silic.
[20] <Five> Hahahaha
[20] <Five> Hahahaha
[20] <Jimmy> Not THAT cougar, THAT cougar.
[20] <SSharp> OH.
[20] <SSharp> hahahahahahah
[20] <SSharp> That's awesome.
[20] <SSharp> viewtopic.php?f=114&t=5787&p=91698#p91698
[20] <SSharp> For the reference.
[20] <Luca> KITTY!


[20] <SSharp> Meanwhile, if you scroll to my post
[20] <SSharp> Lynn sent the redshirt a message on his communicator.
[20] <SSharp> I'm giving Jimmy a chance to torture his character.
[20] <SSharp> *RRRrrrrriing! RRRrrrriing!*
[20] <Luca> Since his life imitates art more often than you think
[20] <SSharp> :P
[20] <Five> Lynn is so Tsundere that she's voiced by Rie Kugimiya
[20] <SSharp> ...
[20] <SSharp> Five.
[20] <SSharp> You magnificent bastard.
[21] <Five> Let our powers Combine
[21] <Luca> XD
[21] <Five> Earth!
[21] <Luca> FIRE
[21] <SSharp> Wind!
[21] <Five> Oh shi-
[21] <Luca> That was quick!
[21] * Wes takes forum spam pollution down to zero
14:26 PlaidNotHere I have spaghettios.
14:26 PlaidNotHere :3
14:26 Phe0n1x_ is jealous
14:26 KokuWork You know what I miss?
14:26 Tomaszavenger [TITLE: Luigi says spaghetti for 10 minutes! VIEWS: 25619 FAVES: 108 RATING: 4 RATERS: 118 UPLOADED: HappyChappy439 ] [TITLE: Luigi says spaghetti for 10 minutes! VIEWS: 25619 FAVES: 108 RATING: 4 RATERS: 118 UPLOADED: HappyChappy439 ]
14:26 TankJon Woman that sounds tasty!
14:26 KokuWork The spaghettios and meatballs(chopped wienies).
14:27 Phe0n1x_ yum
14:27 Phe0n1x_ though I just had steak... >_>
14:27 Phe0n1x_ brb
14:27 KokuWork I had a Doublilicious from KFC.
14:27 PlaidNotHere Yeah, meatballs.
14:27 KokuWork Was pretty good.
14:27 PlaidNotHere I'm eating those.
14:27 KokuWork HA HA.
14:28 KokuWork wipes a tear from his eyes.
14:28 KokuWork Whew.
14:28 KokuWork I kill me.
14:28 Tomaszavenger [TITLE: Mama Luigi Meatballs!!!! VIEWS: 202 FAVES: 1 RATING: 3 RATERS: 3 UPLOADED: ToniTheMink ] [TITLE: Mama Luigi Meatballs!!!! VIEWS: 202 FAVES: 1 RATING: 3 RATERS: 3 UPLOADED: ToniTheMink ]
14:28 PlaidNotHere I love balls.
14:28 Tomaszavenger Koku, nice reference to YTP
14:28 TankJon Hahaha.
14:28 Tomaszavenger I love YTP
14:28 PlaidNotHere I love having balls in my mouth, Kokuten.
14:28 Tomaszavenger [TITLE: Youtube poop: the true power of Rock TV VIEWS: 168007 FAVES: 27 RATING: 4 RATERS: 1898 UPLOADED: Deepercutt ] [TITLE: Youtube poop: the true power of Rock TV VIEWS: 168007 FAVES: 27 RATING: 4 RATERS: 1898 UPLOADED: Deepercutt ]
14:29 Tomaszavenger No-one cares
14:29 KokuWork How many balls can you love having in your mouth?
14:29 KokuWork snerks.
14:29 TankJon QQ anyone?
14:29 PlaidNotHere Four at a max, I find.
14:29 KokuWork Ah! Two pairs then.
14:30 PlaidNotHere Quite.
14:30 KokuWork Well.
14:30 KokuWork If you enjoy them that much, then how long do you keep them imbibed then, before going on with the usual process?
14:31 PlaidNotHere http://chronicle.com/article/The-Cautio ... -a/125452/
14:31 PlaidNotHere What, you mean before I chew them?
14:31 KokuWork Yes.
14:31 PlaidNotHere And crush them between my teeth?
14:31 Tomaszavenger Ugh...
14:31 KokuWork Yes
14:31 PlaidNotHere Like five seconds.
14:31 Tomaszavenger You know, can we keep the topic off dirty stuff like that?
14:31 Tomaszavenger At least?
14:31 KokuWork What's dirty about it?
14:31 KokuWork We're just talking about Plaid eating meatballs.
[13] * Phe0n1x thinks watching sports is silly! Playing them is more fin.
[13] <Phe0n1x> fun*
[13] <Aendri> Only one I do watch is football. Can't stand much of anything else.
[13] <Aendri> Basketball if I'm just spending time with my dad.
[13] <Aendri> But that's it.
[13] * `Emma is punted! D:>
[13] <KokuWork> The only physical activity I engage in is P90X, with my dad. The only way you can win that, is if you can make the other one laugh and screw up their excercise.
[13] <Five> Football is awesome.
[13] <Aendri> lol
[13] <`Emma> again with his two cents~
[13] * `Emma rolls.
[13] <Aendri> Sounds like a good endeavor to me, Koku.
[13] * Aendri hugs Emma to make up for the punting.
[13] * `Emma is hugged. "Yay~"
[13] <Five> Hey, Emma
[13] <Five> Atleast I'm a contributing member of SARP
[13] <`Emma> not a very good one~ doh ho ho ho! so that last ban is your what? fifth one?
[13] <KokuWork> Hrm.
[13] * Toshiro has joined #Stararmy
[13] <Aendri> Tosh, they're arguing and I can't find my hat. Do you have yours?
[13] <KokuWork> <Workout Instructor> "See she's handling at least three loads of weights right now..."
[13] <Aendri> XD
[13] <KokuWork> <KokuDad> "Three loads should be more than enough for any woman."
[13] <Aendri> I bet she is.
[13] <KokuWork> <Kokuten> "Depends on which hole your putting it in."
[13] <KokuWork> <KokuDad> *Stumbles*
[13] <KokuWork> VICTORY IS MINE.

[13] <KokuWork> But Asher is all about /desire/, of every variety. When he feels horny, he screws, when he feels violent, he fights, when he feels hungry, he eats, when he feels tired, he sleeps, when he feels artistic, he writes his name in the wall with a LASR.

[22] <Soresu> Zombie Lenon on a unicycle punching Lenin in the face while Zombie Stalin gets ganged up on by reanimated Karl Marx and Wilhelm II.
[22] <Aendri> Hah.
[22] <Soresu> And in the background Yoko Ono was set on fire.
[10] <Exhacku> I had the strangest dream~
[10] <Exhacku> It was like Fallout New Vegas except that Bill Gates was Caesar and it was the Microsoft Legion trying to seize power over some city.
[10] <Jimmy> 0,o
[10] <Jimmy> Where is Steve Jobs in all this?
[10] <Exhacku> And then I fought amazons alongside some viking dudes, using my bear hands, while the amazons has pool cues that shot kinetic beams. This after I beat all of the legionaries by pushing them into a ditch really hard.
03[10] * Fianus is now known as Fianaway
[10] <KokuWork> Ha ha!
[10] <Jimmy> 0,0
[10] <KokuWork> Exhack wins at dreaming.
[10] <Arieg> Dude thats epic shit.
[10] <Exhacku> Then some sort of crystal was activated, freezing us inside of a shell of blue crystal stuff.
[10] <Exhacku> And the dreams became a black, white and occasionally blue graphic novel.
[10] <Exhacku> Some undead demon vikings from a frozen wasteland were about to show up and the battle was going to be epic. And then I told Bill Gates not to privatize the internet and that open source was a necessary element of the internet, while the amazons are all around him doing paperwork in librarian outfits and the viking dudes are being good fathers to their sons for some reason.
[10] <Arieg> O.o
[10] <Exhacku> But then Steve Jobs showed up, shoved an iPad in my face and it had 20 pages of really creepy yuri pictures and I woke up because FUCK THAT.
[10] <Exhacku> True story, bro.
[10] <Arieg> Exhack, what the hell o.O
[10] <Haman_Khan> I drempt about three weeks ago that I was a secretary in hell to the devil herself.
[10] <Haman_Khan> It was amazing.
[10] <Exhacku> Well, Arieg.
[10] <Exhacku> The weird part was before the creepy yuri stuff, he was showing me images of moving landscapes that looked really nice.
[10] <Exhacku> And the creepy yuri stuff was REALLY CREEPY.
[10] <Exhacku> Like, girls surrounded by girls, pulling random bandaids and panties from their mouths, while surrounded by old books in a semi-sepia tint background while being in full color.
[10] <Exhacku> The dream is so vivid, too. ._.
14[10] <Phe0n1x> Well all know what you dream about now Exhack, creepy yuri stuff. :|
[10] <Haman_Khan> Exhacku: start a yume nikki.
[10] <KokuWork> IT'S A VISION.
[10] <KokuWork> MAKE IT REAL, EXHACK.
[10] <KokuWork> We need to make real space vikings.
[10] <Haman_Khan> SPACE
[10] <Haman_Khan> THE FINAL FRONTIER
[10] <Exhacku> Who are good fathers, and defeat legions by pushing them into shallow ditches really hard.
[10] <Haman_Khan> ITS MISSION
[10] <Haman_Khan> TO SEEK OUT NEW WORLDS
[10] <Haman_Khan> TO RAPE AND PILLAGE
[10] <Haman_Khan> BEFORE...
[10] <Jimmy> Reminds me of my last vivid dream, I got attacked by a pack of German Shepard sized cats.