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Quotes Quarantine

Much Ado about an Uso said:
<Soresu> Hey Exhacku.
<Soresu> He asked about the MASC just now.
<Exhacku> MASC.
<Soresu> MASC
* Jimbob crosses out Japan. Several states are already on the list.
<Frost> Jim I was trying to be nice and pretend that Japan wasn't part of America
<Frost> :V
<Frost> alright enough of that line of conversation
<Frost> back to dragons...
* Kokuten ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
* Jimbob steps away from Frost nervously, waiting to see what happens..
* Frost gets all shifty-eyed
* Frost is now watching Jimbob in a paranoid fashion
* Kyoki pushes Jimbob towards Frost
<Jimbob> >,<
<Frost> oh noe!
* Frost twists and barely dodges
* Jimbob is waiting for Gundam or something to crash through the wall and kill Frost for the Japan comment.
* Arieg is circling overhead in an A-10.
<Frost> it will never happen Jim
<Frost> buahahahahahahhahahaha
<Jimbob> I assume teh gundumbs come from spess, ur flying maens nawthing.
<Frost> right
<Frost> and now FOR MY FINAL ACT
* Frost hides his left hand
<Frost> ta-da
<Frost> ok im done now
<Frost> time for bed
* Frost ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.13/20101203074432])
<Jimbob> 'night.
* SlumberJon is now known as Japan
* Japan fires tactical skyscraper on Frosts location even though he is not online anymore.
* Jimbob looks up. 0.0
HORSE. said:
[21] <Luca> What would happen if, in the middle of a fight, horses came out of nowhere?
[21] <Kai> we'll make more products.
[21] <Luca> ^
[21] <Luca> That is hilarious.
[21] * Luca runs away and takes it out of context.
[21] <Kai> noo, my context!
[14] <`Revolver> It's chia-obama's fault
[14] * Phe0n1x says, "When in doubt, blame someone else. Hell, it's the American way."
[14] <Soresu> He's the president that GROWS failure.
[14] <Phe0n1x> xD
[14] * Phe0n1x just laughed so hard his cat exploded and ran out the room
[14] <Soresu> You simply put him in office and water him with tax payer money. And watch him fail~
Supervillains vs. Shine said:
[20:51.19pm] <PlaidMage> Oh man, why did I ever stop exercising?
[20:51.22pm] <PlaidMage> Feels good mad.
[20:51.23pm] <PlaidMage> ...man.
[20:51.35pm] <PlaidMage> I just don't care about anything anymore.
[20:51.46pm] <Kelenar> :|
[20:51.56pm] <Arieg> Are you high?
[20:52.07pm] <Kelenar> Plaid is either suicidal or a budding supervillain.
[20:52.10pm] <Kai> high on excercise, obviously.
[20:52.10pm] <PlaidMage> In a good way.
[20:52.21pm] <PlaidMage> I'm obviously a budding supervillain, though.
[20:52.22pm] <Kelenar> I vote for the latter, because it involves more capes and punching.
[20:52.25pm] <PlaidMage> Victor von Plaid.
[20:52.30pm] * Doshii likes supervillians.
[20:52.32pm] <Kelenar> Put on a cape and punch stuff.
[20:52.41pm] <PlaidMage> Can I just tie a blanket around my neck?
[20:52.50pm] <Kai> Doshii likes to blind supervillains and Superheros alike with his shiny chromedome of doom.
[20:52.58pm] <Blanket> yis
[20:53.02pm] * Doshii does blind folks that way.
[20:53.05pm] <Kelenar> That will do for a start. You'll need to practice making it billow while posing dramatically on top of a backlit cathedral in a lightning storm.
[20:53.09pm] <Nashoba> Not yet Aendri
[20:53.29pm] <Kai> he wears a helmet on his motorcycle to stop other people from crashing due to sudden blindness.
[20:53.40pm] <Doshii> Mm.
[20:54.03pm] -->| Luca ([email protected]) has joined #StarArmy
[20:54.17pm] <Aendri> It's Doshii's "Hero Killer".
[20:54.27pm]<Kai> If they started using Doshii as a solar power plant, our power problems would be solved.
[20:54.36pm] <Kai> if they could keep him still long enough.
[20:54.48pm] * Luca blinks
[20:54.53pm] <Kelenar> 'I AM THE BALD OF MY SWORD'
[20:55.09pm] <Doshii> Truth.
[20:56.10pm] <Aendri> Who needs a gun? Doshii just blinds his attackers.
[20:56.21pm] * Doshii is his own flashbang.
[20:56.31pm] <Kai> mostly flash, though.
[20:56.56pm] <Fian_Communisim_Ho> Back in the 60ies, Doshii was a favorite at parties that couldnt procure a disco ball in time.
[20:57.27pm] <Five> Wait.
[20:57.28pm] * Doshii is boogie under glass.
[20:57.36pm] <Kelenar> Somethingsomethingsomething, So as I pray, Unlimited Bald Works.
[00] <Luca> Also, Arieg said that Luca reminded him of the Joker, and L
[00] <Cy83r> ~_O
[00] <Luca> How many people do you know are complete lunatics who are terrifyingly competent?
[00] <Cy83r> ...
[00] <Cy83r> ...
[00] <Cy83r> ...
[00] <Cy83r> uhhhh
[00] <Cy83r> ...
[00] <Cy83r> Batman?
[00] <Luca> Delta Squad ops?
[00] * Cy83r snerks
[00] <Cy83r> those two sam fischer goofballs?
[00] <Luca> Amongst other things!
[00] <Cy83r> ooh!
[00] <Cy83r> the Animaniacs
[00] <Cy83r> and Freakazoid
[00] <Luca> YES
* NekoMimiKampfer ([email protected]) has joined #Stararmy
<NekoMimiKampfer> NEKO MIMI MODO NE~
<NekoMimiKampfer> NEKO MIMI MODO~
<Ben> Been watching Moon Phase, Kamp?
<NekoMimiKampfer> NEKO MIMI MO-DO
<NekoMimiKampfer> NEKO MIMI MO-DO DESU
<NekoMimiKampfer> UNYA~
<NekoMimiKampfer> UNYANYA~
<NekoMimiKampfer> UNYANYA~N
<NekoMimiKampfer> FURUFURU, FURUMU~N
* Kai ([email protected]) has joined #Stararmy
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to Kai
<NekoMimiKampfer> ONII SAMA
* NekoMimiKampfer has quit (Client Quit)
Reminder: Any posts in this thread that contain sexual content will be deleted. Those posts belong in the other quotes quarantine thread in the restricted forums.
09:22 Itkatsu It is to me :V
09:23 KokuWork Itkatsu!
09:23 KokuWork There's a laser in mouth! :A
09:23 Itkatsu Kokunut!
09:23 Itkatsu Shoopdawhoop
09:24 KokuWork :A
09:24 KokuWork ||
09:24 KokuWork ||
09:24 KokuWork ||
09:24 KokuWork ||
09:24 KokuWork ;o
09:24 *** Blind_Gardener left #Stararmy
09:25 Blas Hey Kel you here?
09:25 Itkatsu Direct hit on Blind_Gardener; it's super effective!
<Ben> In fact, smoking in any spaceship is probably a bad idea.
<AbwehranCommander> which surprised me
<Five> <Michael> "..." *Lights up infront of Hanako, pulling on some shades* "Deal with it."
<Kalshion|Kyle> Main reasons it's not allowed
<Five> Actually it isn't allowed because Wes doesnt like smoking
<AbwehranCommander> oh look
<Kalshion|Kyle> His board, his rules :p
<AbwehranCommander> I'm smoking in an enclosed space surrounded by vacuum
<AbwehranCommander> this is the best idea ever